
Gerhard Reitmayr

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14EEAnn Morrison, Antti Oulasvirta, Peter Peltonen, Saija Lemmelä, Giulio Jacucci, Gerhard Reitmayr, Jaana Näsänen, Antti Juustila: Like bees around the hive: a comparative study of a mobile augmented reality map. CHI 2009: 1889-1898
13EEDieter Schmalstieg, Gerhard Schall, Daniel Wagner, István Barakonyi, Gerhard Reitmayr, Joseph Newman, Florian Ledermann: Managing Complex Augmented Reality Models. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(4): 48-57 (2007)
12EEGerhard Reitmayr, Tom Drummond: Going out: robust model-based tracking for outdoor augmented reality. ISMAR 2006: 109-118
11EEGerhard Reitmayr, Ethan Eade, Tom Drummond: Localisation and Interaction for Augmented Maps. ISMAR 2005: 120-129
10EEEdward Rosten, Gerhard Reitmayr, Tom Drummond: Real-Time Video Annotations for Augmented Reality. ISVC 2005: 294-302
9EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: OpenTracker: A flexible software design for three-dimensional interaction. Virtual Reality 9(1): 79-92 (2005)
8EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: Location based Applications for Mobile Augmented Reality. AUIC 2003: 65-73
7EEGerhard Reitmayr, Mark Billinghurst, Dieter Schmalstieg: WireAR-Legacy Applications in Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2003: 331-332
6 Dieter Schmalstieg, Gerhard Reitmayr, Gerd Hesina: Distributed Applications for Collaborative Three-Dimensional Workspaces. Presence 12(1): 52-67 (2003)
5EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality. ISAR 2001: 114-123
4EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: A Wearable 3D Augmented Reality Workspace. ISWC 2001: 165-166
3EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: OpenTracker-An Open Software Architecture for Reconfigurable Tracking Based on XML. VR 2001: 285-286
2EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: An open software architecture for virtual reality interaction. VRST 2001: 47-54
1EEGerhard Reitmayr, Shane Carroll, Andrew Reitemeyer, Michael G. Wagner: DeepMatrix - An open technology based virtual environment system. The Visual Computer 15(7/8): 395-412 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1István Barakonyi [13]
2Mark Billinghurst [7]
3Shane Carroll [1]
4Tom Drummond [10] [11] [12]
5Ethan Eade [11]
6Gerd Hesina [6]
7Giulio Jacucci (Giulio Iacucci) [14]
8Antti Juustila [14]
9Florian Ledermann [13]
10Saija Lemmelä [14]
11Ann Morrison [14]
12Jaana Näsänen [14]
13Joseph Newman [13]
14Antti Oulasvirta [14]
15Peter Peltonen [14]
16Andrew Reitemeyer [1]
17Edward Rosten [10]
18Gerhard Schall [13]
19Dieter Schmalstieg [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13]
20Daniel Wagner [13]
21Michael G. Wagner [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)