
Jens Herder

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5EEBjörn Wöldecke, Tom Vierjahn, Matthias Flasko, Jens Herder, Christian Geiger: Steering actors through a virtual set employing vibro-tactile feedback. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 169-174
4EEN. Koizumi, W. Martens, Jens Herder: Panel 2: Eartop Computing and Cyberspatial Audio Technology. VR 2001: 322-
3EEKenji Suzuki, Yuji Nishoji, Jens Herder: Implementation of aural attributes for simulation of room effects in virtual environments. ACM Multimedia 2000: 439-441
2EEJens Herder: Tools and widgets for spatial sound authoring. Computer Networks 30(20-21): 1933-1940 (1998)
1 Jan Hesse, Rainer König, Filippo Logi, Jens Herder: A Prototype of an Interface Bilder for the Common Lisp Interface Manager - CLIB. SIGPLAN Notices 28(8): 19-28 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Matthias Flasko [5]
2Christian Geiger [5]
3Jan Hesse [1]
4N. Koizumi [4]
5Rainer König [1]
6Filippo Logi [1]
7W. Martens [4]
8Yuji Nishoji [3]
9Kenji Suzuki [3]
10Tom Vierjahn [5]
11Björn Wöldecke [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)