
A. Tanaka

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5EEQi-Wei Ge, A. Tanaka: On optimality of a two-processor scheduling for program nets with combined OR-nodes. ISCAS (3) 2001: 644-647
4EEScott S. Fisher, A. Tanaka, Laurent Mignonneau: Panel 1: Relating Real and Virtual Space in Art. VR 2001: 321
3 H. Masui, A. Tanaka, K. Miyoshi: Engineering Office Systems for Concurrent Engineering. DIISM 1993: 389-400
2EEA. Tanaka, O. Nakamura: A probabilistic inference method with multiple evidences and its implementation using a layered network. SPDP 1990: 799-805
1EES. Ishii, T. Abe, Y. Hidai, A. Tanaka: An operations advisor for an on-line computer banking system with graphics interface. IEA/AIE (2) 1989: 568-576

Coauthor Index

1T. Abe [1]
2Scott S. Fisher [4]
3Qi-Wei Ge [5]
4Y. Hidai [1]
5S. Ishii [1]
6H. Masui [3]
7Laurent Mignonneau [4]
8K. Miyoshi [3]
9O. Nakamura [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)