
Yangsheng Xu

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66EEWenfu Xu, Bin Liang, Cheng Li, Yu Liu, Yangsheng Xu: Autonomous target capturing of free-floating space robot: Theory and experiments. Robotica 27(3): 425-445 (2009)
65EEJingyu Yan, Guoqing Xu, Yangsheng Xu, Benliang Xie: Battery state-of-charge estimation based on Hinfinity filter for hybrid electric vehicle. ICARCV 2008: 464-469
64EEMeng Chen, Bufu Huang, Yangsheng Xu: Intelligent shoes for abnormal gait detection. ICRA 2008: 2019-2024
63EEMeng Chen, Bufu Huang, Yangsheng Xu: Postural kyphosis detection using intelligent shoes. ICRA 2008: 2954-2958
62EEPanfeng Huang, Gang Liu, Jianping Yuan, Yangsheng Xu: Multi-Objective Optimal Trajectory Planning of Space Robot Using Particle Swarm Optimization. ISNN (2) 2008: 171-179
61EEWenfu Xu, Yu Liu, Bin Liang, Yangsheng Xu, Wenyi Qiang: Autonomous Path Planning and Experiment Study of Free-floating Space Robot for Target Capturing. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 51(3): 303-331 (2008)
60EEBufu Huang, Meng Chen, Panfeng Huang, Yangsheng Xu: Gait Modeling for Human Identification. ICRA 2007: 4833-4838
59EEXinyu Wu, Wingkwong Chung, Hang Tong, Jun Cheng, Yangsheng Xu: A New Solder Paste Inspection Device: Design and Algorithm. ICRA 2007: 680-685
58EEZhancheng Wang, Weimin Li, Yangsheng Xu: A novel power control strategy of series hybrid electric vehicle. IROS 2007: 96-102
57EEZhancheng Wang, Guoqing Xu, Weimin Li, Yangsheng Xu: Driving Load Forecasting Using Cascade Neural Networks. ISNN (3) 2007: 988-997
56EEJun Cheng, Ronald Chung, Edmund Y. Lam, Kenneth S. M. Fung, Yangsheng Xu: Optimization of Bit-Pairing Codification with Learning for 3D Reconstruction. Int. J. Image Graphics 7(3): 445-462 (2007)
55EEPanfeng Huang, Yangsheng Xu: Svm-Based Learning Control of Space Robots in Capturing Operation. Int. J. Neural Syst. 17(6): 467-477 (2007)
54EEWenfu Xu, Bin Liang, Yangsheng Xu, Cheng Li, Wenyi Qiang: A Ground Experiment System of Free-floating Robot For Capturing Space Target. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 48(2): 187-208 (2007)
53EEPanfeng Huang, Kai Chen, Yangsheng Xu: Optimal Path Planning for Minimizing Disturbance of Space Robot. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
52EEYufeng Chen, Zhi Zhong, Ka Keung Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Multi-agent Based Surveillance. IROS 2006: 2810-2815
51EEZhancheng Wang, Weimin Li, Hang Tong, Yangsheng Xu: A Novel On-board Temperature Monitoring Approach in the Reflow Soldering Process. IROS 2006: 4245-4251
50EEBufu Huang, Zhancheng Wang, Yangsheng Xu: Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Parameter Optimization. IROS 2006: 5177-5182
49EEPanfeng Huang, Wenfu Xu, Yangsheng Xu, Bin Liang: Learning Control for Space Robotic Operation Using Support Vector Machines. ISNN (2) 2006: 1208-1217
48EEXiaoning Meng, Yongsheng Ou, Ka Keung Lee, Yangsheng Xu: An Intelligent Vehicle Security System Based on Modeling Human Driving Behaviors. ISNN (2) 2006: 73-81
47EEPanfeng Huang, Yangsheng Xu, Bin Liang: Dynamic Balance Control of Multi-arm Free-Floating Space Robots CoRR abs/cs/0601056: (2006)
46EEJianming Hu, Xi Shi, Jingyan Song, Yangsheng Xu: Optimal Design for Urban Mass Transit Network Based on Evolutionary Algorithms. ICNC (2) 2005: 1089-1100
45 Xi Shi, Yangsheng Xu: A Wearable Translation Robot. ICRA 2005: 4400-4405
44EEHon Nin Chow, Yangsheng Xu: Learning and Transferring Human Navigational Skill to Wheelchair. ICRA 2004: 1155-1160
43EEJun Cheng, Yangsheng Xu, Ronald Chung: Learning Human Tracking and Intercepting Skill. ICRA 2004: 1161-1166
42EEYangsheng Xu, Ming Ge, Ruxu Du: A Real-time Monitoring and Diagnosis System for Manufacturing Automation. ICRA 2004: 1424-1429
41EEShui Yuan, Ming Ge, Hai Qiu, Jay Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Intelligent Diagnosis in Electromechanical Operation Systems. ICRA 2004: 2267-2272
40EEYongsheng Ou, Yangsheng Xu: Convergence Analysis for a Class of Skill Learning Controllers. ICRA 2004: 2653-2658
39EEKa Keung Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Boundary Modeling in Human Walking Trajectory Analysis for Surveillance. ICRA 2004: 5201-5205
38EEYongsheng Ou, Yangsheng Xu: Gyroscopically Stabilized Robot: Balance and Tracking CoRR abs/cs/0412050: (2004)
37EEKa Keung Lee, Ping Zhang, Yangsheng Xu, Bin Liang: An intelligent service-based network architecture for wearable robots. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(4): 1874-1885 (2004)
36EEKa Keung Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Computational Intelligence for Modeling Human Sensations in Virtual Environments. JACIII 8(3): 302-312 (2004)
35 Ka Keung Lee, Ping Zhang, Yangsheng Xu: A service-based network architecture for wearable robots. ICRA 2003: 1671-1676
34 Ka Keung Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Real-time estimation of facial expression intensity. ICRA 2003: 2567-2572
33 Yongsheng Ou, Yangsheng Xu: Learning human control strategy for dynamically stable robots: support vector machine approach. ICRA 2003: 3455-3460
32 Yongsheng Ou, Yangsheng Xu: On learning control with limited training data. ICRA 2003: 4148-4153
31 Yongsheng Ou, Yangsheng Xu: Stabilization and Line Tracking of the Gyroscopically Stabilized Robot. ICRA 2002: 1753-1758
30 Cedric Kwok-ho Law, Yangsheng Xu: Shared Control for Navigation and Balance of a Dynamically Stable Robot. ICRA 2002: 1985-1990
29EEYangsheng Xu, Jingyan Song, Michael C. Nechyba, Yeung Yam: Performance evaluation and optimization of human control strategy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 39(1): 19-36 (2002)
28 Yangsheng Xu, Jiong Zhang: Abstracting human control strategy in projecting light source. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 5(1): 27-32 (2001)
27 Michael C. Nechyba, Yangsheng Xu: On learning discontinuous human control strategies. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(4): 547-570 (2001)
26 Christopher Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Trajectory Fitting with Smoothing Splines using Velocity Information. ICRA 2000: 2796-2801
25 Kwok Wai Au, Yangsheng Xu: Path Following of a Single Wheel Robot. ICRA 2000: 2925-2930
24 Wenjie Dong, Yangsheng Xu, Qi Wang: On Tracking Control of Mobile Manipulators. ICRA 2000: 3455-3460
23 Yangsheng Xu, Loi Wah Sun: Stabilization of a Gyroscopically Stabilized Robot on an Inclined Plane. ICRA 2000: 3549-3554
22EEMichael Y. F. Kwok, Wenli Zhou, Wen J. Li, Yangsheng Xu: Micro Nafion Actuators for Cellular Motion Control and Underwater Manipulation. ISER 2000: 471-480
21 Jingyan Song, Yangsheng Xu, Michael C. Nechyba, Yeung Yam: Transfer of Human Control Strategy Based on Similarity Measure. ICRA 1999: 3134-3139
20 Jiong Zhang, Yangsheng Xu: Modeling of Human Strategy in Controlling Light Source. ICRA 1999: 3140-
19 Yangsheng Xu, Kwok Wai Au, W. K. Yu: Control of a Gyroscopically Stabilized Robot. ISER 1999: 215-224
18EEYangsheng Xu, H. Benjamin Brown Jr., Kwok Wai Au: Dynamic Mobility with Single-Wheel Configuration. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(7): 728-738 (1999)
17EEChristopher Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Message-Based Evaluation in Scheme for High-Level Robot Control. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 25(2): 109-119 (1999)
16 Michael C. Nechyba, Yangsheng Xu: On Discontinuous Human Control Strategies. ICRA 1998: 2237-2243
15 Jingyan Song, Yangsheng Xu, Michael C. Nechyba, Yeung Yam: Two Performances Measures for Evaluating Human Control Strategy. ICRA 1998: 2250-2255
14 Gora C. Nandy, Yangsheng Xu: Dynamic Model of a Gyroscopic Wheel. ICRA 1998: 2683-2688
13 Christopher Lee, Yangsheng Xu: Message-Based Evaluation for High-Level Robot Control. ICRA 1998: 844-849
12EEMichael C. Nechyba, Yangsheng Xu: Learning and Transfer of Human Real-Time Control Strategies. JACIII 1(2): 137-154 (1997)
11EEYangsheng Xu, Raju Mattikalli, Pradeep K. Khosla: Determining two minimal circumscribing discs for a polygon. Computer-Aided Design 27(3): 223-234 (1995)
10EEAlexander Douglas, Yangsheng Xu: Real-time shared control system for space telerobotics. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 13(3): 247-262 (1995)
9 Jie Yang, Yangsheng Xu, C. S. Chen: Gesture Interface: Modeling and Learning. ICRA 1994: 1747-1752
8 Michael C. Nechyba, Yangsheng Xu: SM2 for New Space Station Structure: Autonomous Locomotion and Teleoperation Control. ICRA 1994: 1765-1770
7EEYangsheng Xu, Hiroshi Ueno: Modeling and configuration-independent control of a self-mobile space manipulator. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 10(1): 37-58 (1994)
6EEYangsheng Xu, Ben Brown, Shigeru Aoki, Takeo Kanade: Mobility and manipulation of a light-weight space robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 13(1): 1-12 (1994)
5 R. Todd Newton, Yangsheng Xu: Real-Time Implementation of Neural Network Learning Control of a Flexible Space Manipulator. ICRA (1) 1993: 135-141
4 Jie Yang, Yangsheng Xu, C. S. Chen: Hidden Markov Model Approach to Skill Learning and Its Application in Telerobotics. ICRA (1) 1993: 396-402
3 You-Liang Gu, Yangsheng Xu: A Normal Form Augmentation Approach to Adaptive Control of Space Robot Systems. ICRA (2) 1993: 731-737
2 Yangsheng Xu: The Measure of Dynamic Coupling of Space Robot Systems. ICRA (3) 1993: 615-620
1 Yangsheng Xu, Richard P. Paul, Peter I. Corke: Hybrid Position Force Control of Robot Manipulator with an Instrumented Compliant Wrist. ISER 1989: 244-270

Coauthor Index

1Shigeru Aoki [6]
2Kwok Wai Au [18] [19] [25]
3Ben Brown [6]
4H. Benjamin Brown Jr. [18]
5C. S. Chen [4] [9]
6Kai Chen [53]
7Meng Chen [60] [63] [64]
8Yufeng Chen [52]
9Jun Cheng [43] [56] [59]
10Hon Nin Chow [44]
11Ronald Chung [43] [56]
12Wingkwong Chung [59]
13Peter I. Corke [1]
14Wenjie Dong [24]
15Alexander Douglas [10]
16Ruxu Du [42]
17Kenneth S. M. Fung [56]
18Ming Ge [41] [42]
19You-Liang Gu [3]
20Jianming Hu [46]
21Bufu Huang [50] [60] [63] [64]
22Panfeng Huang [47] [49] [53] [55] [60] [62]
23Takeo Kanade [6]
24Pradeep K. Khosla [11]
25Michael Y. F. Kwok [22]
26Edmund Y. Lam [56]
27Cedric Kwok-ho Law [30]
28Christopher Lee [13] [17] [26]
29Jay Lee [41]
30Ka Keung Lee [34] [35] [36] [37] [39] [48] [52]
31Cheng Li [54] [66]
32Weimin Li [51] [57] [58]
33Wen J. Li [22]
34Bin Liang [37] [47] [49] [54] [61] [66]
35Gang Liu [62]
36Yu Liu [61] [66]
37Raju Mattikalli [11]
38Xiaoning Meng [48]
39Gora C. Nandy [14]
40Michael C. Nechyba [8] [12] [15] [16] [21] [27] [29]
41R. Todd Newton [5]
42Yongsheng Ou [31] [32] [33] [38] [40] [48]
43Richard P. Paul [1]
44Wenyi Qiang [54] [61]
45Hai Qiu [41]
46Xi Shi [45] [46]
47Jingyan Song [15] [21] [29] [46]
48Loi Wah Sun [23]
49Hang Tong [51] [59]
50Hiroshi Ueno [7]
51Qi Wang [24]
52Zhancheng Wang [50] [51] [57] [58]
53Xinyu Wu [59]
54Benliang Xie [65]
55Guoqing Xu [57] [65]
56Wenfu Xu [49] [54] [61] [66]
57Yeung Yam [15] [21] [29]
58Jingyu Yan [65]
59Jie Yang [4] [9]
60W. K. Yu [19]
61Jianping Yuan [62]
62Shui Yuan [41]
63Jiong Zhang [20] [28]
64Ping Zhang [35] [37]
65Zhi Zhong [52]
66Wenli Zhou [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)