2. MICCAI 1999:
Chris J. Taylor, Alan C. F. Colchester (Eds.):
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI'99, Second International Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 19-22, 1999, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1679 Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-66503-X BibTeX
editor = {Chris J. Taylor 0002 and
Alan C. F. Colchester},
title = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -
MICCAI'99, Second International Conference, Cambridge, UK, September
19-22, 1999, Proceedings},
booktitle = {MICCAI},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1679},
year = {1999},
isbn = {3-540-66503-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Data-Driven Segmentation
- Michael Kaus, Simon K. Warfield, Arya Nabavi, E. Chatzidakis, Peter M. Black, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Ron Kikinis:
Segmentation of Meningiomas and Low Grade Gliomas in MRI.
1-10 BibTeX
- Koen Van Leemput, Frederik Maes, Fernando Bello, Dirk Vandermeulen, Alan C. F. Colchester, Paul Suetens:
Automated Segmentation of MS Lesions from Multi-channel MR Images.
11-21 BibTeX
- Anne L. Martel, Steven J. Allder, Gota S. Delay, Paul S. Morgan, Alan R. Moody:
Measurement of Infarct Volume in Stroke Patients Using Adaptive Segmentation of Diffusion Weighted MR Images.
22-31 BibTeX
- Andreas Rick, Serge Muller, Sylvie Bothorel, Michel Grimaud:
Quantitative Modelling of Microcalcification Detection in Digital Mammography.
32-41 BibTeX
- Christof Rezk-Salama, Peter Hastreiter, K. Eberhardt, Bernd Tomandl, Thomas Ertl:
Interactive Direct Volume Rendering of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae in MR-CISS Data.
42-51 BibTeX
- S. A. Hojjatoleslami, Frithjof Kruggel, D. Yves von Cramon:
Segmentation of White Matter Lesions from Volumetric MR Images.
52-61 BibTeX
- Simon K. Warfield, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Charles R. G. Guttmann, Marilyn S. Albert, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Ron Kikinis:
Fractional Segmentation of White Matter.
62-71 BibTeX
- Mohamed N. Ahmed, Sameh M. Yamany, N. A. Mohamed, Aly A. Farag:
A Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for MRI Bias Field Estimation and Adaptive Segmentation.
72-81 BibTeX
- Albert C. S. Chung, J. Alison Noble:
Statistical 3D Vessel Segmentation Using a Rician Distribution.
82-89 BibTeX
- M. Elena Martínez-Pérez, Alun D. Hughes, Alice V. Stanton, Simon A. Thom, Anil A. Bharath, Kim H. Parker:
Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation by Means of Scale-Space Analysis and Region Growing.
90-97 BibTeX
- Petr Dokládal, Christophe Lohou, Laurent Perroton, Gilles Bertrand:
Liver Blood Vessels Extraction by a 3-D Topological Approach.
98-105 BibTeX
Segmentation Using Structural Models
- Johannes Hug, Christian Brechbühler, Gábor Székely:
Tamed Snake: A Particle System for Robust Semi-automatic Segmentation.
106-115 BibTeX
- Jianming Liang, Tim McInerney, Demetri Terzopoulos:
Interactive Medical Image Segmentation with United Snakes.
116-127 BibTeX
- G. Behiels, Dirk Vandermeulen, Frederik Maes, Paul Suetens, P. Dewaele:
Active Shape Model-Based Segmentation of Digital X-ray Images.
128-137 BibTeX
- Markus Fleute, Stéphane Lavallée:
Nonrigid 3-D/2-D Registration of Images Using Statistical Models.
138-147 BibTeX
- Xiaolan Zeng, Lawrence H. Staib, Robert T. Schultz, Hemant Tagare, Lawrence Win, James S. Duncan:
A New Approach to 3D Sulcal Ribbon Finding from MR Images.
148-157 BibTeX
- Maryam E. Rettmann, Chenyang Xu, Dzung L. Pham, Jerry L. Prince:
Automated Segmentation of Sulcal Regions.
158-167 BibTeX
- Johan Montagnat, Hervé Delingette, Grégoire Malandain:
Cylindrical Echocardiographic Image Segmentation Based on 3D Deformable Models.
168-175 BibTeX
- Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Philippe Cinquin, Jean-Philippe Baguet:
Active Model Based Carotid Ultrasonic Data Segmentation.
176-183 BibTeX
- Bram van Ginneken, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny:
Automatic Segmentation of Lung Fields in Chest Radiographs.
184-191 BibTeX
- Jyrki Lötjönen, Isabelle E. Magnin, L. Reinhardt, Jukka Nenonen, Toivo Katila:
Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Geometry Using Projections and a Geometric Prior Model.
192-201 BibTeX
- Matthieu Ferrant, Simon K. Warfield, Charles R. G. Guttmann, Robert V. Mulkern, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Ron Kikinis:
3D Image Matching Using a Finite Element Based Elastic Deformation Model.
202-209 BibTeX
Image Processing and Feature Detection
- Erik H. W. Meijering, Wiro J. Niessen, Josien P. W. Pluim, Max A. Viergever:
Quantitative Comparison of Sinc-Approximating Kernels for Medical Image Interpolation.
210-217 BibTeX
- J. Ross Mitchell, Paula j. Gareau Foster, Stephen Karlik, Brian K. Rutt:
A Post-processing Technique to Suppress Fluid Signal and Increase Contrast in Multispectral MR Exams of MS Patients.
218-226 BibTeX
- Margaret Yam, Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady:
De-noising hint Surfaces: A Physics-Based Approach.
227-234 BibTeX
- François Chabat, David M. Hansell, Guang-Zhong Yang:
ERS Transform for the Detection of Bronchi on CT of the Lungs.
235-244 BibTeX
- Margrit Betke, Jane P. Ko:
Detection of Pulmonary Nodules on Ct and Volumetric Assessment of Change over Time.
245-252 BibTeX
- Sönke Frantz, Karl Rohr, H. Siegfried Stiehl:
Improving the Detection Performance in Semi-automatic Landmark Extraction.
253-262 BibTeX
- Reyer Zwiggelaar, Christopher J. Taylor, Caroline R. M. Boggis:
Automatic Classification of Linear Structures in Mammographic Images.
263-270 BibTeX
Surfaces and Shape
- Sigurd Angenent, Steven Haker, Allen Tannenbaum, Ron Kikinis:
Conformal Geometry and Brain Flattening.
271-278 BibTeX
- Monica K. Hurdal, Philip L. Bowers, Ken Stephenson, De Witt L. Sumners, Kelly Rehm, Kirt Schaper, David A. Rottenberg:
Quasi-Conformally Flat Mapping the Human Cerebellum.
279-286 BibTeX
- Junfeng Guo, Ioan Alexandru Salomie, Rudi Deklerck, Jan Cornelis:
Rendering the Unfolded Cerebral Cortex.
287-296 BibTeX
- Chee Fatt Chan, Chee-Keong Kwoh, Ming Yeong Teo, Wan Sing Ng:
Tessellated Surface Reconstruction from 2D Contours.
297-307 BibTeX
- Stephen M. Smith, Mark Jenkinson:
Accurate Robust Symmetry Estimation.
308-317 BibTeX
- S. Y. Yeung, Hung-Tat Tsui, A. Yim:
Global Shape from Shading for an Endoscope Image.
318-327 BibTeX
Measurement and Interpretation
- Alan D. Brett, John C. Waterton, Stuart Solloway, J. E. Foster, M. C. Keen, S. Gandy, B. J. Middleton, Rose A. Maciewicz, I. Watt, P. A. Dieppe, Christopher J. Taylor:
The Measurement of Focal Diurnal Variation in the Femoral Articular Cartilage of the Knee.
328-337 BibTeX
- Yoshinobu Sato, Tetsuya Kubota, Katsuyuki Nakanishi, Hisashi Tanaka, Nobuhiko Sugano, Takashi Nishii, Kenji Ohzono, Hironobu Nakamura, Takahiro Ochi, Shinichi Tamura:
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of Hip Joint Cartilages from Magnetic Resonances Images.
338-347 BibTeX
- Frederik Maes, Koen Van Leemput, Lynn E. DeLisi, Dirk Vandermeulen, Paul Suetens:
Quantification of Cerebral Grey and White Matter Asymmetry from MRI.
348-357 BibTeX
- Alejandro F. Frangi, Wiro J. Niessen, Romhild M. Hoogeveen, Theo van Walsum, Max A. Viergever:
Quantitation of Vessel Morphology from 3D MRA.
358-367 BibTeX
- M. E. Clark, Meide Zhao, Francis Loth, Noam Alperin, Lewis Sadler, Kern Guppy, Fady T. Charbel:
A Patient-Specific Computer Model for Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in the Cerebral Circulation Using MR Flow Measurements.
368-377 BibTeX
- Alexei Manso Correa Machado, James C. Gee, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos:
Exploratory Factor Analysis in Morphometry.
378-385 BibTeX
- Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kensaku Mori, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Potential Usefulness of Curvature Based Description for Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules.
386-393 BibTeX
- Tetsuya Tozaki, Akira Tanaka, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Pulmonary Organs Analysis Method and Its Evaluation Based on Thoracic Thin-Section CT Images.
394-401 BibTeX
- Z. Mao, A. J. Naftel:
An Automatic Approach for 3-D Facial Shape Change Analysis by Combination of ASM and Morphometric Tools.
402-409 BibTeX
Spatiotemporal and Diffusion Tensor Analysis
- Einar Brandt, Lars Wigström, Bengt Wranne:
Segmentation of Echocardiographic Image Sequences Using Spatio-temporal Information.
410-419 BibTeX
- Xenophon Papademetris, Albert J. Sinusas, Donald P. Dione, James S. Duncan:
3D Cardiac Deformation from Ultrasound Images.
420-429 BibTeX
- Elsa D. Angelini, Andrew Laine, Shin Takuma, Shunichi Homma:
Directional Representations of 4D Echocardiography for Temporal Quantification of LV Volume.
430-440 BibTeX
- Carl-Fredrik Westin, S. E. Maier, B. Khidhir, Peter Everett, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Ron Kikinis:
Image Processing for Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
441-452 BibTeX
- Cyril Poupon, C. A. Clark, Vincent Frouin, Denis Le Bihan, Isabelle Bloch, Jean-Francois Mangin:
Inferring the Brain Connectivitiy from MR Diffusion Tensor Data.
453-462 BibTeX
- Daniel C. Alexander, James C. Gee, Ruzena Bajcsy:
Strategies for Data Reorientation during Non-rigid Warps of Diffusion Tensor Images.
463-472 BibTeX
- Andy Tsai, John W. Fisher III, Cindy Wible, William M. Wells III, Junmo Kim, Alan S. Willsky:
Analysis of Functional MRI Data Using Mutual Information.
473-480 BibTeX
- Eero Salli, Ari Visa, Hannu J. Aronen, Antti Korvenoja, Toivo Katila:
Statistical Segmentation of fMRI Activations Using Contextual Clustering.
481-488 BibTeX
- Gabriele Lohmann, D. Yves von Cramon:
Using Sulcal Basins for Analysing Functional Activations Patterns in the Human Brain.
489-497 BibTeX
- Amir A. Amini, Yasheng Chen, Dana Abendschein:
Comparison of Land-Mark-Based and Curve-Based Thin-Plate Warps for Analysis of Left-Ventricular Motion from Tagged MRI.
498-507 BibTeX
- Marie-Odile Berger, Goetz Winterfeldt, Jean-Paul Lethor:
Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences without Learning Stage: Application to the 3D Reconstruction of the Beating Left Ventricule.
508-515 BibTeX
- Djamal Boukerroui, Olivier Basset, Atilla Baskurt, J. Alison Noble:
Segmentation of Echocardiographic Data. Multiresolution 2D and 3D Algorithm Based on Grey Level Statistics.
516-523 BibTeX
Registration and Fusion
- A. J. Lacey, Neil A. Thacker, E. Burton, Alan Jackson:
Locating Motion Artifacts in Parametric fMRI Analysis.
524-532 BibTeX
- Per Rønsholt Andresen, Mads Nielsen:
Non-rigid Registration by Geometry-Constrained Diffusion.
533-543 BibTeX
- C. B. H. Wolstenholme, Christopher J. Taylor:
Wavelet Compression of Active Appearance Models.
544-554 BibTeX
- Alexis Roche, Grégoire Malandain, Nicholas Ayache, Sylvain Prima:
Towards a Better Comprehension of Similarity Measures Used in Medical Image Registration.
555-566 BibTeX
- Ravi Bansal, Lawrence H. Staib, Zhe Chen, Anand Rangarajan, Jonathan Knisely, Ravinder Nath, James S. Duncan:
Entropy-Based, Multiple-Portal-to-3DCT Registration for Prostate Radiotherapy Using Iteratively Estimated Segmentation.
567-578 BibTeX
- Matthew J. Clarkson, Daniel Rueckert, Andrew P. King, Philip J. Edwards, Derek L. G. Hill, David J. Hawkes:
Registration of Video Images to Tomographic Images by Optimising Mutual Information Using Texture Mapping.
579-588 BibTeX
- Benoit M. Dawant, S. L. Hartmann, S. Gadamsetty:
Brain Atlas Deformation in the Presence of Large Space-occupying Tumors.
589-596 BibTeX
- Xavier Pennec, Pascal Cachier, Nicholas Ayache:
Understanding the "Demon's Algorithm": 3D Non-rigid Registration by Gradient Descent.
597-605 BibTeX
- Jennifer L. Boes, Charles R. Meyer:
Multi-variate Mutual Information for Registration.
606-612 BibTeX
- Jeannette L. Herring, Benoit M. Dawant:
Automatic Identification of a Particular Vertebra in the Spinal Column Using Surface-Based Registration.
613-620 BibTeX
- Mei Chen, Takeo Kanade, Dean Pomerleau, Jeff G. Schneider:
3-D Deformable Registration of Medical Images Using a Statistical Atlas.
621-630 BibTeX
- Charles R. Meyer, Jennifer L. Boes, Boklye Kim, Peyton H. Bland:
Probabilistic Brain Atlas Construction: Thin-Plate Spline Warping via Maximization of Mutual Information.
631-637 BibTeX
- Boklye Kim, Jennifer L. Boes, Peyton H. Bland, Charles R. Meyer:
Out-of-Plane Non-linear Warping of a Slice into Volume.
638-645 BibTeX
- Julian Mattes, Jacques Demongeot:
Tree Representation and Implicit Tree Matching for a Coarse to Fine Image Matching Algorithm.
646-655 BibTeX
- Jürgen Weese, Peter Rösch, Thomas Netsch, Thomas Blaffert, Marcel Quist:
Gray-Value Based Registration of CT and MR Images by Maximization of Local Correlation.
656-663 BibTeX
- Erwan Kerrien, Marie-Odile Berger, Eric Maurincomme, Laurent Launay, Régis Vaillant, Luc Picard:
Fully Automatic 3D/2D Subtracted Angiography Registration.
664-671 BibTeX
- Ayman M. Eldeib, Sameh M. Yamany, Aly A. Farag:
Multi-modal Medical Volumes Fusion by Surface Matching.
672-679 BibTeX
- Pierre Hellier, Christian Barillot, Étienne Mémin, Patrick Pérez:
Medical Image Registration with Robust Multigrid Techniques.
680-687 BibTeX
- Nassir Navab, Matthias Mitschke, Oliver Schütz:
Camera-Augmented Mobile C-arm (CAMC) Application: 3D Reconstruction Using a Low-Cost Mobile C-arm.
688-697 BibTeX
- Philip D. Allen, Christopher J. Taylor, Ariane L. Herrick, Tonia Moore:
Image Analysis of Nailfold Capillary Patterns from Video Sequences.
698-705 BibTeX
- Herke Jan Noordmans, Hans T. M. van der Voort, Max A. Viergever:
Modeling Spectral Changes to Visualize Embedded Volume Structures for Medical Image Data.
706-715 BibTeX
- Andrew H. Gee, Richard W. Prager, Laurence H. Berman:
Non-planar Reslicing for Freehand 3D Ultrasound.
716-725 BibTeX
- Reza Kasrai, Frederick A. A. Kingdom, Terry M. Peters:
The Perception of Transparency in Medical Images.
726-733 BibTeX
- Herke Jan Noordmans, C. W. M. van Veelen, Max A. Viergever:
Localisation of Subdural EEG Electrode Bundles in an Interactive Volume Rendering Framework.
734-741 BibTeX
- Dmity Belov:
System of Modeling and Visualization of Domain of the Heart Excitation.
742-749 BibTeX
- Bernhard Preim, Felix Ritter, Oliver Deussen:
A 3d Puzzle for Learning Anatomy.
750-757 BibTeX
Image-Guided Intervention
- Kirk W. Finnis, Yves P. Starreveld, Andrew G. Parrent, Abbas F. Sadikot, Terry M. Peters:
3D Functional Database of Subcortical Structures for Surgical Guidance in Image Guided Stereotactic Neurosurgery.
758-767 BibTeX
- Gelu Ionescu, Stéphane Lavallée, Jacques Demongeot:
Automated Registration of Ultrasound with CT Images: Application to Computer Assisted Prostate Radiotherapy and Orthopedics.
768-777 BibTeX
- Sameh M. Yamany, Aly A. Farag, David Tasman, Allan G. Farman:
A Robust 3-D Reconstruction System for Human Jaw Modeling.
778-787 BibTeX
- Michel A. Audette, Kaleem Siddiqi, Terry M. Peters:
Level-Set Surface Segmentation and Fast Cortical Range Image Tracking for Computing Intrasurgical Deformations.
788-797 BibTeX
- Robert C. Susil, James H. Anderson, Russell H. Taylor:
A Single Image Registration Method for CT Guided Interventions.
798-808 BibTeX
- David T. Gering, Arya Nabavi, Ron Kikinis, W. Eric L. Grimson, Nobuhiko Hata, Peter Everett, Ferenc A. Jolesz, William M. Wells III:
An Integrated Visualization System for Surgical Planning and Guidance Using Image Fusion and Interventional Imaging.
809-819 BibTeX
- André Guéziec, Kenong Wu, Bill Williamson, Peter Kazanzides, Robert Van Vorhis, Alan D. Kalvin:
Exploiting 2-D to 3-D Intra-operative Image Registration for Qualitative Evaluations and Post-operative Simulations.
820-831 BibTeX
- Klaus Kansy, Peter Wißkirchen, Uwe Behrens, Thomas Berlage, Gernoth Grunst, M. Jahnke, Ralf Ratering, H.-J. Schwarzmaier, F. Ulrich:
LOCALITE - A Frameless Neuronavigation System for Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems.
832-841 BibTeX
- Philip J. Edwards, Andrew P. King, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Darryl A. de Cunha, David J. Hawkes, Derek L. G. Hill, Ronald P. Gaston, Michael R. Fenlon, Subhash Chandra, Anthony J. Strong, Christopher L. Chandler, Aurelia Richards, Michael J. Gleeson:
Design and Evaluation of a System for Microscope-Assisted Guided Interventions (MAGI).
842-851 BibTeX
- Neil D. Glossop, Richard W. Hu, D. Young, G. Dix, S. DuPlessis:
Percutaneous Posterior Stabilization of the Spine.
852-859 BibTeX
- Kirsten Martens, Kris Verstreken, Johan Van Cleynenbreugel, Karel Van Brussel, Jan Goffin, Guy Marchal, Paul Suetens:
Image-Based Planning and Validation of C1-C2 Transarticular Screw Fixation Using Personalized Drill Guides.
860-867 BibTeX
- Constantinos Nikou, Branislav Jaramaz, Anthony M. DiGioia, Mike Blackwell, Merle E. Romesberg, Mallory M. Green:
POP: Preoperative Planning and Simulation Software for Total Hip Replacement Surgery.
868-875 BibTeX
- Branislav Jaramaz, Constantinos Nikou, Timothy J. Levison, Anthony M. DiGioia, Richard S. LaBarca:
CupAlign: Computer-Assisted Postoperative Radiographic Measurement of Acetabular Components Following Total Hip Arthroplasty.
876-882 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Birkfellner, Peter Solar, André Gahleitner, Klaus Huber, Franz Kainberger, Joachim Kettenbach, Peter Homolka, Markus Diemling, Georg Watzek, Helmar Bergmann:
Computer-Aided Implant Dentistry - An Early Report.
883-891 BibTeX
- Alan J. Herline, Jeannette L. Herring, James D. Stefansic, William C. Chapman, Robert L. Galloway, Benoit M. Dawant:
Surface Registration for Use in Interactive Image-Guided Liver Surgery.
892-899 BibTeX
- Michael I. Miga, Keith D. Paulsen, Francis E. Kennedy, Alex Hartov, David W. Roberts:
Model-Updated Image-Guided Neurosurgery Using the Finite Element Method: Incorporation of the Falx Cerebri.
900-909 BibTeX
- Derek L. G. Hill, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Alastair J. Martin, Saras Sabanathan, Walter A. Hall, David J. Hawkes, Daniel Rueckert, Charles L. Truwit:
Assessment of Intraoperative Brain Deformation Using Interventional MR Imaging.
910-919 BibTeX
- David G. Gobbi, Roch M. Comeau, Terry M. Peters:
Ultrasound Probe Tracking for Real-Time Ultrasound/MRI Overlay and Visualization of Brain Shift.
920-927 BibTeX
- Nobuhiko Hata, Arya Nabavi, Simon K. Warfield, William M. Wells III, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz:
A Volumetric Optical Flow Method for Measurement of Brain Deformation from Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Images.
928-935 BibTeX
- Burton Ma, Randy E. Ellis, David J. Fleet:
Spotlights: A Robust Method for Surface-Based Registration in Orthopedic Surgery.
936-944 BibTeX
- Torsten Rohlfing, Jürgen Beier, Jay B. West, Ulrich-Wilhelm Thomale, Thomas Liebig, Christian A. Taschner:
Automated Registration and Fusion of Functional and Anatomical MRI for Navigated Neurosurgery.
945-952 BibTeX
- Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Ronald P. Gaston, Derek L. G. Hill, Michael J. Gleeson, M. Graeme Taylor, Michael R. Fenlon, Philip J. Edwards, David J. Hawkes:
AcouStick: A Tracked A-Mode Ultrasonography System for Registration in Image-Guided Surgery.
953-962 BibTeX
- Robert Krempien, Hartwig Grabowski, Wolfgang Harms, F. W. Hensley, Stefan Haßfeld, Ulrich Mende, Martina Treiber, Michael Wannenmacher:
Synthetic Image Modalities Generated from Matched CT and MRI Data: A New Approach for Using MRI in Brachytherapy.
963-972 BibTeX
- Laurent Desbat, Guillaume Champleboux, Markus Fleute, P. Komarek, C. Mennessier, B. Monteil, Thomas Rodet, P. Bessou, Max Coulomb, Gilbert Ferretti:
3D Interventional Imaging with 2D X-Ray Detectors.
973-980 BibTeX
- Hans-Joachim Bender, Reinhard Männer, Christoph Poliwoda, S. Roth, M. Walz:
Reconstruction of 3D Catheter Paths from 2D X-Ray Projections.
981-989 BibTeX
- Oskar M. Skrinjar, James S. Duncan:
Automatic Extraction of Implanted Electrode Grids.
990-997 BibTeX
- Polydoros Chios, A. C. Tan, Alf D. Linney, G. H. Alusi, Alexa Wright, G. J. Woodgate, D. Ezra:
The Potential Use of an Autostereoscopic 3D Display in Microsurgery.
998-1009 BibTeX
Robotic Systems
- Jianhua Yao, Russell H. Taylor, Randal P. Goldberg, Rajesh Kumar, Andrew Bzostek, Robert Van Vorhis, Peter Kazanzides, André Guéziec, Janez Funda:
A Progressive Cut Refinement Scheme for Revision Total Hip Replacement Surgery Using C-arm Fluoroscopy.
1010-1019 BibTeX
- Kiyoyuki Chinzei, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz:
MR Compatibility of Mechatronic Devices: Design Criteria.
1020-1030 BibTeX
- Russell H. Taylor, Patrick S. Jensen, Louis L. Whitcomb, Aaron C. Barnes, Rajesh Kumar, Dan Stoianovici, Puneet K. Gupta, Zhengxian Wang, Eugene de Juan, Louis R. Kavoussi:
A Steady-Hand Robotic System for Microsurgical Augmentation.
1031-1041 BibTeX
- Q. Mei, Simon J. Harris, Roger D. Hibberd, J. E. A. Wickham, Brian L. Davies:
Optimising Operation Process for Computer Integrated Prostatectomy.
1042-1051 BibTeX
- A. Grey Lerner, Dan Stoianovici, Louis L. Whitcomb, Louis R. Kavoussi:
A Passive Positioning and Supporting Device for Surgical Robots and Instrumentation.
1052-1061 BibTeX
- S. E. Salcudean, G. Bell, Simon Bachmann, Wen-Hong Zhu, Purang Abolmaesumi, P. D. Lawrence:
Robot-Assisted Diagnostic Ultrasound - Design and Feasibility Experiments.
1062-1071 BibTeX
- Kevin B. Inkpen, Antony J. Hodgson:
Accuracy and Repeatability of Joint Centre Location in Computer-Assisted Knee Surgery.
1072-1079 BibTeX
- Cameron N. Riviere, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Microscale Tracking of Surgical Instrument Motion.
1080-1087 BibTeX
- Ana Luisa Trejos, S. E. Salcudean, F. Sassani, Samuel Victor Lichtenstein:
On the Feasibility of a Moving Support for Surgery on the Beating Heart.
1088-1097 BibTeX
- Andrew Bzostek, Aaron C. Barnes, Rajesh Kumar, James H. Anderson, Russell H. Taylor:
A Testbed System for Robotically Assisted Percutaneous Pattern Therapy.
1098-1107 BibTeX
- Rajesh Kumar, Tushar M. Goradia, Aaron C. Barnes, Patrick S. Jensen, Louis L. Whitcomb, Dan Stoianovici, Ludwig M. Auer, Russell H. Taylor:
Performance of Robotic Augmentation in Microsurgery-Scale Motions.
1108-1115 BibTeX
- Simon J. Harris, Matjaz Jakopec, Justin Cobb, Brian L. Davies:
Intra-operative Application of a Robotic Knee Surgery System.
1116-1124 BibTeX
- Andreas Hein, Tim Lüth:
Image-Based Control of Interactive Robotics Systems.
1125-1132 BibTeX
Biomechanics and Simulation
- Parris S. Wellman, Robert D. Howe:
Extracting Features from Tactile Maps.
1133-1142 BibTeX
- R. J. Lapeer, Richard W. Prager:
Finite Element Model of a Fetal Skull Subjected to Labour Forces.
1143-1155 BibTeX
- François Boux de Casson, Christian Laugier:
Modeling the Dynamics of a Human Liver for a Minimally Invasive Surgery Simulator.
1156-1165 BibTeX
- Markus A. Schill, Clemens Wagner, Marc Hennen, Hans-Joachim Bender, Reinhard Männer:
EyeSi - A Simulator for Intra-ocular Surgery.
1166-1174 BibTeX
- Béatrice Couteau, Yohan Payan, Stéphane Lavallée, Marie-Christine Hobatho:
The Mesh-matching Algorithm: A New Automatic 3D Mesh Generator for Finite Element Analysis.
1175-1182 BibTeX
- Matthias Teschner, Sabine Girod, Bernd Girod:
Optimization Approaches for Soft-Tissue Prediction in Craniofacial Surgery Simulation.
1183-1190 BibTeX
- Diego d'Aulignac, Murat Cenk Cavusoglu, Christian Laugier:
Modeling the Dynamics of the Human Thigh for a Realistic Echographic Simulator with Force Feedback.
1191-1198 BibTeX
- Ludwig M. Auer, Arne Radetzky, C. Wimmer, G. Kleinszig, F. Schroecker, Dorothee Auer, Herve Delingette, Brian L. Davies, Dietrich Peter Pretschner:
Visualization for Planning and Simulation of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical Procedures.
1199-1209 BibTeX
- Filip Schutyser, Johan Van Cleynenbreugel, Joseph Schoenaers, Guy Marchal, Paul Suetens:
A Simulation Environment for Maxillofacial Surgery Including Soft Tissue Implications.
1210-1217 BibTeX
- Puneet K. Gupta, Patrick S. Jensen, Eugene de Juan:
Surgical Forces and Tactile Perception During Retinal Microsurgery.
1218-1225 BibTeX
- Robin Hart, Philip D. Hart, Stuart Bunt:
A Novel Technique for Simulating Transcranial Doppler Examinations In Vitro.
1226-1233 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:29:52 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)