
Stephen M. Smith

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18EEBrian Patenaude, Stephen M. Smith, Mark Jenkinson: A Bayesian Cost Function Applied to Model-Based Registration of Sub-cortical Brain Structures. WBIR 2006: 9-17
17EEJorg Bernsdorf, Sarah E. Harrison, Stephen M. Smith, Patricia V. Lawford, D. Rodney Hose: Concurrent numerical simulation of flow and blood clotting using the lattice Boltzmann technique. IJBRA 2(4): 371-380 (2006)
16EEJorg Bernsdorf, Sarah E. Harrison, Stephen M. Smith, Patricia V. Lawford, D. Rodney Hose: Numerical simulation of clotting processes: A lattice Boltzmann application in medical physics. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 72(2-6): 89-92 (2006)
15EEJorg Bernsdorf, Sarah E. Harrison, Stephen M. Smith, Patricia V. Lawford, D. Rodney Hose: Concurrent Numerical Simulation of Flow and Blood Clotting using the Lattice Boltzmann Technique. ICPADS (2) 2005: 336-340
14EEMark William Woolrich, Timothy Edward John Behrens, Christian F. Beckmann, Stephen M. Smith: Mixture models with adaptive spatial regularization for segmentation with an application to FMRI data. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(1): 1-11 (2005)
13EEWilliam R. Crum, Daniel Rueckert, Mark Jenkinson, David Kennedy, Stephen M. Smith: A Framework for Detailed Objective Comparison of Non-rigid Registration Algorithms in Neuroimaging. MICCAI (1) 2004: 679-686
12EEChristian F. Beckmann, Stephen M. Smith: Probabilistic independent component analysis for functional magnetic resonance imaging. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(2): 137-152 (2004)
11EEMark William Woolrich, Mark Jenkinson, J. Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith: Fully Bayesian spatio-temporal modeling of FMRI data. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(2): 213-231 (2004)
10EEJulian J. Liu, Stephen R. Watt-Smith, Stephen M. Smith: CT Reconstruction Using FBP with Sinusoidal Amendment for Metal Artefact Reduction. DICTA 2003: 439-448
9EEDerek L. G. Hill, Joseph V. Hajnal, Daniel Rueckert, Stephen M. Smith, Thomas Hartkens, Kate McLeish: A Dynamic Brain Atlas. MICCAI (1) 2002: 532-539
8 Yongyue Zhang, Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith: Segmentation of Brain MR Images through a Hidden Markov Random Field Model and the Expectation Maximization Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 20(1): 45-57 (2001)
7 Stephen M. Smith, Mark Jenkinson: Accurate Robust Symmetry Estimation. MICCAI 1999: 308-317
6EEPaul M. Hayton, Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith, Niall Moore: A Non-Rigid Registration Algorithm for Dynamic Breast MR Images. Artif. Intell. 114(1-2): 125-156 (1999)
5EEStephen M. Smith: ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Object Tracking. Real-Time Imaging 4(1): 21-40 (1998)
4EEStephen M. Smith, J. Michael Brady: SUSAN - A New Approach to Low Level Image Processing. International Journal of Computer Vision 23(1): 45-78 (1997)
3EEStephen M. Smith: ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Shape Tracking. ICCV 1995: 237-244
2EEStephen M. Smith, Michael Brady: ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Shape Tracking. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(8): 814-820 (1995)
1EEStephen M. Smith: Note on small angle approximations for stereo disparity. Image Vision Comput. 11(6): 395-398 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Christian F. Beckmann [12] [14]
2Timothy Edward John Behrens [14]
3Jorg Bernsdorf [15] [16] [17]
4Michael Brady (J. Michael Brady) [2] [4] [6] [8] [11]
5William R. Crum [13]
6Joseph V. Hajnal [9]
7Sarah E. Harrison [15] [16] [17]
8Thomas Hartkens [9]
9Paul M. Hayton [6]
10Derek L. G. Hill [9]
11D. Rodney Hose [15] [16] [17]
12Mark Jenkinson [7] [11] [13] [18]
13David Kennedy [13]
14Patricia V. Lawford [15] [16] [17]
15Julian J. Liu [10]
16Kate McLeish [9]
17Niall Moore [6]
18Brian Patenaude [18]
19Daniel Rueckert [9] [13]
20Stephen R. Watt-Smith [10]
21Mark William Woolrich [11] [14]
22Yongyue Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)