
Jacques Demongeot

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34EEJacques Demongeot: Biological Boundaries and Biological Age: Solutions of Variational Problems. AINA Workshops 2008: 774-781
33EEJacques Demongeot, Michel Morvan, Sylvain Sené: Impact of Fixed Boundary Conditions on the Basins of Attraction in the Flower’s Morphogenesis of Arabidopsis Thaliana. AINA Workshops 2008: 782-789
32EEAdrien Elena, Hedi Ben Amor, N. Glade, Jacques Demongeot: Motifs in regulatory networks and their structural robustness. BIBE 2008: 1-6
31EENicolas Vuillerme, Nicolas Pinsault, Olivier Chenu, Anthony Fleury, Yohan Payan, Jacques Demongeot: The Effects of a Plantar Pressure-Based, Tongue-Placed Tactile Biofeedback System on the Regulation of the Centre of Foot Pressure Displacements During Upright Quiet Standing: A Fractional Brownian Motion Analysis. CISIS 2008: 162-168
30EEJacques Demongeot, Norbert Noury, Nicolas Vuillerme: Data Fusion for Analysis of Persistence in Pervasive Actimetry of Elderly People at Home, and the Notion of Biological Age. CISIS 2008: 589-594
29EEJacques Demongeot, Michel Morvan, Sylvain Sené: Robustness of Dynamical Systems Attraction Basins Against State Perturbations: Theoretical Protocol and Application in Systems Biology. CISIS 2008: 675-681
28EEAdrien Elena, Jacques Demongeot: Interaction Motifs in Regulatory Networks and Structural Robustness. CISIS 2008: 682-686
27EEHedi Ben Amor, Jacques Demongeot, Sylvain Sené: Structural Sensitivity of Neural and Genetic Networks. MICAI 2008: 973-986
26EEJacques Demongeot, Sylvain Sené: Boundary conditions and phase transitions in neural networks. Simulation results. Neural Networks 21(7): 962-970 (2008)
25EEJacques Demongeot, Christelle Jézéquel, Sylvain Sené: Boundary conditions and phase transitions in neural networks. Theoretical results. Neural Networks 21(7): 971-979 (2008)
24EEJacques Demongeot, Andrés Moreira: A Circular Hamming Distance, Circular Gumbel Distribution, RNA Relics and Primitive Genome. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 719-726
23EELemlih Ouchchane, Alice Villéger, Jean-Jacques Lemaire, Jacques Demongeot, Jean-Yves Boire: Analysis and Visualization of Images Overlapping: Automated Versus Expert Anatomical Mapping in Deep Brain Stimulation Targeting. VIEW 2006: 137-151
22EEThierry-Pascal Baum, Vivien Hierle, Nicolas Pasqual, Fatena Bellahcene, Denys Chaume, Marie-Paule Lefranc, Evelyne Jouvin-Marche, Patrice-Noël Marche, Jacques Demongeot: IMGT/GeneInfo: T cell receptor gamma TRG and delta TRD genes in database give access to all TR potential V(D)J recombinations. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 224 (2006)
21EEAlexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Fabien Robineau, Pierre-Frédéric André, Anne Prince, Pierre Pauget, Jacques Demongeot, Yohan Payan: Utilisation de la substitution sensorielle par électro-stimulation linguale pour la prévention des escarres chez les paraplégiques. Etude préliminaire CoRR abs/physics/0607116: (2006)
20EEGilles LeBellego, Norbert Noury, G. Virone, M. Mousseau, Jacques Demongeot: A Model for the Measurement of Patient Activity in a Hospital Suite. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 10(1): 92-99 (2006)
19EEJulio Aracena, Jacques Demongeot, Eric Goles Ch.: Fixed points and maximal independent sets in AND-OR networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 138(3): 277-288 (2004)
18 Thierry-Pascal Baum, Nicolas Pasqual, Florence Thuderoz, Vivien Hierle, Denys Chaume, Marie-Paule Lefranc, Evelyne Jouvin-Marche, Patrice-Noël Marche, Jacques Demongeot: IMGT/GeneInfo: enhancing V(D)J recombination database accessibility. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 51-54 (2004)
17EEJacques Demongeot, Jacques Mazoyer: Discrete applied problems, cellular automata and lattices: florilegium for E. Goles. Theor. Comput. Sci. 322(2): 231-232 (2004)
16EEJulio Aracena, Jacques Demongeot, Eric Goles Ch.: On limit cycles of monotone functions with symmetric connection graph. Theor. Comput. Sci. 322(2): 237-244 (2004)
15EEGeorges Weil, Kamel Heus, Thomas Faraut, Jacques Demongeot: The cyclic genetic code as a constraint satisfaction problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 322(2): 313-334 (2004)
14 Julio Aracena, S. B. Lamine, Marie-Ange Mermet, Olivier Cohen, Jacques Demongeot: Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationships between the genetic expression and both chromosomic breakage and positive circuits. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(5): 825-834 (2003)
13EEJacques Demongeot, F. Berger, Thierry-Pascal Baum, Florence Thuderoz, Olivier Cohen: Bio-array images processing and genetic networks modelling. ISBI 2002: 50-53
12 Olivier Cohen, Marie-Ange Mermet, Jacques Demongeot: HC Forum®: a web site based on an international human cytogenetic database. Nucleic Acids Research 29(1): 305-307 (2001)
11 Julio Aracena, S. B. Lamine, Marie-Ange Mermet, Olivier Cohen, Jacques Demongeot: The genetic expressions and both chromosomic breakage and positive circuits. BIBE 2000: 141-149
10EEJulian Mattes, Jacques Demongeot: Efficient Algorithms to Implement the Confinement Tree. DGCI 2000: 392-405
9EEJulian Mattes, Mathieu Richard, Jacques Demongeot: Tree Representation for Image Matching and Object Recognition. DGCI 1999: 298-312
8 Julian Mattes, Jacques Demongeot: Tree Representation and Implicit Tree Matching for a Coarse to Fine Image Matching Algorithm. MICCAI 1999: 646-655
7 Gelu Ionescu, Stéphane Lavallée, Jacques Demongeot: Automated Registration of Ultrasound with CT Images: Application to Computer Assisted Prostate Radiotherapy and Orthopedics. MICCAI 1999: 768-777
6EEArnaud Tonnelier, S. Meignen, Holger Bosch, Jacques Demongeot: Synchronization and desynchronization of neural oscillators. Neural Networks 12(9): 1213-1228 (1999)
5 Julian Mattes, Denis Trystram, Jacques Demongeot: Parallel Image Processing Using Neural Networks: Applications in Contrast Enhancement of Medical Images. Parallel Processing Letters 8(1): 63-76 (1998)
4 Julian Mattes, Denis Trystram, Jacques Demongeot: Neural networks for parallel contrast enhancement in medical images. HPCN Europe 1995: 275-280
3 Frédéric Berthommier, Véronique Bouchard, Lionel Brunie, Laurent Colombet, Philippe Cinquin, Jacques Demongeot, Laurent Desbat, Vincent Dessenne, Stéphane Lavallée, J. L. Martiel, Olivier Nérot, L. Prilly, Emmanuel Promayon, S. Rouault, Jocelyne Troccaz: Medical Imaging and Modelling Using a MasPar. PARCO 1993: 477-480
2EEOlivier François, Jacques Demongeot, Thierry Hervé: Convergence of a self-organizing stochastic neural network. Neural Networks 5(2): 277-282 (1992)
1 Thierry Hervé, Olivier François, Jacques Demongeot: Markovian Spatial Properties of a Random Field Describing a Stochastic Neural Network: Sequential of Parallel Implementation? EURASIP Workshop 1990: 81-89

Coauthor Index

1Hedi Ben Amor [27] [32]
2Pierre-Frédéric André [21]
3Julio Aracena [11] [14] [16] [19]
4Thierry-Pascal Baum [13] [18] [22]
5Fatena Bellahcene [22]
6F. Berger [13]
7Frédéric Berthommier [3]
8Jean-Yves Boire [23]
9Holger Bosch [6]
10Véronique Bouchard [3]
11Lionel Brunie [3]
12Eric Goles Ch. [16] [19]
13Denys Chaume [18] [22]
14Olivier Chenu [31]
15Philippe Cinquin [3]
16Olivier Cohen [11] [12] [13] [14]
17Laurent Colombet [3]
18Laurent Desbat [3]
19Vincent Dessenne [3]
20Adrien Elena [28] [32]
21Thomas Faraut [15]
22Anthony Fleury [31]
23Olivier François [1] [2]
24N. Glade [32]
25Thierry Hervé [1] [2]
26Kamel Heus [15]
27Vivien Hierle [18] [22]
28Gelu Ionescu [7]
29Christelle Jézéquel [25]
30Evelyne Jouvin-Marche [18] [22]
31S. B. Lamine [11] [14]
32Stéphane Lavallée [3] [7]
33Gilles LeBellego [20]
34Marie-Paule Lefranc [18] [22]
35Jean-Jacques Lemaire [23]
36Patrice-Noël Marche [18] [22]
37J. L. Martiel [3]
38Julian Mattes [4] [5] [8] [9] [10]
39Jacques Mazoyer [17]
40S. Meignen [6]
41Marie-Ange Mermet [11] [12] [14]
42Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry [21]
43Andrés Moreira [24]
44Michel Morvan [29] [33]
45M. Mousseau [20]
46Olivier Nérot [3]
47Norbert Noury [20] [30]
48Lemlih Ouchchane [23]
49Nicolas Pasqual [18] [22]
50Pierre Pauget [21]
51Yohan Payan [21] [31]
52Nicolas Pinsault [31]
53L. Prilly [3]
54Anne Prince [21]
55Emmanuel Promayon [3]
56Mathieu Richard [9]
57Fabien Robineau [21]
58S. Rouault [3]
59Sylvain Sené [25] [26] [27] [29] [33]
60Florence Thuderoz [13] [18]
61Arnaud Tonnelier [6]
62Jocelyne Troccaz [3]
63Denis Trystram [4] [5]
64Alice Villéger [23]
65G. Virone [20]
66Nicolas Vuillerme [30] [31]
67Georges Weil [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)