
Julian Mattes

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13EEJulian Mattes, Johannes Gall, Alfredo Lopez: A Maximal Mass Confinement Principle for Rigid and Locally Rigid Image Registration. MICCAI (2) 2008: 1058-1065
12EEJulian Mattes, Iris Steingruber, Michael Netzer, Karl D. Fritscher, Helmut Kopf, Werner Jaschke, Rainer Schubert: A Robust Semi-automatic Procedure for Motion Quantification of Aortic Stent Grafts Using Point Set Registration. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006: 216-220
11EEJulian Mattes, Janna Nawroth, Petra Boukamp, Roland Eils, Karin M. Greulich-Bode: Analyzing motion and deformation of the cell nucleus for studying co-localizations of nuclear structures. ISBI 2006: 1044-1047
10 Helmut Kopf, Julian Mattes, Reto J. Bale, E. Donnemiller, E. Trinka, Rainer Schubert: A modular registration platform for multimodal image matching using ITK - first clinical application: localizing epileptogenic foci. CARS 2004: 1237
9 Juntao Gao, Roland Eils, Daniela Köhler, Irina Solovei, Thomas Cremer, Julian Mattes: Assessing The Similarity of Spatial Configurations Using Distance Differences and Bending Energy: Application To Chromosomal Interphase Arrangements In HeLa Cell Clones. ISBI 2004: 1400-1403
8EEJohannes Fieres, Julian Mattes, Roland Eils: A Point Set Registration Algorithm Using a Motion Model Based on Thin-Plate Splines and Point Clustering. DAGM-Symposium 2001: 76-83
7EEJulian Mattes, Johannes Fieres, Joël Beaudouin, Daniel Gerlich, Jan Ellenberg, Roland Eils: New Tools for Visualization and Quantification in Dynamic Processes: Application to the Nuclear Envelope Dynamics During Mitosis. MICCAI 2001: 1323-1325
6EEMatthias Gebhard, Julian Mattes, Roland Eils: An Active Contour Model for Segmentation Based on Cubic B-splines and Gradient Vector Flow. MICCAI 2001: 1373-1375
5EEJulian Mattes, Jacques Demongeot: Efficient Algorithms to Implement the Confinement Tree. DGCI 2000: 392-405
4EEJulian Mattes, Mathieu Richard, Jacques Demongeot: Tree Representation for Image Matching and Object Recognition. DGCI 1999: 298-312
3 Julian Mattes, Jacques Demongeot: Tree Representation and Implicit Tree Matching for a Coarse to Fine Image Matching Algorithm. MICCAI 1999: 646-655
2 Julian Mattes, Denis Trystram, Jacques Demongeot: Parallel Image Processing Using Neural Networks: Applications in Contrast Enhancement of Medical Images. Parallel Processing Letters 8(1): 63-76 (1998)
1 Julian Mattes, Denis Trystram, Jacques Demongeot: Neural networks for parallel contrast enhancement in medical images. HPCN Europe 1995: 275-280

Coauthor Index

1Reto J. Bale [10]
2Joël Beaudouin [7]
3Petra Boukamp [11]
4Thomas Cremer [9]
5Jacques Demongeot [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6E. Donnemiller [10]
7Roland Eils [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
8Jan Ellenberg [7]
9Johannes Fieres [7] [8]
10Karl D. Fritscher [12]
11Johannes Gall [13]
12Juntao Gao [9]
13Matthias Gebhard [6]
14Daniel Gerlich [7]
15Karin M. Greulich-Bode [11]
16Werner Jaschke [12]
17Daniela Köhler [9]
18Helmut Kopf [10] [12]
19Alfredo Lopez [13]
20Janna Nawroth [11]
21Michael Netzer [12]
22Mathieu Richard [4]
23Rainer Schubert [10] [12]
24Irina Solovei [9]
25Iris Steingruber [12]
26E. Trinka [10]
27Denis Trystram [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)