
John C. Waterton

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13EEKatia M. Passera, Luca T. Mainardi, Deirdre McGrath, Josephine H. Naish, David L. Buckley, Sue Cheung, Yvonne Watson, Angela Caunce, Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi, John P. Logue, Marcus B. Taylor, Chris Taylor, John C. Waterton, Helen Young, Geoffrey J. M. Parker: A non-linear registration method for DCE-MRI and DCE-CT comparison in bladder tumors. ISBI 2008: 1095-1098
12EETomos G. Williams, Andrew Holmes, John C. Waterton, Rose A. Maciewicz, Anthony F. P. Nash, Christopher J. Taylor: Regional quantitative analysis of knee cartilage in a population study using MRI and model based correspondences. ISBI 2006: 311-314
11 Tomos G. Williams, Christopher J. Taylor, John C. Waterton, Andrew Holmes: Population Analysis of Knee Cartilage Thickness Maps using Model Based Correspondence. ISBI 2004: 193-196
10 Josephine H. Naish, Graham Vincent, Mike Bowes, Manish Kothari, David White, John C. Waterton, Christopher J. Taylor: Longitudinal Measurements of Signal Intensity as a Potential Marker for Cartilage Degeneration in Osteoarthritis. ISBI 2004: 205-208
9EEJosephine H. Naish, Geoffrey J. M. Parker, Paul C. Beatty, Alan Jackson, John C. Waterton, Simon S. Young, Christopher J. Taylor: Improved Regional Analysis of Oxygen-Enhanced Lung MR Imaging Using Image Registration. MICCAI (1) 2004: 862-869
8EEJosephine H. Naish, Graham Vincent, Mike Bowes, Manish Kothari, David White, John C. Waterton, Christopher J. Taylor: A Method to Monitor Local Changes in MR Signal Intensity in Articular Cartilage: A Potential Marker for Cartilage Degeneration in Osteoarthritis. MICCAI (2) 2004: 959-966
7EETomos G. Williams, Christopher J. Taylor, ZaiXiang Gao, John C. Waterton: Corresponding Articular Cartilage Thickness Measurements in the Knee Joint by Modelling the Underlying Bone (Commercial in Confidence). IPMI 2003: 126-135
6EETomos G. Williams, Christopher J. Taylor, ZaiXiang Gao, John C. Waterton: Corresponding Articular Cartilage Thickness Measurements in the Knee Joint by Modelling the Underlying Bone. MICCAI (2) 2003: 480-487
5EERhodri H. Davies, Carole J. Twining, Timothy F. Cootes, John C. Waterton, Christopher J. Taylor: 3D Statistical Shape Models Using Direct Optimisation of Description Length. ECCV (3) 2002: 3-20
4 Rhodri H. Davies, Carole J. Twining, Timothy F. Cootes, John C. Waterton, Christopher J. Taylor: A minimum description length approach to statistical shape modeling. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(5): 525-537 (2002)
3EERhodri H. Davies, Timothy F. Cootes, John C. Waterton, Christopher J. Taylor: An Efficient Method for Constructing Optimal Statistical Shape Models. MICCAI 2001: 57-65
2 Alan D. Brett, John C. Waterton, Stuart Solloway, J. E. Foster, M. C. Keen, S. Gandy, B. J. Middleton, Rose A. Maciewicz, I. Watt, P. A. Dieppe, Christopher J. Taylor: The Measurement of Focal Diurnal Variation in the Femoral Articular Cartilage of the Knee. MICCAI 1999: 328-337
1 Stuart Solloway, Christopher J. Taylor, Charles E. Hutchinson, John C. Waterton: Quantification of Articular Cartilage from MR Images Using Active Shape Models. ECCV (2) 1996: 400-411

Coauthor Index

1Paul C. Beatty [9]
2Mike Bowes [8] [10]
3Alan D. Brett [2]
4David L. Buckley [13]
5Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi [13]
6Angela Caunce [13]
7Sue Cheung [13]
8Timothy F. Cootes [3] [4] [5]
9Rhodri H. Davies [3] [4] [5]
10P. A. Dieppe [2]
11J. E. Foster [2]
12S. Gandy [2]
13ZaiXiang Gao [6] [7]
14Andrew Holmes [11] [12]
15Charles E. Hutchinson [1]
16Alan Jackson [9]
17M. C. Keen [2]
18Manish Kothari [8] [10]
19John P. Logue [13]
20Rose A. Maciewicz [2] [12]
21Luca T. Mainardi [13]
22Deirdre McGrath [13]
23B. J. Middleton [2]
24Josephine H. Naish [8] [9] [10] [13]
25Anthony F. P. Nash [12]
26Geoffrey J. M. Parker [9] [13]
27Katia M. Passera [13]
28Stuart Solloway [1] [2]
29Chris Taylor [13]
30Christopher J. Taylor [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
31Marcus B. Taylor [13]
32Carole J. Twining [4] [5]
33Graham Vincent [8] [10]
34Yvonne Watson [13]
35I. Watt [2]
36David White [8] [10]
37Tomos G. Williams [6] [7] [11] [12]
38Helen Young [13]
39Simon S. Young [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)