2008 |
95 | EE | Mahnaz Maddah,
Lilla Zöllei,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
William M. Wells III:
A mathematical framework for incorporating anatomical knowledge in DT-MRI analysis.
ISBI 2008: 105-108 |
94 | EE | Ulas Ziyan,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Joint Segmentation of Thalamic Nuclei from a Population of Diffusion Tensor MR Images.
MICCAI (1) 2008: 279-286 |
93 | EE | Mahnaz Maddah,
Marek Kubicki,
William M. Wells III,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Martha Elizabeth Shenton,
W. Eric L. Grimson:
Findings in Schizophrenia by Tract-Oriented DT-MRI Analysis.
MICCAI (1) 2008: 917-924 |
92 | EE | Santiago Aja-Fernández,
Marc Niethammer,
Marek Kubicki,
Martha Elizabeth Shenton,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Restoration of DWI Data Using a Rician LMMSE Estimator.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(10): 1389-1403 (2008) |
91 | EE | Xavier Tricoche,
Gordon L. Kindlmann,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Invariant Crease Lines for Topological and Structural Analysis of Tensor Fields.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1627-1634 (2008) |
90 | EE | Santiago Aja-Fernández,
Carlos Alberola-López,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Noise and Signal Estimation in Magnitude MRI and Rician Distributed Images: A LMMSE Approach.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(8): 1383-1398 (2008) |
89 | EE | Jenny Folkesson,
Eigil Samset,
R. Y. Kwong,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Unifying Statistical Classification and Geodesic Active Regions for Segmentation of Cardiac MRI.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12(3): 328-334 (2008) |
2007 |
88 | EE | Andy Tsai,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Alfred O. Hero,
Alan S. Willsky:
Fiber Tract Clustering on Manifolds With Dual Rooted-Graphs.
CVPR 2007 |
87 | EE | Jenny Folkesson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Spatially Varying Classification with Localization Certainty in Level Set Segmentation.
ICCV 2007: 1-7 |
86 | EE | Ulas Ziyan,
Mert R. Sabuncu,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
A Robust Algorithm for Fiber-Bundle Atlas Construction.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
85 | EE | Mahnaz Maddah,
William M. Wells III,
Simon K. Warfield,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
W. Eric L. Grimson:
Probabilistic Clustering and Quantitative Analysis of White Matter Fiber Tracts.
IPMI 2007: 372-383 |
84 | EE | Ørjan Bergmann,
Gordon L. Kindlmann,
Sharon Peled,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Two-Tensor Fiber Tractography.
ISBI 2007: 796-799 |
83 | EE | Gordon L. Kindlmann,
Raúl San José Estépar,
Marc Niethammer,
Steven Haker,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Geodesic-Loxodromes for Diffusion Tensor Interpolation and Difference Measurement.
MICCAI (1) 2007: 1-9 |
82 | EE | Marc Niethammer,
Sylvain Bouix,
Santiago Aja-Fernández,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Martha Elizabeth Shenton:
Outlier Rejection for Diffusion Weighted Imaging.
MICCAI (1) 2007: 161-168 |
81 | EE | Abhir Bhalerao,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Hyperspherical von Mises-Fisher Mixture (HvMF) Modelling of High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI.
MICCAI (1) 2007: 236-243 |
80 | EE | Ulas Ziyan,
Mert R. Sabuncu,
Lauren O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Nonlinear Registration of Diffusion MR Images Based on Fiber Bundles.
MICCAI (1) 2007: 351-358 |
79 | EE | Lauren O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Alexandra Golby:
Tract-Based Morphometry.
MICCAI (2) 2007: 161-168 |
78 | EE | Santiago Aja-Fernández,
Carlos Alberola-López,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Signal LMMSE Estimation from Multiple Samples in MRI and DT-MRI.
MICCAI (2) 2007: 368-375 |
77 | EE | Anders Brun,
Björn Svensson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Magnus Herberthson,
Andreas Wrangsjö,
Hans Knutsson:
Using Importance Sampling for Bayesian Feature Space Filtering.
SCIA 2007: 818-827 |
76 | EE | Daniel C. Alexander,
T. Jiang,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Computational Diffusion MRI.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 26(11): 1425-1427 (2007) |
75 | EE | Gordon L. Kindlmann,
D. B. Ennis,
Ross T. Whitaker,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Diffusion Tensor Analysis With Invariant Gradients and Rotation Tangents.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 26(11): 1483-1499 (2007) |
74 | EE | L. J. O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 26(11): 1562-1575 (2007) |
73 | EE | Karl Krissian,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Ron Kikinis,
Kirby Vosburgh:
Oriented Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(5): 1412-1424 (2007) |
72 | EE | Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Tensor signal processing.
Signal Processing 87(2): 217-219 (2007) |
71 | EE | Kenneth Andersson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Hans Knutsson:
Prediction from off-grid samples using continuous normalized convolution.
Signal Processing 87(3): 353-365 (2007) |
2006 |
70 | EE | Julien Dauguet,
Sharon Peled,
Vladimir Berezovskii,
Thierry Delzescaux,
Simon K. Warfield,
Richard Born,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
3D Histological Reconstruction of Fiber Tracts and Direct Comparison with Diffusion Tensor MRI Tractography.
MICCAI (1) 2006: 109-116 |
69 | EE | Gordon L. Kindlmann,
Xavier Tricoche,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Anisotropy Creases Delineate White Matter Structure in Diffusion Tensor MRI.
MICCAI (1) 2006: 126-133 |
68 | EE | Raúl San José Estépar,
Nicholas Stylopoulos,
Randy E. Ellis,
Eigil Samset,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Christopher Thompson,
Kirby Vosburgh:
Towards Scarless Surgery: An Endoscopic-Ultrasound Navigation System for Transgastric Access Procedures.
MICCAI (1) 2006: 445-453 |
67 | EE | Gunnar Farnebäck,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Affine and Deformable Registration Based on Polynomial Expansion.
MICCAI (1) 2006: 857-864 |
66 | EE | Raúl San José Estépar,
George G. Washko,
Edwin K. Silverman,
John J. Reilly,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Accurate Airway Wall Estimation Using Phase Congruency.
MICCAI (2) 2006: 125-134 |
65 | EE | Lauren O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas Generation and Group Analysis.
MICCAI (2) 2006: 243-251 |
64 | EE | Marc Niethammer,
Sylvain Bouix,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Martha Elizabeth Shenton:
Fiber Bundle Estimation and Parameterization.
MICCAI (2) 2006: 252-259 |
63 | EE | Ørjan Bergmann,
Gordon L. Kindlmann,
Arvid Lundervold,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Diffusion k-tensor Estimation from Q-ball Imaging Using Discretized Principal Axes.
MICCAI (2) 2006: 268-275 |
62 | EE | Ulas Ziyan,
David Tuch,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Segmentation of Thalamic Nuclei from DTI Using Spectral Clustering.
MICCAI (2) 2006: 807-814 |
61 | EE | Ola Friman,
Gunnar Farnebäck,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
A Bayesian approach for stochastic white matter tractography.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(8): 965-978 (2006) |
60 | EE | Gordon L. Kindlmann,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Diffusion Tensor Visualization with Glyph Packing.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 1329-1336 (2006) |
2005 |
59 | EE | Karl Krissian,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Kirby Vosburgh:
Speckle-Constrained Filtering of Ultrasound Images.
CVPR (2) 2005: 547-552 |
58 | EE | Anders Brun,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Steven Haker,
Hans Knutsson:
A tensor-like representation for averaging, filtering and interpolation of 3-D object orientation data.
ICIP (3) 2005: 1092-1095 |
57 | EE | Raúl San José Estépar,
Steven Haker,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow.
ISVC 2005: 613-620 |
56 | EE | Ola Friman,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Uncertainty in White Matter Fiber Tractography.
MICCAI 2005: 107-114 |
55 | EE | Lauren O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
White Matter Tract Clustering and Correspondence in Populations.
MICCAI 2005: 140-147 |
54 | EE | Eric Pichon,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Allen Tannenbaum:
A Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Approach to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Tractography.
MICCAI 2005: 180-187 |
53 | EE | Vincent Luboz,
Xunlei Wu,
Karl Krissian,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Ron Kikinis,
Stephane Cotin,
Steven Dawson:
A Segmentation and Reconstruction Technique for 3D Vascular Structures.
MICCAI 2005: 43-50 |
52 | EE | Anders Brun,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Magnus Herberthson,
Hans Knutsson:
Fast Manifold Learning Based on Riemannian Normal Coordinates.
SCIA 2005: 920-929 |
51 | EE | William Scott Hoge,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Identification of translational displacements between N-dimensional data sets using the high-order SVD and phase correlation.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(7): 884-889 (2005) |
50 | EE | Federico Simmross-Wattenberg,
Noemí Carranza-Herrezuelo,
Cristina Palacios-Camarero,
Pablo Casaseca-de-la-Higuera,
Miguel Ángel Martín-Fernández,
Santiago Aja-Fernández,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Carlos Alberola-López:
Group-Slicer: A collaborative extension of 3D-Slicer.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 38(6): 431-442 (2005) |
49 | EE | Karl Krissian,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Fast sub-voxel re-initialization of the distance map for level set methods.
Pattern Recognition Letters 26(10): 1532-1542 (2005) |
48 | EE | Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carlos Alberola-López,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Kriging filters for multidimensional signal processing.
Signal Processing 85(2): 413-439 (2005) |
2004 |
47 | | Miguel A. Rodríguez-Florido,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
DT-MRI Regularization Using Anisotropic Tensor Field Filtering.
ISBI 2004: 336-339 |
46 | EE | Raúl San José Estépar,
Anders Brun,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Robust Generalized Total Least Squares Iterative Closest Point Registration.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 234-241 |
45 | EE | Carlos A. Castaño-Moraga,
Miguel A. Rodríguez-Florido,
Luis Álvarez,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola:
Anisotropic Interpolation of DT-MRI.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 343-350 |
44 | EE | Marcos Martín-Fernández,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Carlos Alberola-López:
3D Bayesian Regularization of Diffusion Tensor MRI Using Multivariate Gaussian Markov Random Fields.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 351-359 |
43 | EE | Lauren O'Donnell,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Interface Detection in Diffusion Tensor MRI.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 360-367 |
42 | EE | Anders Brun,
Hans Knutsson,
Hae-Jeong Park,
Martha Elizabeth Shenton,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Clustering Fiber Traces Using Normalized Cuts.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 368-375 |
41 | EE | Hae-Jeong Park,
Martha Elizabeth Shenton,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
An Analysis Tool for Quantification of Diffusion Tensor MRI Data.
MICCAI (2) 2004: 1089-1090 |
40 | EE | Ola Friman,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Bias in Resampling-Based Thresholding of Statistical Maps in fMRI.
MICCAI (2) 2004: 711-718 |
2003 |
39 | EE | Marcos Martín-Fernández,
Raúl San José Estépar,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Carlos Alberola-López:
A Novel Gauss-Markov Random Field Approach for Regularization of Diffusion Tensor Maps.
EUROCAST 2003: 506-517 |
38 | EE | Anders Brun,
Hae-Jeong Park,
Hans Knutsson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Coloring of DT-MRI Fiber Traces Using Laplacian Eigenmaps.
EUROCAST 2003: 518-529 |
37 | EE | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Hans Knutsson:
Tensor Field Regularization Using Normalized Convolution.
EUROCAST 2003: 564-572 |
36 | EE | Miguel A. Rodríguez-Florido,
Rubén Cárdenes,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Carlos Alberola,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola:
Anisotropic Regularization of Posterior Probability Maps Using Vector Space Projections. Application to MRI Segmentation.
EUROCAST 2003: 597-606 |
35 | EE | Eduardo Suárez,
Jose Aurelio Santana,
Eduardo Rovaris,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola:
Fast Entropy-Based Nonrigid Registration.
EUROCAST 2003: 607-615 |
34 | | William Scott Hoge,
Dimitris Mitsouras,
Frank J. Rybicki,
Robert V. Mulkern,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Registration of multidimensional image data via subpixel resolution phase correlation.
ICIP (2) 2003: 707-710 |
33 | EE | Simon K. Warfield,
Ion-Florin Talos,
Corey Kemper,
Lauren O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
William M. Wells III,
Peter M. Black,
Ferenc A. Jolesz,
Ron Kikinis:
Capturing Brain Deformation.
IS4TH 2003: 203-217 |
32 | EE | Ion-Florin Talos,
Lauren O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Simon K. Warfield,
William M. Wells III,
Seung-Schik Yoo,
Lawrence P. Panych,
Alexandra Golby,
Hatsuho Mamata,
Stefan S. Maier,
Peter Ratiu,
Charles R. G. Guttmann,
Peter M. Black,
Ferenc A. Jolesz,
Ron Kikinis:
Diffusion Tensor and Functional MRI Fusion with Anatomical MRI for Image-Guided Neurosurgery.
MICCAI (1) 2003: 407-415 |
31 | EE | Abhir Bhalerao,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Tensor Splats: Visualising Tensor Fields by Texture Mapped Volume Rendering.
MICCAI (2) 2003: 294-302 |
30 | EE | Raúl San José Estépar,
Marcos Martín-Fernández,
Carlos Alberola-López,
James Ellsmere,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Freehand Ultrasound Reconstruction Based on ROI Prior Modeling and Normalized Convolution.
MICCAI (2) 2003: 382-390 |
29 | EE | Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Eduardo Suárez,
Carlos Alberola-López,
Simon K. Warfield,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Geostatistical Medical Image Registration.
MICCAI (2) 2003: 894-901 |
28 | EE | Marcos Martín-Fernández,
Carlos Alberola-López,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Regularization of Diffusion Tensor Maps Using a Non-Gaussian Markov Random Field Approach.
MICCAI (2) 2003: 92-100 |
27 | EE | Carlos A. Castaño-Moraga,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola:
Homomorphic Filtering of DT-MRI Fields.
MICCAI (2) 2003: 990-991 |
2002 |
26 | | J. F. Verhey,
A. Ludwig,
Jan Rexilius,
Simon K. Warfield,
C. T. Mamisch,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
R. M. M. Seibel,
O. Rienhoff:
Multimodale nicht-rigide Registrierung von Ultraschall und MR-Bilddaten unter Verwendung eines biomechanischen Modells.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002: 310-313 |
25 | EE | Alexandre Guimond,
Charles R. G. Guttmann,
Simon K. Warfield,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Deformable registration of DT-MRI data based on transformation invariant tensor characteristics.
ISBI 2002: 761-764 |
24 | EE | Mats Björnemo,
Anders Brun,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Regularized Stochastic White Matter Tractography Using Diffusion Tensor MRI.
MICCAI (1) 2002: 435-442 |
23 | EE | Lauren O'Donnell,
Steven Haker,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
New Approaches to Estimation of White Matter Connectivity in Diffusion Tensor MRI: Elliptic PDEs and Geodesics in a Tensor-Warped Space.
MICCAI (1) 2002: 459-466 |
22 | EE | Masao Watanabe,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Level Set Based Integration of Segmentation and Computational Fluid Dynamics for Flow Correction in Phase Contrast Angiography.
MICCAI (2) 2002: 405-412 |
21 | EE | Delphine Nain,
Steven Haker,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Eric R. Cosman Jr.,
William M. Wells III,
Hoon Ji,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Intra-patient Prone to Supine Colon Registration for Synchronized Virtual Colonoscopy.
MICCAI (2) 2002: 573-580 |
20 | EE | Eduardo Suárez,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Eduardo Rovaris,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola:
Nonrigid Registration Using Regularized Matching Weighted by Local Structure.
MICCAI (2) 2002: 581-589 |
2001 |
19 | EE | Miguel A. Rodríguez-Florido,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Artifact reduction in sinc interpolation using adaptive filtering.
ICIP (3) 2001: 884-887 |
18 | EE | Lauren O'Donnell,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Martha Elizabeth Shenton,
Ron Kikinis:
Phase-Based User-Steered Image Segmentation.
MICCAI 2001: 1022-1030 |
17 | EE | Miguel A. Rodríguez-Florido,
Karl Krissian,
Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Comparison of Two Restoration Techniques in the Context of 3D Medical Imaging.
MICCAI 2001: 1031-1039 |
16 | EE | Idith Haber,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Phase-Driven Finite Element Model for Spatio-temporal Tracking in Cardiac Tagged MRI.
MICCAI 2001: 1332-1335 |
15 | EE | Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Detection of point landmarks in multidimensional tensor data.
Signal Processing 81(10): 2243-2247 (2001) |
2000 |
14 | EE | Liana M. Lorigo,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Olivier D. Faugeras,
Renaud Keriven,
Ron Kikinis,
Arya Nabavi,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Codimension - Two Geodesic Active Contours for the Segmentation of Tubular Structures.
CVPR 2000: 1444-1451 |
13 | | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Liana M. Lorigo,
Olivier D. Faugeras,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Steven Dawson,
Alexander Norbash,
Ron Kikinis:
Segmentation by Adaptive Geodesic Active Contours.
MICCAI 2000: 266-275 |
12 | | Juan Ruiz-Alzola,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Simon K. Warfield,
Arya Nabavi,
Ron Kikinis:
Nonrigid Registration of 3D Scalar, Vector and Tensor Medical Data.
MICCAI 2000: 541-550 |
11 | EE | Yoshinobu Sato,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Abhir Bhalerao,
Shin Nakajima,
Nobuyuki Shiraga,
Shinichi Tamura,
Ron Kikinis:
Tissue Classification Based on 3D Local Intensity Structures for Volume Rendering.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 6(2): 160-180 (2000) |
1999 |
10 | EE | Liana M. Lorigo,
Olivier D. Faugeras,
W. Eric L. Grimson,
Renaud Keriven,
Ron Kikinis,
Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Co-dimension 2 Geodesic Active Contours for MRA Segmentation.
IPMI 1999: 126-139 |
9 | | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
S. E. Maier,
B. Khidhir,
Peter Everett,
Ferenc A. Jolesz,
Ron Kikinis:
Image Processing for Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
MICCAI 1999: 441-452 |
8 | | Simon K. Warfield,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Charles R. G. Guttmann,
Marilyn S. Albert,
Ferenc A. Jolesz,
Ron Kikinis:
Fractional Segmentation of White Matter.
MICCAI 1999: 62-71 |
1998 |
7 | EE | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Simon K. Warfield,
Abhir Bhalerao,
L. Mui,
Jens A. Richolt,
Ron Kikinis:
Tensor Controlled Local Structure Enhancement of CT Images for Bone Segmentation.
MICCAI 1998: 1205-1212 |
1997 |
6 | EE | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Abhir Bhalerao,
Ron Kikinis,
Hans Knutsson:
Using Local 3D Structure for Segmentation of Bone from Computer Tomography Images.
CVPR 1997: 794- |
5 | | Abhir Bhalerao,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Ron Kikinis:
Unwrapping phase in 3D MR phase contrast angiograms.
CVRMed 1997: 193-202 |
1996 |
4 | EE | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Carl-Johan Westelius,
Hans Knutsson,
Gösta H. Granlund:
Attention Control for Robot Vision.
CVPR 1996: 726-733 |
1994 |
3 | | Hans Knutsson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Gösta H. Granlund:
Local Multiscale Frequency and Bandwidth Estimation.
ICIP (1) 1994: 36-40 |
2 | | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Hans Knutsson:
Estimation of Motion Vector Fields using Tensor Field Filtering.
ICIP (2) 1994: 237-241 |
1992 |
1 | | Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Hans Knutsson:
The Möbius Strip Parameterization for Line Extraction.
ECCV 1992: 33-37 |