
Yohan Payan

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23EENicolas Vuillerme, Nicolas Pinsault, Olivier Chenu, Anthony Fleury, Yohan Payan, Jacques Demongeot: The Effects of a Plantar Pressure-Based, Tongue-Placed Tactile Biofeedback System on the Regulation of the Centre of Foot Pressure Displacements During Upright Quiet Standing: A Fractional Brownian Motion Analysis. CISIS 2008: 162-168
22EEClaudio Lobos, Marek Bucki, Nancy Hitschfeld, Yohan Payan: Mixed-Element Mesh for an Intra-Operative Modeling of the Brain Tumor Extraction. IMR 2007: 387-404
21EEJocelyne Troccaz, Michael Baumann, Peter J. Berkelman, Philippe Cinquin, Vincent Daanen, Antoine Leroy, Maud Marchal, Yohan Payan, Emmanuel Promayon, Sandrine Voros, Stéphane Bart, Michel Bolla, Emmanuel Chartier-Kastler, Jean-Luc Descotes, Andrée Dusserre, Jean-Yves Giraud, Jean-Alexandre Long, Ronan Moalic, Pierre Mozer: Medical image computing and computer-aided medical interventions applied to soft tissues. Work in progress in urology CoRR abs/0712.2100: (2007)
20EEMaxime Berar, Michel Desvignes, Gérard Bailly, Yohan Payan: Statistical 3D Cranio-Facial Models. CIT 2006: 125
19EEFlorian Vogt, John E. Lloyd, Stéphanie Buchaillard, Pascal Perrier, Matthieu Chabanas, Yohan Payan, Sidney Fels: Efficient 3D Finite Element Modeling of a Muscle-Activated Tongue. ISBMS 2006: 19-28
18EEMatthieu Nesme, François Faure, Yohan Payan: Hierarchical Multi-resolution Finite Element Model for Soft Body Simulation. ISBMS 2006: 40-47
17EEFranz Chouly, Annemie Van Hirtum, Pierre-Yves Lagrée, Jean-Roch Paoli, Xavier Pelorson, Yohan Payan: Simulation of the Retroglossal Fluid-Structure Interaction During Obstructive Sleep Apnea. ISBMS 2006: 48-57
16EEAlexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Fabien Robineau, Pierre-Frédéric André, Anne Prince, Pierre Pauget, Jacques Demongeot, Yohan Payan: Utilisation de la substitution sensorielle par électro-stimulation linguale pour la prévention des escarres chez les paraplégiques. Etude préliminaire CoRR abs/physics/0607116: (2006)
15EEMaxime Berar, Michel Desvignes, Gérard Bailly, Yohan Payan, Barbara Romaniuk: Missing Data Estimation Using Polynomial Kernels. ICAPR (1) 2005: 390-399
14 Matthieu Chabanas, Christophe Marecaux, Franz Chouly, Franck Boutault, Yohan Payan: Evaluating soft tissue simulation in maxillofacial surgery using preoperative and postoperative CT scans. CARS 2004: 419-424
13EEMaxime Berar, Michel Desvignes, Gérard Bailly, Yohan Payan: 3D Meshes Registration: Application to Statistical Skull Model. ICIAR (2) 2004: 100-107
12EEStéphanie Buchaillard, Sim Heng Ong, Yohan Payan, Kelvin W. C. Foong: Reconstruction of 3D tooth images. ICIP 2004: 1077-1080
11EEMatthieu Chabanas, Yohan Payan, Christophe Marecaux, Pascal Swider, Franck Boutault: Comparison of Linear and Non-linear Soft Tissue Models with Post-operative CT Scan in Maxillofacial Surgery. ISMS 2004: 19-27
10EEVincent Luboz, Annaig Pedrono, Dominique Ambard, Franck Boutault, Pascal Swider, Yohan Payan: A Finite Element Study of the Influence of the Osteotomy Surface on the Backward Displacement during Exophthalmia Reduction. ISMS 2004: 49-58
9EEJean-Michel Gérard, Jacques Ohayon, Vincent Luboz, Pascal Perrier, Yohan Payan: Indentation for Estimating the Human Tongue Soft Tissues Constitutive Law: Application to a 3D Biomechanical Model. ISMS 2004: 77-83
8EEAntoine Leroy, Pierre Mozer, Yohan Payan, Jocelyne Troccaz: Rigid Registration of Freehand 3D Ultrasound and CT-Scan Kidney Images. MICCAI (1) 2004: 837-844
7EEYohan Payan, Xavier Pelorson, Pascal Perrier: Physical Modeling of Air.ow-Walls Interactions to Understand the Sleep Apnea Syndrome. IS4TH 2003: 261-269
6EEMatthieu Chabanas, Christophe Marecaux, Yohan Payan, Franck Boutault: Models for Planning and Simulation in Computer Assisted Orthognatic Surgery. MICCAI (2) 2002: 315-322
5EEVincent Luboz, Annaig Pedrono, Pascal Swider, Franck Boutault, Yohan Payan: Simulation of the Exophthalmia Reduction Using a Finite Element Model of the Orbital Soft Tissues. MICCAI (2) 2002: 323-330
4EEDavid Voirin, Yohan Payan, Miriam Amavizca, Antoine Leroy, Christian Létoublon, Jocelyne Troccaz: Computer-Aided Hepatic Tumour Ablation. MICCAI 2001: 1145-1146
3 Matthieu Chabanas, Yohan Payan: A 3D Finite Element Model of the Face for Simulation in Plastic and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. MICCAI 2000: 1068-1075
2 Béatrice Couteau, Yohan Payan, Stéphane Lavallée, Marie-Christine Hobatho: The Mesh-matching Algorithm: A New Automatic 3D Mesh Generator for Finite Element Analysis. MICCAI 1999: 1175-1182
1EEYohan Payan, Georges Bettega, Bernard Raphaël: A Biomechanical Model of the Human Tongue and Its Clinical Implications. MICCAI 1998: 688-695

Coauthor Index

1Miriam Amavizca [4]
2Dominique Ambard [10]
3Pierre-Frédéric André [16]
4Gérard Bailly [13] [15] [20]
5Stéphane Bart [21]
6Michael Baumann [21]
7Maxime Berar [13] [15] [20]
8Peter J. Berkelman [21]
9Georges Bettega [1]
10Michel Bolla [21]
11Franck Boutault [5] [6] [10] [11] [14]
12Stéphanie Buchaillard [12] [19]
13Marek Bucki [22]
14Matthieu Chabanas [3] [6] [11] [14] [19]
15Emmanuel Chartier-Kastler [21]
16Olivier Chenu [23]
17Franz Chouly [14] [17]
18Philippe Cinquin [21]
19Béatrice Couteau [2]
20Vincent Daanen [21]
21Jacques Demongeot [16] [23]
22Jean-Luc Descotes [21]
23Michel Desvignes [13] [15] [20]
24Andrée Dusserre [21]
25François Faure [18]
26Sidney Fels (S. Sidney Fels) [19]
27Anthony Fleury [23]
28Kelvin W. C. Foong [12]
29Jean-Michel Gérard [9]
30Jean-Yves Giraud [21]
31Annemie Van Hirtum [17]
32Nancy Hitschfeld-Kahler (Nancy Hitschfeld) [22]
33Marie-Christine Hobatho [2]
34Pierre-Yves Lagrée [17]
35Stéphane Lavallée [2]
36Antoine Leroy [4] [8] [21]
37Christian Létoublon [4]
38John E. Lloyd [19]
39Claudio Lobos [22]
40Jean-Alexandre Long [21]
41Vincent Luboz [5] [9] [10]
42Maud Marchal [21]
43Christophe Marecaux [6] [11] [14]
44Ronan Moalic [21]
45Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry [16]
46Pierre Mozer [8] [21]
47Matthieu Nesme [18]
48Jacques Ohayon [9]
49Sim Heng Ong (S. H. Ong) [12]
50Jean-Roch Paoli [17]
51Pierre Pauget [16]
52Annaig Pedrono [5] [10]
53Xavier Pelorson [7] [17]
54Pascal Perrier [7] [9] [19]
55Nicolas Pinsault [23]
56Anne Prince [16]
57Emmanuel Promayon [21]
58Bernard Raphaël [1]
59Fabien Robineau [16]
60Barbara Romaniuk [15]
61Pascal Swider [5] [10] [11]
62Jocelyne Troccaz [4] [8] [21]
63Florian Vogt [19]
64David Voirin [4]
65Sandrine Voros [21]
66Nicolas Vuillerme [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)