
Guillaume Champleboux

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4 Jocelyne Troccaz, Delphine Henry, Noureddine Laieb, Guillaume Champleboux, Jean-Luc Bosson, Olivier Pichot: Simulators for medical training: application to vascular ultrasound imaging. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 11(1): 51-65 (2000)
3 Laurent Desbat, Guillaume Champleboux, Markus Fleute, P. Komarek, C. Mennessier, B. Monteil, Thomas Rodet, P. Bessou, Max Coulomb, Gilbert Ferretti: 3D Interventional Imaging with 2D X-Ray Detectors. MICCAI 1999: 973-980
2EEGuillaume Champleboux, Thomas Fortin, H. Boatois, Jean Loup Coudert, Eric Blanchet: A Fast, Accurate and Easy Method to Position Oral Implant Using Computed Tomography - Clinical Validations. MICCAI 1998: 269-276
1 Guillaume Champleboux, Delphine Henry: Parametric two-dimensional B-spline representation of vein and artery from 2.5D echography used to aid virtual echography. CVRMed 1997: 263-272

Coauthor Index

1P. Bessou [3]
2Eric Blanchet [2]
3H. Boatois [2]
4Jean-Luc Bosson [4]
5Jean Loup Coudert [2]
6Max Coulomb [3]
7Laurent Desbat [3]
8Gilbert Ferretti [3]
9Markus Fleute [3]
10Thomas Fortin [2]
11Delphine Henry [1] [4]
12P. Komarek [3]
13Noureddine Laieb [4]
14C. Mennessier [3]
15B. Monteil [3]
16Olivier Pichot [4]
17Thomas Rodet [3]
18Jocelyne Troccaz [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)