
Jukka Nenonen

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10EEMatti Stenroos, Ville Mäntynen, Jukka Nenonen: A Matlab library for solving quasi-static volume conduction problems using the boundary element method. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 88(3): 256-263 (2007)
9 Isabelle E. Magnin, Johan Montagnat, Patrick Clarysse, Jukka Nenonen, Toivo Katila: Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, Second International Workshop, FIMH 2003, Lyon, France, June 5-6, 2003 Proceedings Springer 2003
8EETuomas Lunttila, Jukka Nenonen, Erkki Somersalo: Regularization in Cardiac Source Imaging. FIMH 2003: 101-110
7 Toivo Katila, Isabelle E. Magnin, Patrick Clarysse, Johan Montagnat, Jukka Nenonen: Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, First International Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, November 15-16, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
6EEKim Simelius, Jukka Nenonen, B. Milan Horácek: Simulation of Anisotropic Propagation in the Myocardium with a Hybrid Bidomain Model. FIMH 2001: 140-147
5EEB. Milan Horácek, Kim Simelius, Rok Hren, Jukka Nenonen: Challenges in Modelling Human Heart's Total Excitation. FIMH 2001: 39-46
4EETimo Mäkelä, Patrick Clarysse, Jyrki Lötjönen, Outi Sipilä, Kirsi Lauerma, Helena Hänninen, Esa-Pekka Pyökkimies, Jukka Nenonen, Juhani Knuuti, Toivo Katila, Isabelle E. Magnin: A New Method for the Registration of Cardiac PET and MR Images Using Deformable Model Based Segmentation of the Main Thorax Structures. MICCAI 2001: 557-564
3 Jyrki Lötjönen, Isabelle E. Magnin, L. Reinhardt, Jukka Nenonen, Toivo Katila: Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Geometry Using Projections and a Geometric Prior Model. MICCAI 1999: 192-201
2 Jyrki Lötjönen, Isabelle E. Magnin, Jukka Nenonen, Toivo Katila: Reconstruction of 3D Geometry Using 2D Profiles and a Geometric Prior Model. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 18(10): 992-1002 (1999)
1EEJyrki Lötjönen, Isabelle E. Magnin, Pierre-Jean Reissman, Jukka Nenonen, Toivo Katila: Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images Using 3D Deformable Models. MICCAI 1998: 1213-1221

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Clarysse [4] [7] [9]
2Helena Hänninen [4]
3B. Milan Horácek [5] [6]
4Rok Hren [5]
5Toivo Katila [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [9]
6Juhani Knuuti [4]
7Kirsi Lauerma [4]
8Jyrki Lötjönen [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Tuomas Lunttila [8]
10Isabelle E. Magnin [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [9]
11Timo Mäkelä [4]
12Ville Mäntynen [10]
13Johan Montagnat [7] [9]
14Esa-Pekka Pyökkimies [4]
15L. Reinhardt [3]
16Pierre-Jean Reissman [1]
17Kim Simelius [5] [6]
18Outi Sipilä [4]
19Erkki Somersalo [8]
20Matti Stenroos [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)