
Richard S. LaBarca

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5EEAndrew B. Mor, James E. Moody Jr., D. Davidson, Richard S. LaBarca, Branislav Jaramaz, Anthony M. DiGioia: A Framework for Determining Component and Overall Accuracy for Computer Assisted Surgery Systems. MICCAI (2) 2003: 985-986
4EEDevin V. Amin, Takeo Kanade, Branislav Jaramaz, Anthony M. DiGioia, Constantinos Nikou, Richard S. LaBarca, James E. Moody Jr.: Calibration Method for Determining the Physical Location of the Ultrasound Image Plane. MICCAI 2001: 940-947
3 Frederic Picard, James E. Moody Jr., V. Martinek, F. Fu, M. Rytel, Constantinos Nikou, Richard S. LaBarca, Branislav Jaramaz, Anthony M. DiGioia: A Computer-Assisted ACL Reconstruction System Assessment of Two Techniques of Graft Positioning in ACL Reconstruction. MICCAI 2000: 1136-1144
2 Frederic Picard, James E. Moody Jr., Branislav Jaramaz, Anthony M. DiGioia, Constantinos Nikou, Richard S. LaBarca: A Classification Proposal for Computer-Assisted Knee Systems. MICCAI 2000: 1145-1151
1 Branislav Jaramaz, Constantinos Nikou, Timothy J. Levison, Anthony M. DiGioia, Richard S. LaBarca: CupAlign: Computer-Assisted Postoperative Radiographic Measurement of Acetabular Components Following Total Hip Arthroplasty. MICCAI 1999: 876-882

Coauthor Index

1Devin V. Amin [4]
2D. Davidson [5]
3Anthony M. DiGioia [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4F. Fu [3]
5Branislav Jaramaz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Takeo Kanade [4]
7Timothy J. Levison [1]
8V. Martinek [3]
9James E. Moody Jr. [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Andrew B. Mor [5]
11Constantinos Nikou [1] [2] [3] [4]
12Frederic Picard [2] [3]
13M. Rytel [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)