
Gilbert Ferretti

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6EEJean-Jacques Banihachemi, Eric Boidard, Jean-Luc Bosson, Luc Bressollette, Ivan Bricault, Philippe Cinquin, Gilbert Ferretti, Maud Marchal, Thomas Martinelli, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Franck Pellissier, Christian Roux, Dominique Saragaglia, Pierre Thorel, Jocelyne Troccaz, Adriana Vilchis Gonzales: TER: A Robot for Remote Ultrasonic Examination: Experimental Evaluations CoRR abs/0801.4355: (2008)
5EEIvan Bricault, Gilbert Ferretti: A general tool for the evaluation of spiral CT interpolation algorithms: revisiting the effect of pitch in multislice CT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(1): 58-69 (2005)
4 Laurent Desbat, Guillaume Champleboux, Markus Fleute, P. Komarek, C. Mennessier, B. Monteil, Thomas Rodet, P. Bessou, Max Coulomb, Gilbert Ferretti: 3D Interventional Imaging with 2D X-Ray Detectors. MICCAI 1999: 973-980
3EEIvan Bricault, Gilbert Ferretti, Philippe Cinquin: Multi-Level Strategy for Computer-Assisted Transbronchial Biopsy. MICCAI 1998: 261-268
2 Ivan Bricault, Gilbert Ferretti, Philippe Cinquin: Registration of real and CT-derived virtual bronchoscopic images to assist transbronchial biopsy. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 17(5): 703-714 (1998)
1 David J. Vining, David R. Stelts, David K. Ahn, Paul F. Hemler, Yaorong Ge, Gordon W. Hunt, Christopher Siege, Daniel B. McCorquodale, Mark E. Sarojak, Gilbert Ferretti: Freeflight: a virtual endoscopy system. CVRMed 1997: 413-416

Coauthor Index

1David K. Ahn [1]
2Jean-Jacques Banihachemi [6]
3P. Bessou [4]
4Eric Boidard [6]
5Jean-Luc Bosson [6]
6Luc Bressollette [6]
7Ivan Bricault [2] [3] [5] [6]
8Guillaume Champleboux [4]
9Philippe Cinquin [2] [3] [6]
10Max Coulomb [4]
11Laurent Desbat [4]
12Markus Fleute [4]
13Yaorong Ge [1]
14Adriana Vilchis Gonzales [6]
15Paul F. Hemler [1]
16Gordon W. Hunt [1]
17P. Komarek [4]
18Maud Marchal [6]
19Thomas Martinelli [6]
20Daniel B. McCorquodale [1]
21C. Mennessier [4]
22B. Monteil [4]
23Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry [6]
24Franck Pellissier [6]
25Thomas Rodet [4]
26Christian Roux [6]
27Dominique Saragaglia [6]
28Mark E. Sarojak [1]
29Christopher Siege [1]
30David R. Stelts [1]
31Pierre Thorel [6]
32Jocelyne Troccaz [6]
33David J. Vining [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)