
Ralph Highnam

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12EEKeith Hartman, Ralph Highnam, Ruth Warren, Valerie Jackson: Volumetric Assessment of Breast Tissue Composition from FFDM Images. Digital Mammography / IWDM 2008: 33-39
11EEVijay Rajagopal, Martyn P. Nash, Ralph Highnam, Poul M. F. Nielsen: The Breast Biomechanics Reference State for Multi-modal Image Analysis. Digital Mammography / IWDM 2008: 385-392
10EEVijay Rajagopal, Angela Lee, Jae-Hoon Chung, Ruth Warren, Ralph Highnam, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Martyn P. Nash: Towards Tracking Breast Cancer Across Medical Images Using Subject-Specific Biomechanical Models. MICCAI (1) 2007: 651-658
9EERalph Highnam, Xiabo Pan, Ruth Warren, Mona Jeffreys, George Davey Smith, Michael Brady: Breast Composition Measurements Using Retrospective Standard Mammogram Form (SMF). Digital Mammography / IWDM 2006: 243-250
8EEXiaobo Pan, Michael Brady, Ralph Highnam, Jérôme Declerck: The Use of Multi-scale Monogenic Signal on Structure Orientation Identification and Segmentation. Digital Mammography / IWDM 2006: 601-608
7EEYasuyo Kita, Eriko Tohno, Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady: A CAD System for 3D Locating of Lesions in Mammogram. MICCAI 2001: 94-102
6EEYasuyo Kita, Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady: Correspondence between Different View Breast X Rays Using Curved Epipolar Lines. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 83(1): 38-56 (2001)
5 Margaret Yam, Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady: De-noising hint Surfaces: A Physics-Based Approach. MICCAI 1999: 227-234
4 Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady, Ruth E. English: Detection Film-Screen Artefacts in Mammography Using a Model-Based Approach. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 18(10): 1016-1024 (1999)
3EEYasuyo Kita, Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady: Correspondence between Different View Breast X-Rays Using a Simulation of Breast Deformation. CVPR 1998: 700-707
2EERalph Highnam, Michael Brady: Model-Based Image Enhancement of Far Infrared Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(4): 410-415 (1997)
1 Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady, Basil Shepstone: A Representation for Mammographic Image Processing. CVRMed 1995: 365-371

Coauthor Index

1Michael Brady (J. Michael Brady) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Jae-Hoon Chung [10]
3Jérôme Declerck [8]
4Ruth E. English [4]
5Keith Hartman [12]
6Valerie Jackson [12]
7Mona Jeffreys [9]
8Yasuyo Kita [3] [6] [7]
9Angela Lee [10]
10Martyn P. Nash [10] [11]
11Poul M. F. Nielsen [10] [11]
12Xiabo Pan [9]
13Xiaobo Pan [8]
14Vijay Rajagopal [10] [11]
15Basil Shepstone [1]
16George Davey Smith [9]
17Eriko Tohno [7]
18Ruth Warren [9] [10] [12]
19Margaret Yam [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)