
Jack B. Dennis

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36EEJack B. Dennis: How to build programmable multi-core chips. PPOPP 2009: 283-284
35EEJack B. Dennis: The fresh breeze project: A multi-core chip supporting composable parallel programming. IPDPS 2008: 1-5
34EEJack B. Dennis: Fresh Breeze: a multiprocessor chip architecture guided by modular programming principles. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 31(1): 7-15 (2003)
33EEJack B. Dennis, David Misunas: A Primlinary Architecture for a Basic Data-Flow Processor. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 125-131
32EEJack B. Dennis: Retrospective: A Preliminary Architecture for a Basic Data Flow Processor. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 2-4
31EEJack B. Dennis: General Parallel Computation can be Performed with a Cycle-Free Heap. IEEE PACT 1998: 96-
30EEJack B. Dennis: Static Mapping of Functional Programs: An Example in Signal Processing. Scientific Programming 5(2): 121-135 (1996)
29 Howard Jay Siegel, Seth Abraham, William L. Bain, Kenneth E. Batcher, Thomas L. Casavant, Doug DeGroot, Jack B. Dennis, David C. Douglas, Tse-Yun Feng, James R. Goodman, Alan Huang, Harry F. Jordan, J. Robert Jamp, Yale N. Patt, Alan Jay Smith, James E. Smith, Lawrence Snyder, Harold S. Stone, Russ Tuck, Benjamin W. Wah: Report of the Purdue Workshop on Grand Challenges in Computer Architecture for the Support of High Performance Computing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 16(3): 199-211 (1992)
28EEGuang R. Gao, Robert Kim Yates, Jack B. Dennis, Lenor M. R. Mullin: A strict monolithic array constructor. SPDP 1990: 596-603
27EEJack B. Dennis, Guang R. Gao: An efficient pipelined dataflow processor architecture. SC 1988: 368-373
26 Jack B. Dennis: Data Flow Ideas for Supercomupters. COMPCON 1984: 15-20
25 Jack B. Dennis, Guang R. Gao, Kenneth W. Todd: Modeling the Weather with a Data Flow Supercomputer. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(7): 592-603 (1984)
24 Jack B. Dennis, Guang R. Gao: Maximum Pipelining of Array Operations on Static Data Flow Machine. ICPP 1983: 331-334
23 Jack B. Dennis, Willie Y.-P. Lim, William B. Ackerman: The MIT Data Flow Engineering Model. IFIP Congress 1983: 553-560
22 Jack B. Dennis, Earl C. Van Horn: Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations (Reprint). Commun. ACM 26(1): 29-29 (1983)
21 Jack B. Dennis: An Operational Semantics for a Language with Early Completion Data Structures. ICFPC 1981: 260-267
20 Jack B. Dennis, G. Andrew Boughton, Clement K. C. Leung: Building Blocks for Data Flow Prototypes. ISCA 1980: 1-8
19 Randal E. Bryant, Jack B. Dennis: Concurrent programming. Operating Systems Engineering 1980: 426-451
18 Jack B. Dennis: Surveyor's Forum: An Error Recovery. ACM Comput. Surv. 9(3): 254 (1977)
17 Jack B. Dennis: A language design for structured concurrency. Design and Implementation of Programming Languages 1976: 231-242
16 C. Leung, David Misunas, A. Neczwid, Jack B. Dennis: A Computer Simulation Facility for Packet Communication Architecture. ISCA 1976: 58-63
15 Jack B. Dennis, David Misunas: A Preliminary Architecture for a Basic Data Flow Processor. ISCA 1974: 126-132
14 Jack B. Dennis: First version of a data flow procedure language. Symposium on Programming 1974: 362-376
13 Jack B. Dennis: Concurrency in Software Systems. Advanced Course: Software Engineering 1972: 111-127
12 Jack B. Dennis: The Design and Construction of Software Systems. Advanced Course: Software Engineering 1972: 12-28
11 Jack B. Dennis: Modularity. Advanced Course: Software Engineering 1972: 128-182
10 Jack B. Dennis, John B. Fosseen, John P. Linderman: Data flow schemas. International Sympoisum on Theoretical Programming 1972: 187-216
9EEIgor Hawryszkiewycz, Jack B. Dennis: An Approach to Proving the Correctness of Data Base Operations. SIGFIDET Workshop 1972: 323-348
8EEJack B. Dennis: On the Exchange of Information. SIGFIDET Workshop 1970: 41-67
7 Jack B. Dennis: Programming generality, parallelism and computer architecture. IFIP Congress (1) 1968: 484-492
6EERobert C. Daley, Jack B. Dennis: Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS. Commun. ACM 11(5): 306-312 (1968)
5EEJack B. Dennis: A position paper on computing and communications. Commun. ACM 11(5): 370-377 (1968)
4EEJack B. Dennis, Earl C. Van Horn: Programming semantics for multiprogrammed computations. Commun. ACM 9(3): 143-155 (1966)
3EEJack B. Dennis: Segmentation and the Design of Multiprogrammed Computer Systems. J. ACM 12(4): 589-602 (1965)
2EEJack B. Dennis: A multiuser computation facility for education and research. Commun. ACM 7(9): 521-529 (1964)
1EEJack B. Dennis: A High-Speed Computer Technique for the Transportation Problem. J. ACM 5(2): 132-153 (1958)

Coauthor Index

1Seth Abraham [29]
2William B. Ackerman [23]
3William L. Bain [29]
4Kenneth E. Batcher [29]
5G. Andrew Boughton [20]
6Randal E. Bryant [19]
7Thomas L. Casavant [29]
8Robert C. Daley [6]
9Doug DeGroot [29]
10David C. Douglas [29]
11Tse-Yun Feng [29]
12John B. Fosseen [10]
13Guang R. Gao [24] [25] [27] [28]
14James R. Goodman [29]
15Igor Hawryszkiewycz (I. T. Hawryszkiewycz) [9]
16Earl C. Van Horn [4] [22]
17Alan Huang [29]
18J. Robert Jamp [29]
19Harry F. Jordan [29]
20C. Leung [16]
21Clement K. C. Leung [20]
22Willie Y.-P. Lim [23]
23John P. Linderman [10]
24David Misunas [15] [16] [33]
25Lenor M. R. Mullin [28]
26A. Neczwid [16]
27Yale N. Patt [29]
28Howard Jay Siegel [29]
29Alan Jay Smith [29]
30James E. Smith [29]
31Lawrence Snyder (Larry Snyder) [29]
32Harold S. Stone [29]
33Kenneth W. Todd [25]
34Russ Tuck [29]
35Benjamin W. Wah [29]
36Robert Kim Yates [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)