2007 |
37 | EE | Hongyan Lei,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Queuing Analysis of Power Management in the IEEE 802.11 Based Wireless LANs.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(4): 1286-1294 (2007) |
2006 |
36 | EE | Kamala Subramaniam,
Alan L. Tharp,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Location Updates In Cellular Networks Using Bloom Filters.
COMPSAC (2) 2006: 3-9 |
35 | EE | Henric Johnson,
B. Qaisrani,
Markus Fiedler,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
Hierarchical Defense Structure for Mitigating DoS Attacks.
ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 83 |
34 | EE | Wenye Wang,
Xinbing Wang,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Energy-efficient bandwidth allocation in wireless networks: algorithms, analysis, and simulations.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(5): 1103-1114 (2006) |
2005 |
33 | EE | Wenye Wang,
Xinbing Wang,
Arne A. Nilsson:
A new admission control scheme under energy and QoS constraints for wireless networks.
INFOCOM 2005: 1283-1294 |
32 | EE | Hongyan Lei,
Arne A. Nilsson:
A power management scheme for the IEEE 802.11 based WLANs.
IPCCC 2005: 123-127 |
31 | EE | Patrik Arlos,
Markus Fiedler,
Arne A. Nilsson:
A Distributed Passive Measurement Infrastructure.
PAM 2005: 215-227 |
30 | EE | Hongyan Lei,
Arne A. Nilsson:
An M/G/1 queue with bulk service model for power management in wireless LANs.
PE-WASUN 2005: 92-98 |
2003 |
29 | EE | Jim Martin,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Injong Rhee:
Delay-based congestion avoidance for TCP.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 11(3): 356-369 (2003) |
2002 |
28 | EE | Jim Martin,
Arne A. Nilsson:
On Service Level Agreements for IP Networks.
INFOCOM 2002 |
2001 |
27 | EE | Peter R. Denz,
Arne A. Nilsson:
An Adaptive Error Control Mechanism for Wireless ATM.
ICN (1) 2001: 449-458 |
26 | EE | Markus Fiedler,
Patrik Carlsson,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Voice and Multi-Fractal Data in the Internet.
LCN 2001: 426-431 |
25 | EE | M. Ayedemir,
L. Bottomley,
Marie Coffin,
Clark Jeffries,
Peter C. Kiessler,
K. Kumar,
W. Ligon,
J. Marin,
Arne A. Nilsson,
J. McGovern,
Andrew Rindos,
Ken V. Vu,
Steven P. Woolet,
A. Zaglou,
K. Zhu:
Two tools for network traffic analysis.
Computer Networks 36(2/3): 169-179 (2001) |
2000 |
24 | | Chih-Jen Chang,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Queuing Networks Modelling for a Packet Router Architecture Using the DTM Technology.
ICC (1) 2000: 186-191 |
23 | | Manyoo Han,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Population-Based Call Admission Control in Wireless Cellular Networks.
ICC (3) 2000: 1519-1523 |
22 | EE | S. O. Larsson,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Capacity Management for Internet Traffic.
INTERWORKING 2000: 278-291 |
21 | EE | Chih-Jen Chang,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Fair Efficient Call Admission Control Policies for Heterogeneous Traffic Streams in a Packet Routing Server Using the DTM Technology.
NETWORKING 2000: 620-631 |
20 | EE | Jim Martin,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Injong Rhee:
The incremental deployability of RTT-based congestion avoidance for high speed TCP Internet connections.
SIGMETRICS 2000: 134-144 |
1999 |
19 | | Manyoo Han,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Simulation study of AAL type 2.
Telecommunication Systems 11(3-4): 323-336 (1999) |
1998 |
18 | | Ulf Körner,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Performance of Information and Communication Systems, IFIP TC6/WG6.3 Seventh International Conference on Performance of Information and Communication Systems (PICS '98), 25-28 May 1998, Lund, Schweden
Chapman & Hall 1998 |
17 | | Jim Martin,
Arne A. Nilsson:
On End-to-End Congestion Avoidance for TCP/IP.
HPN 1998: 535-551 |
1997 |
16 | | L. Huynh,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Analysis of a new end-to-end proportional bandwidth allocation algorithm.
HPN 1997: 318-336 |
15 | | Sándor Molnár,
Attila Vidács,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Bottlenecks on the way towards fractal characterization of network traffic estimation and interpretation of the Hurst parameter.
PMCCN 1997: 111-134 |
1996 |
14 | | Olen L. Stokes,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Analysis of MPEG-1 Transmission through B-ISDN ATM Networks.
INFOCOM 1996: 545-552 |
1995 |
13 | | Olen L. Stokes,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Development of a MPEG data stream characterization for use with ATM networks.
HPN 1995: 169-180 |
1994 |
12 | | Harry G. Perros,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Hung-Chang Kuo:
Analysis of Traffic Measurements in the VISTAnet Gigabit Networking Testbed.
HPN 1994: 315-325 |
11 | | Zhi Cui,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Performance study on ATM adaption layer.
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1994: 537-552 |
1993 |
10 | | Y. Frank Jou,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Fuyung Lai:
The Departure Process of a Finite Capacity Polling System with Bursty and Correlated Input Traffic.
Data Communication Networks and their Performance 1993: 83-101 |
9 | | Arne A. Nilsson,
Harry G. Perros,
Daniel S. Stevenson:
Tools and Methodologies for High Speed Network Desing.
Integrated Broadband Communications 1993: 107-118 |
8 | | Y. Frank Jou,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Fuyung Lai:
A Refined Approximation of a Finite Capacity Polling System under ATM Bursty Arrivals.
Integrated Broadband Communications 1993: 395-406 |
7 | | Y. Frank Jou,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Fuyung Lai:
Approximate Analysis of an ATM Switching System with Bursty Arrivals and Finite Capacity.
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1993: 23-39 |
1992 |
6 | | Arne A. Nilsson,
Meejeong Lee:
A Performance Study of the XTP Error Control.
HPN 1992: 351-364 |
1989 |
5 | | Tony L. Mitchell,
Arne A. Nilsson:
Architectural Description of a New, Easily Expandable Self-Routing Computer Network Topology.
INFOCOM 1989: 981-988 |
1988 |
4 | | Harry G. Perros,
Arne A. Nilsson,
Yun-Cheng Liu:
Approximate Analysis of Product-Form Type Queueing Networks with Blocking and Deadlock.
Perform. Eval. 8(1): 19-39 (1988) |
1984 |
3 | | Arne A. Nilsson:
Comments on `` The Reliability of Periodically Repaired n - 1/n Parallel Redundant Systems''.
IEEE Trans. Computers 33(7): 681 (1984) |
1983 |
2 | | W. Chou,
Arne A. Nilsson,
S. C. Chang:
Distributed Directories in Internetworking Environment: Strategy and Performance.
INFOCOM 1983: 563-571 |
1981 |
1 | EE | Leonard Kleinrock,
Arne A. Nilsson:
On Optimal Scheduling Algorithms for Time-Shared Systems.
J. ACM 28(3): 477-486 (1981) |