
Alvin M. Despain

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59EEWon Woo Ro, Stephen P. Crago, Alvin M. Despain, Jean-Luc Gaudiot: Design and evaluation of a hierarchical decoupled architecture. The Journal of Supercomputing 38(3): 237-259 (2006)
58EEWon Woo Ro, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Stephen P. Crago, Alvin M. Despain: HiDISC: A Decoupled Architecture for Data-Intensive Application. IPDPS 2003: 3
57EEKevin M. Obenland, Alvin M. Despain: Simulating the Effect of Decoherence and Inaccuracies on a Quantum Computer. QCQC 1998: 447-459
56EEChi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: Low-power state assignment targeting two- and multilevel logic implementations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17(12): 1281-1291 (1998)
55EEShihming Liu, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: State assignment based on two-dimensional placement and hypercube mapping. Integration 24(2): 101-118 (1997)
54 Vason P. Srini, Tam M. Nguyen, Darren R. Busing, Michael J. Carlton, Bruce K. Holmer, Georges E. Smine, Alvin M. Despain: Design and Simulation of the Aquarius-II Multiprocessor. Journal of Systems Integration 7(2): 151-178 (1997)
53EEChi-Ying Tsui, José C. Monteiro, Massoud Pedram, Srinivas Devadas, Alvin M. Despain, Bill Lin: Correction to "Power Estimation Methods for Sequential Logic Circuits" [Correspondence]. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 4(4): 495 (1996)
52 Bruce K. Holmer, Barton Sano, Michael J. Carlton, Peter Van Roy, Alvin M. Despain: Design and Analysis of Hardware for High-Performance Prolog. J. Log. Program. 29(1-3): 107-139 (1996)
51EEShihming Liu, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: A Fast State Assignment Procedure for Large FSMs. DAC 1995: 327-332
50EEChing-Long Su, Alvin M. Despain: Cache designs for energy efficiency. HICSS (1) 1995: 306-315
49 Apoorv Srivastava, Yong-Seon Koh, Barton Sano, Alvin M. Despain: 190-MHz CMOS 4-Kbyte Pipelined Caches. ISCAS 1995: 1053-1056
48 Shihming Liu, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: PLATO P: PLA Timing Optimization by Partitioning. ISCAS 1995: 1744-1747
47EEChing-Long Su, Alvin M. Despain: Cache design trade-offs for power and performance optimization: a case study. ISLPD 1995: 63-68
46EEChi-Ying Tsui, José C. Monteiro, Massoud Pedram, Srinivas Devadas, Alvin M. Despain, Bill Lin: Power estimation methods for sequential logic circuits. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 3(3): 404-416 (1995)
45EEIng-Jer Huang, Alvin M. Despain: Synthesis of application specific instruction sets. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 14(6): 663-675 (1995)
44 Ching-Long Su, Chi-Ying Tsui, Alvin M. Despain: Lower Power Architecture Design and Compilation Techniques for High-Performance Processors. COMPCON 1994: 489-498
43EEChi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: Exact and Approximate Methods for Calculating Signal and Transition Probabilities in FSMs. DAC 1994: 18-23
42EEIng-Jer Huang, Alvin M. Despain: Synthesis of Instruction Sets for Pipelined Microprocessors. DAC 1994: 5-11
41EEIng-Jer Huang, Alvin M. Despain: Generating instruction sets and microarchitectures from applications. ICCAD 1994: 391-396
40EEChi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Chih-Ang Chen, Alvin M. Despain: Low power state assignment targeting two-and multi-level logic implementations. ICCAD 1994: 82-87
39 Ching-Long Su, Chin-Chi Teng, Alvin M. Despain: A Study of Cache Hashing Functions for Symbolic Applications in Micro-Parallel Processors. ICPADS 1994: 530-537
38 Ching-Long Su, Alvin M. Despain: Branch with Masked Squashing in Superpipelined Processors. ISCA 1994: 130-140
37EEChing-Long Su, Alvin M. Despain: Minimizing branch misprediction penalties for superpipelined processors. MICRO 1994: 138-142
36EEChing-Long Su, Chi-Ying Tsui, Alvin M. Despain: Saving Power in the Control Path of Embedded Processors. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 11(4): 24-30 (1994)
35EEChi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: Power efficient technology decomposition and mapping under an extended power consumption model. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 13(9): 1110-1122 (1994)
34EEChi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: Technology Decomposition and Mapping Targeting Low Power Dissipation. DAC 1993: 68-73
33EEChi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain: Efficient estimation of dynamic power consumption under a real delay model. ICCAD 1993: 224-228
32EEIng-Jer Huang, Alvin M. Despain: Hardware/software resolution of pipeline hazards in pipeline synthesis of instruction set processors. ICCAD 1993: 594-599
31EEIng-Jer Huang, Alvin M. Despain: An extended classification of inter-instruction dependency and its application in automatic synthesis of pipelined processors. MICRO 1993: 236-246
30EEBarton Sano, Alvin M. Despain: The 16-fold way: a microparallel taxonomy. MICRO 1993: 60-69
29EEApoorv Srivastava, Alvin M. Despain: Prophetic branches: a branch architecture for code compaction and efficient execution. MICRO 1993: 94-99
28EEIng-Jer Huang, Alvin M. Despain: High Level Synthesis of Pipelined Instruction Set Processors and Back-End Compilers. DAC 1992: 135-140
27EEIksoo Pyo, Ching-Long Su, Ing-Jer Huang, Kuo-Rueih Pan, Yong-Seon Koh, Chi-Ying Tsui, Hsu-Tsun Chen, Gino Cheng, Shihming Liu, Shiqun Wu, Alvin M. Despain: Application-Driven Design Automation for Microprocessor Design. DAC 1992: 512-517
26 Peter Van Roy, Alvin M. Despain: High-Performance Logic Programming with the Aquarius Prolog Compiler. IEEE Computer 25(1): 54-68 (1992)
25 Saul Amarel, Alvin M. Despain, H. Penny Nii, Louis I. Steinberg, Marty Tenenbaum, Peter M. Will: AI and Design. IJCAI 1991: 563-568
24EEBruce K. Holmer, Alvin M. Despain: Viewing Instruction Set Design as an Optimization Problem. MICRO 1991: 153-162
23 Alvin M. Despain, Robert Yung: An integrated prolog architecture for symbolic and numeric executions. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 4: 107-133 (1991)
22 Darren R. Busing, Vason P. Srini, Georges E. Smine, Michael J. Carlton, Alvin M. Despain: The Aquarius IIU System. ICSI 1990: 38-46
21 Bruce K. Holmer, Barton Sano, Michael J. Carlton, Peter Van Roy, Ralph Clarke Haygood, William R. Bush, Alvin M. Despain, Joan M. Pendleton, Tep P. Dobry: Fast Prolog with an Extended General Purpose Architecture. ISCA 1990: 282-291
20 Peter Van Roy, Alvin M. Despain: The Benefits of Global Dataflow Analysis for an Optimizing Prolog Compiler. NACLP 1990: 501-515
19 Shreekant S. Thakkar, Michel Dubois, Anthony T. Laundrie, Gurindar S. Sohi, David V. James, Stein Gjessing, Manu Thapar, Bruce Delagi, Michael J. Carlton, Alvin M. Despain: Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Architectures. IEEE Computer 23(6): 71-83 (1990)
18 Barry S. Fagin, Alvin M. Despain: The Performance of Parallel Prolog Programs. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(12): 1434-1445 (1990)
17 Alvin M. Despain: Prolog at Berkeley. COMPCON 1988: 64-67
16EETam M. Nguyen, Vason P. Srini, Alvin M. Despain: A two-tier memory architecture for high-performance multiprocessor systems. ICS 1988: 326-336
15 Barry S. Fagin, Alvin M. Despain: Performance Studies of a Parallel Prolog Architecture. ISCA 1987: 108-116
14 Hervé J. Touati, Alvin M. Despain: An Empirical Study of the Warren Abstract Machine. SLP 1987: 114-124
13 William R. Bush, Gino Cheng, Patrick C. McGeer, Alvin M. Despain: Experience with Prolog as a Hardware Specification Language. SLP 1987: 490-498
12 Alvin M. Despain, Yale N. Patt, Tep P. Dobry, Jung-Herng Chang, Wayne Citrin: High Performance Prolog, The Multiplicative Effect of Several Levels of Implementation. COMPCON 1986: 178-185
11EEJonathan D. Pincus, Alvin M. Despain: Delay reduction using simulated annealing. DAC 1986: 690-695
10 Philip Bitar, Alvin M. Despain: Multiprocessor Cache Synchronization: Issues, Innovations, Evolution. ISCA 1986: 424-433
9 Jung-Herng Chang, Alvin M. Despain, Doug DeGroot: AND-Parallelism of Logic Programs Based on a Static Data Dependency Analysis. COMPCON 1985: 218-226
8 Alvin M. Despain, Yale N. Patt: Aquarius - A High Performance Computing System for Symbolic/Numeric Applications. COMPCON 1985: 376-382
7 Tep P. Dobry, Alvin M. Despain, Yale N. Patt: Performance Studies of a Prolog Machine Architecture. ISCA 1985: 180-190
6 Jung-Herng Chang, Alvin M. Despain: Semi-Intelligent Backtracking of Prolog Based on Static Data Dependency Analysis. SLP 1985: 10-21
5 Alvin M. Despain, Yale N. Patt: The Aquarius Project. COMPCON 1984: 364-368
4 Erling Wold, Alvin M. Despain: Pipeline and Parallel-Pipeline FFT Processors for VLSI Implementations. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(5): 414-426 (1984)
3 Alvin M. Despain: Very Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms Hardware for Implementation. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(5): 333-341 (1979)
2EECarlo H. Séquin, Alvin M. Despain, David A. Patterson: Communication In X-TREE, A Modular Multiprocessor System. ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 194-203
1 Alvin M. Despain, David A. Patterson: X-Tree: A Tree Structured Multi-Processor Computer Architecture. ISCA 1978: 144-151

Coauthor Index

1Saul Amarel [25]
2Philip Bitar [10]
3William R. Bush [13] [21]
4Darren R. Busing [22] [54]
5Michael J. Carlton [19] [21] [22] [52] [54]
6Jung-Herng Chang [6] [9] [12]
7Chih-Ang Chen [40]
8Hsu-Tsun Chen [27]
9Gino Cheng [13] [27]
10Wayne Citrin [12]
11Stephen P. Crago [58] [59]
12Doug DeGroot [9]
13Bruce Delagi [19]
14Srinivas Devadas [46] [53]
15Tep P. Dobry [7] [12] [21]
16Michel Dubois [19]
17Barry S. Fagin [15] [18]
18Jean-Luc Gaudiot [58] [59]
19Stein Gjessing [19]
20Ralph Clarke Haygood [21]
21Bruce K. Holmer [21] [24] [52] [54]
22Ing-Jer Huang [27] [28] [31] [32] [41] [42] [45]
23David V. James [19]
24Yong-Seon Koh [27] [49]
25Anthony T. Laundrie [19]
26Bill Lin [46] [53]
27Shihming Liu [27] [48] [51] [55]
28Patrick C. McGeer [13]
29José C. Monteiro (José Monteiro) [46] [53]
30Tam M. Nguyen [16] [54]
31H. Penny Nii [25]
32Kevin M. Obenland [57]
33Kuo-Rueih Pan [27]
34Yale N. Patt [5] [7] [8] [12]
35David A. Patterson [1] [2]
36Massoud Pedram [33] [34] [35] [40] [43] [46] [48] [51] [53] [55] [56]
37Joan M. Pendleton [21]
38Jonathan D. Pincus [11]
39Iksoo Pyo [27]
40Won Woo Ro [58] [59]
41Peter Van Roy [20] [21] [26] [52]
42Barton Sano [21] [30] [49] [52]
43Carlo H. Séquin [2]
44Georges E. Smine [22] [54]
45Gurindar S. Sohi [19]
46Vason P. Srini [16] [22] [54]
47Apoorv Srivastava [29] [49]
48Louis I. Steinberg [25]
49Ching-Long Su [27] [36] [37] [38] [39] [44] [47] [50]
50Marty Tenenbaum [25]
51Chin-Chi Teng [39]
52Shreekant S. Thakkar [19]
53Manu Thapar [19]
54Hervé J. Touati [14]
55Chi-Ying Tsui [27] [33] [34] [35] [36] [40] [43] [44] [46] [53] [56]
56Peter M. Will [25]
57Erling Wold [4]
58Shiqun Wu [27]
59Robert Yung [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)