
Robert R. Seban

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7 Robert R. Seban: A Distributed Critical Section Protocol for General Topology. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 28(1): 32-42 (1995)
6 Anton P. Karadimce, Robert R. Seban, Aksenti L. Grnarov: A General-Purpose, High Performance Algorithm for Distributed Systems Reliability Evaluation. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 21(2): 129-142 (1991)
5 Robert R. Seban: FTN Topology and Protocols. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 11(1): 51-62 (1991)
4 Robert R. Seban, Howard Jay Siegel: Analysis of Partitionability Properties of Topologically Arbitrary Interconnection Networks. ICDCS 1985: 173-181
3 Robert R. Seban, Howard Jay Siegel: Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of Special Purpose Interconnection Networks. ICDCS 1984: 256-265
2 Robert R. Seban, Howard Jay Siegel: Shuffling with the Illiac and PM21 SIMD Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(7): 619-625 (1984)
1 Robert R. Seban, Howard Jay Siegel: Performing the Shuffle with the PM2I and Illiac SIMD Interconnection Networks. ICPP 1983: 117-125

Coauthor Index

1Aksenti L. Grnarov [6]
2Anton P. Karadimce [6]
3Howard Jay Siegel [1] [2] [3] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)