
David L. Wells

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15EEAnthony R. Cassandra, Marian H. Nodine, Shilpa Bondale, Steve Ford, David L. Wells: Using decision-theoretic models to enhance agent system survivability. AAMAS 2005: 1141-1142
14 Margaret H. Eich, David L. Wells: Database Concurrency Control Using Data Flow Graphs. Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems 1996: 215-247
13EEAlejandro P. Buchmann, Jürgen Zimmermann, José A. Blakeley, David L. Wells: Building an Integrated Active OODBMS: Requirements, Architecture, and Design Decisions. ICDE 1995: 117-128
12EEDavid L. Wells, Craig W. Thompson: Evaluation of the Object Query Service Submissions to the Object Management Group. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 17(4): 36-45 (1994)
11 David L. Wells, José A. Blakeley: Distribution and Persistence in the Open Object-Oriented Database System. IWDOM 1992: 50-56
10 David L. Wells, José A. Blakeley, Craig W. Thompson: Architecture of an Open Object-Oriented Database Management System. IEEE Computer 25(10): 74-82 (1992)
9EEDavid L. Wells: Object-Oriented Databases: Evolution or Revolution on Information System Designs (Panel Abstract). ICDE 1989: 418
8EEJohn Joseph, Satish M. Thatte, Craig W. Thompson, David L. Wells: Report on the Object-Oriented Database Workshop, Held in Conjuction with OOPSLA '88. SIGMOD Record 18(3): 78-101 (1989)
7 Steve Ford, John Joseph, David E. Langworthy, David F. Lively, Girish Pathak, Edward R. Perez, Robert W. Peterson, Diana M. Sparacin, Satish M. Thatte, David L. Wells, Sanjive Agarwala: ZEITGEIST: Database Support for Object-Oriented Programming. OODBS 1988: 23-42
6EEMargaret H. Eich, David L. Wells: Database Concurrency Control Using Data Flow Graphs. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 13(2): 197-227 (1988)
5 Stephen L. Stepoway, David L. Wells, Gerald R. Kane: A Multiprocessor Architecture for Generating Fractal Surfaces. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(11): 1041-1045 (1984)
4 Stephen L. Stepoway, David L. Wells, Gerald R. Kane: An Architecture for Efficient Generation of Fractal Surfaces. ICPP 1983: 261-268
3 K. A. Omar, David L. Wells: Modified Architecture for the Sub-Keys Model. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1983: 79-88
2EEGeorge I. Davida, David L. Wells, John B. Kam: A Database Encryption System with Subkeys. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 6(2): 312-328 (1981)
1 George I. Davida, David J. Linton, C. Russel Szelag, David L. Wells: Database Security. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(6): 531-533 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1Sanjive Agarwala [7]
2José A. Blakeley [10] [11] [13]
3Shilpa Bondale [15]
4Alejandro P. Buchmann [13]
5Anthony R. Cassandra [15]
6George I. Davida [1] [2]
7Margaret H. Dunham (Margaret H. Eich) [6] [14]
8Steve Ford [7] [15]
9John Joseph [7] [8]
10John B. Kam [2]
11Gerald R. Kane [4] [5]
12David E. Langworthy [7]
13David J. Linton [1]
14David F. Lively [7]
15Marian H. Nodine [15]
16K. A. Omar [3]
17Girish Pathak [7]
18Edward R. Perez [7]
19Robert W. Peterson [7]
20Diana M. Sparacin [7]
21Stephen L. Stepoway [4] [5]
22C. Russel Szelag [1]
23Satish M. Thatte [7] [8]
24Craig W. Thompson [8] [10] [12]
25Jürgen Zimmermann [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)