
Y. W. Eva Ma

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8EEYao-Nan Lien, Y. W. Eva Ma, Benjamin W. Wah: Transformation of the generalized traveling-salesman problem into the standard traveling-salesman problem. Inf. Sci. 74(1-2): 177-189 (1993)
7 Y. W. Eva Ma, Lixin Tao: Embeddings among Meshes and Tori. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(1): 44-55 (1993)
6 Y. W. Eva Ma, Bhagirath Narahari, Lixin Tao: Optimal Embedding of 2-D Torus Into Ring. Inf. Process. Lett. 41(4): 227-231 (1992)
5 Y. W. Eva Ma, Lixin Tao: Embeddings Among Toruses and Meshes. ICPP 1987: 178-187
4 C. V. Ramamoorthy, Y. W. Eva Ma: Optimal Recopnfiguration Strategies for Reconfigurable Computer Systems with no Repair. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(3): 278-280 (1986)
3 Benjamin W. Wah, Y. W. Eva Ma: MANIP - A Multicomputer Architecture for Solving Combinatorial Extremum-Search Problems. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(5): 377-390 (1984)
2EEBenjamin W. Wah, Y. W. Eva Ma: The architecture of MANIP: a parallel computer system for solving NP-complete problems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 149-161
1 Benjamin W. Wah, Y. W. Eva Ma: MANIP - A Parallel Computer System for Implementing Branch and Bound Algorithms. ISCA 1981: 239-262

Coauthor Index

1Yao-Nan Lien [8]
2Bhagirath Narahari [6]
3C. V. Ramamoorthy [4]
4Lixin Tao [5] [6] [7]
5Benjamin W. Wah [1] [2] [3] [8]

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