2008 |
117 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Yin Yin:
Controlled privacy preserving keyword search.
ASIACCS 2008: 321-324 |
116 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
João W. Cangussu,
Aditya P. Mathur,
Fevzi Belli,
Kai-Yuan Cai:
Message from the IWSC 2008 Workshop Organizers.
COMPSAC 2008: 813 |
115 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
João W. Cangussu,
Aditya P. Mathur,
Fevzi Belli,
Kai-Yuan Cai:
IWSC 2008 Workshop Organization.
COMPSAC 2008: 814-815 |
114 | EE | Chang-Hai Jiang,
Hai Hu,
Kai-Yuan Cai,
Dazhi Huang,
Stephen S. Yau:
An Intelligent Control Architecture for Adaptive Service-Based Software Systems with Workflow Patterns.
COMPSAC 2008: 824-829 |
113 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Position Statement: Advances and Challenges of Software Engineering.
COMPSAC 2008: 9 |
112 | EE | Prabhdeep Singh,
Fatih Gelgi,
Hasan Davulcu,
Stephen S. Yau,
Supratik Mukhopadhyay:
A Risk Reduction Framework for Dynamic Workflows.
IEEE SCC (1) 2008: 381-388 |
111 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Junwei Liu:
Service Functionality Indexing and Matching for Service-Based Systems.
IEEE SCC (1) 2008: 461-468 |
110 | EE | Zhaoyu Liu,
Stephen S. Yau,
Dichao Peng,
Yin Yin:
A Flexible Trust Model for Distributed Service Infrastructures.
ISORC 2008: 108-115 |
109 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Zhaoji Chen:
Security Policy Integration and Conflict Reconciliation for Collaborations among Organizations in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
UIC 2008: 3-19 |
108 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Dazhi Huang,
Wei Gao,
Yin Yin:
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008 |
107 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Haishan Gong,
Dazhi Huang,
Wei Gao,
Luping Zhu:
Specification, decomposition and agent synthesis for situation-aware service-based systems.
Journal of Systems and Software 81(10): 1663-1680 (2008) |
2007 |
106 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Min Yan,
Dazhi Huang:
Design of Service-Based Systems with Adaptive Tradeoff Between Security and Service Delay.
ATC 2007: 103-113 |
105 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Dazhi Huang,
Luping Zhu:
An Approach to Adaptive Distributed Execution Monitoring for Workflows in Service-based Systems.
COMPSAC (2) 2007: 211-216 |
104 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Junwei Liu:
A Situation-aware Access Control based Privacy-Preserving Service Matchmaking Approach for Service-Oriented Architecture.
ICWS 2007: 1056-1063 |
103 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Luping Zhu,
Dazhi Huang,
Haishan Gong:
An Approach to Automated Agent Deployment in Service-Based Systems.
ISORC 2007: 257-265 |
102 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Developing Adaptive Software with Multiple QoS Requirements.
QSIC 2007: 4 |
101 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Hasan Davulcu,
Supratik Mukhopadhyay,
Dazhi Huang,
Haishan Gong,
Prabhdeep Singh,
Fatih Gelgi:
Automated Situation-Aware Service Composition in Service-Oriented Computing.
Int. J. Web Service Res. 4(4): 59-82 (2007) |
100 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Wei Gao:
Multi-hop Clustering Based on Neighborhood Benchmark in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
MONET 12(5-6): 381-391 (2007) |
2006 |
99 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Managing Trust in Distributed Agent Systems.
ATC 2006: 17-25 |
98 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Yisheng Yao,
Min Yan:
Development and Runtime Support for Situation-Aware Security in Autonomic Computing.
ATC 2006: 173-182 |
97 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Zhaoji Chen:
A Framework for Specifying and Managing Security Requirements in Collaborative Systems.
ATC 2006: 500-510 |
96 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Future Trends of Software Technology and Applications.
COMPSAC (1) 2006: 15 |
95 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Haishan Gong,
Dazhi Huang,
Wei Gao,
Luping Zhu:
Automated Agent Synthesis for Situation Awareness in Service-Based Systems.
COMPSAC (1) 2006: 503-512 |
94 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Wei Gao,
Dazhi Huang:
A Location-based Directional Route Discovery (LDRD) Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
93 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Junwei Liu:
Incorporating Situation Awareness in Service Specifications.
ISORC 2006: 287-294 |
92 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Choksing Taweponsomkiat,
Dazhi Huang:
A Framework for Extensible Component Customization for Component-based Software Development.
QSIC 2006: 369-376 |
91 | EE | W. K. Chan,
Tsong Yueh Chen,
Heng Lu,
T. H. Tse,
Stephen S. Yau:
Integration Testing of Context-sensitive Middleware-based Applications: a Metamorphic Approach.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(5): 677-704 (2006) |
90 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Dazhi Huang,
Haishan Gong,
Yisheng Yao:
Support for situation awareness in trustworthy ubiquitous computing application software.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 36(9): 893-921 (2006) |
2005 |
89 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Dazhi Huang,
Haishan Gong,
Hasan Davulcu:
Situation-Awareness for Adaptive Coordination in Service-Based Systems.
COMPSAC (1) 2005: 107-112 |
88 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Security and Privacy in Collaborative Distributed Systems.
COMPSAC (1) 2005: 267 |
87 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Keynote Speech: Model-Driven Agile Development (MAD) for Situation-Aware Software in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
COMPSAC (2) 2005: 159 |
86 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Hasan Davulcu,
Supratik Mukhopadhyay,
Dazhi Huang,
Yisheng Yao:
Adaptable Situation-Aware Secure Service-Based (AS3) Systems.
ISORC 2005: 308-315 |
85 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Gaurav Goyal,
Yisheng Yao:
Replication for Adaptive Responsiveness in Service-Oriented Systems.
QSIC 2005: 161-168 |
84 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Supratik Mukhopadhyay,
Ramesh Bharadwaj:
Specification, Analysis and Implementation of Architectural Patterns for Dependable Software Systems.
WORDS 2005: 197-204 |
83 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Yisheng Yao,
Zhaoji Chen,
Luping Zhu:
An Adaptable Security Framework for Service-based Systems.
WORDS 2005: 28-35 |
82 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Xinyu Zhang:
A middleware service for secure group communication in mobile ad hoc networks.
Journal of Systems and Software 76(1): 29-43 (2005) |
2004 |
81 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Embedded Software in Real-Time Pervasive Computing Environments.
COMPSAC 2004: 406-407 |
80 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Dazhi Huang,
Haishan Gong,
Siddharth Seth:
Development and Runtime Support for Situation-Aware Application Software in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
COMPSAC 2004: 452-457 |
79 | EE | T. H. Tse,
Stephen S. Yau,
W. K. Chan,
Heng Lu,
Tsong Yueh Chen:
Testing Context-Sensitive Middleware-Based Software Applications.
COMPSAC 2004: 458-466 |
78 | EE | Hoh Peter In,
ChangHwa Kim,
Stephen S. Yau:
Q-MAR: An Adaptive QoS Management Model for Situation-Aware Middleware.
EUC 2004: 972-981 |
77 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
William C. Chu,
Francis Lau,
Chuang Lin,
Kinji Mori,
P. K. Sinka:
Current State and Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems in Asia.
FTDCS 2004: 200 |
76 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Deepak Chandraseka,
Dazhi Huang:
An Adaptive, Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Context Discovery Protocol for Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
FTDCS 2004: 261-267 |
75 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
A context-sensitive middleware for dynamic integration of mobile devices with network infrastructures.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(2): 301-317 (2004) |
74 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
An Adaptive Middleware for Context-Sensitive Communications for Real-Time Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
Real-Time Systems 26(1): 29-61 (2004) |
2003 |
73 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Xinyu Zhang:
A Middleware Service for Secure Group Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
COMPSAC 2003: 10-15 |
72 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Carl E. Landwehr,
Jeffrey M. Voas,
Thomas J. Weigert:
Challenges and Recent Advances in Developing Trustworthy Software-Based Systems.
COMPSAC 2003: 208- |
71 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Huan Liu,
Dazhi Huang,
Yisheng Yao:
Situation-Aware Personalized Information Retrieval for Mobile Internet.
COMPSAC 2003: 638- |
70 | EE | Hoh Peter In,
ChangHwa Kim,
Unil Yun,
Stephen S. Yau:
Q-MAR: A QoS Resource Conflict Identification Model for Situation-Aware Middleware.
FTDCS 2003: 212-218 |
69 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Carl K. Chang,
Randy Chow,
Luca Limoncini,
Michel Raynal:
Challenges of Future Distributed Computing Systems.
FTDCS 2003: 376 |
68 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Yu Wang,
Dazhi Huang,
Hoh Peter In:
Situation-Aware Contract Specification Language for Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing.
FTDCS 2003: 93-99 |
67 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed:
An Approach to Developing Information Dissemination Service for Ubiquitous Computing Applications.
ISADS 2003: 240- |
66 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Supporting Future ADS Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments Using Adaptive, Context-Sensitive Middleware.
ISADS 2003: 331-332 |
65 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Software Development Support for Next-Generation Distributed Embedded Systems.
ISADS 2003: 4 |
64 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
A Lightweight Middleware Protocol for Ad Hoc Distributed Object Computing in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
ISORC 2003: 172-182 |
63 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Yu Wang,
Dazhi Huang:
Middleware Support for Embedded Software with Multiple QoS Properties for Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
WORDS 2003: 250- |
62 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
An Energy-Efficient Object Discovery Protocol for Context-Sensitive Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(11): 1074-1085 (2003) |
2002 |
61 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Maarten Boasson,
William C. Chu,
Dick B. Simmons:
Entrepreneurship in Software Industry.
COMPSAC 2002: 207-210 |
60 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Yu Wang,
Fariaz Karim:
Development of Situation-Aware Application Software for Ubiquitous Computing Environment.
COMPSAC 2002: 233-238 |
59 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
Adaptive Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
DIPES 2002: 131-140 |
58 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Choksing Taweponsomkiat:
An Approach to Object-Oriented Component Customization for Real-Time Software Development.
Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2002: 429-436 |
57 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Xiaoyong Zhou:
Schedulability in Model-based Software Development for Distributed Real-Time Systems.
WORDS 2002: 45-52 |
2001 |
56 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
Context-Sensitive Distributed Software Development for Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
COMPSAC 2001: 263-268 |
55 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
Context-Sensitive Object Request Broker for Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
FTDCS 2001: 34-40 |
54 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware for ADS Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environments.
ISADS 2001: 319-326 |
53 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
Context-Sensitive Middleware for Real-Time Software in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
ISORC 2001: 163-170 |
2000 |
52 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Achieving Quality Software Development for Distributed Environments.
APAQS 2000: 169-180 |
51 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Ning Dong:
Integration in Component-Based Software Development Using Design Patterns.
COMPSAC 2000: 369- |
50 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
Component Customization for Object-Oriented Distributed Real-Time Software Development.
ISORC 2000: 156- |
1999 |
49 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Supply and Demands of Information Technology Workers.
COMPSAC 1999: 342- |
48 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Xinyu Zhang:
Computer Network Intrusion Detection, Assessment And Prevention Based on Security Dependency Relation.
COMPSAC 1999: 86- |
47 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Fariaz Karim:
Integration of Object-Oriented Software Components for Distributed Application Software Development.
FTDCS 1999: 111-118 |
46 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Ning Dong,
Fariaz Karim:
Autonomous Decentralized System with Event Service for Information Services.
ISADS 1999: 182-189 |
1998 |
45 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Bing Xia:
Object Oriented Distributed Component Software Development based on CORBA.
COMPSAC 1998: 246-251 |
44 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Panel Session: Directions for Software Technology.
COMPSAC 1998: 644 |
43 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Bing Xia:
An Approach to Distributed Component-Based Real-Time Application Software Development.
ISORC 1998: 275-283 |
1997 |
42 | | Hao Chen,
Stephen S. Yau:
Contribution to Munuera's problem on the main conjecture of geometric hyperelliptic MDS codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(4): 1349-1354 (1997) |
1996 |
41 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Jun Wang:
A Framework for an Integrated Tool Set for Object-Oriented Analysis of Application Software Development.
COMPSAC 1996: 502- |
40 | | Stephen S. Yau:
Essays on Fifty Years of Computing - Guest Editor's Introduction.
IEEE Computer 29(10): 24-25 (1996) |
1995 |
39 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Doo-Hwan Bae,
Jun Wang:
An Architecture-Independent Software Development Approach for Parallel Processing Systems.
COMPSAC 1995: 370-375 |
1994 |
38 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Doo-Hwan Bae:
Object-oriented and functional software design for distributed real-time systems.
Computer Communications 17(10): 691-698 (1994) |
1993 |
37 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Jacob V. Gore:
Paradigm Lost: Discovering the Intersection of Assertion-Guided Program Construction and Constraint-Driven Reevaluation.
Comput. J. 36(2): 137-142 (1993) |
36 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Jacob V. Gore:
Constraint-Driven Programming in Strongly-Typed Object-Oriented Languages.
Comput. Lang. 18(3): 169-183 (1993) |
35 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Doo-Hwan Bae,
Madhan Chidambaram:
Object-oriented development of architecture transparent software for distributed parallel systems.
Computer Communications 16(5): 317-327 (1993) |
1992 |
34 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Computer Communications 15(4): 211-212 (1992) |
33 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Xiaoping Jia,
Doo-Hwan Bae:
Software design methods for distributed computing systems.
Computer Communications 15(4): 213-224 (1992) |
1991 |
32 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Ivy Wiharja:
An approach to module distribution for the design of embedded distributed software systems.
Inf. Sci. 56(1-3): 1-22 (1991) |
31 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Xiaoping Jia,
Doo-Hwan Bae:
PROOF: A Parallel Object-Oriented Functional Computation Model.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 12(3): 202-212 (1991) |
1988 |
30 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Xiaoping Jia:
Visual languages and software specifications.
ICCL 1988: 322-328 |
29 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Wonmo Hong:
Verification of Concurrent Control Flow in Distributed Computer Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(4): 405-417 (1988) |
28 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
Robin A. Nicholl,
Jeffrey J. P. Tsai,
Sying-Syang Liu:
An Integrated Life-Cycle Model for Software Maintenance.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(8): 1128-1144 (1988) |
1987 |
27 | EE | Stephen S. Yau:
Relationship Between Data Engineering and Software Engineering (Abstract).
ICDE 1987: 84 |
26 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Jeffrey J. P. Tsai:
Knowledge Representation of Software Component Interconnection Information for Large-Scale Software Modifications.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(3): 355-361 (1987) |
1986 |
25 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Jeffrey J. P. Tsai:
A Survey of Software Design Techniques.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(6): 713-721 (1986) |
24 | EE | Sol M. Shatz,
Stephen S. Yau:
A partitioning algorithm for distributed software systems design.
Inf. Sci. 38(2): 165-180 (1986) |
23 | EE | M. Liron,
B. Melamed,
Stephen S. Yau:
Markov reliability models of fault-tolerant distributed computing systems.
Inf. Sci. 40(3): 183-206 (1986) |
1985 |
22 | | Stephen S. Yau,
James S. Collofello:
Design Stability Measures for Software Maintenance.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(9): 849-856 (1985) |
1984 |
21 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Jeffrey J. P. Tsai:
A Graph-Based Software Maintenance Environment.
COMPCON 1984: 321-324 |
20 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Wonmo Hong:
Performance Optimization of a CSMA Protocol for Local Computer Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 33(9): 812-817 (1984) |
1983 |
19 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Robert W. Ritchie,
Warren Semon,
J. F. Traub,
Andries van Dam,
Stanley Winkler:
Meeting the Crisis in Comuter Science.
Commun. ACM 26(12): 1046-1050 (1983) |
18 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Robert W. Ritchie,
Warren Semon,
J. F. Traub,
Andries van Dam,
Stanley Winkler:
Meeting the Crisis in Computer Science.
IEEE Computer 16(12): 83-87 (1983) |
17 | | Thomas F. Schwab,
Stephen S. Yau:
An Algebraic Model of Fault-Masking Logic Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Computers 32(9): 809-825 (1983) |
16 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan:
Distributed Software System Design Representation Using Modified Petri Nets.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(6): 733-745 (1983) |
15 | EE | P. M. Lu,
Stephen S. Yau,
Wonmo Hong:
A formal methodology using attributed grammars for multiprocessing-system software development II - Validation.
Inf. Sci. 30(2): 107-123 (1983) |
14 | EE | P. M. Lu,
Stephen S. Yau,
Wonmo Hong:
A formal methodology using attributed grammars for multiprocessing-system software development I - Design representation.
Inf. Sci. 30(2): 79-105 (1983) |
1982 |
13 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Sol M. Shatz:
On Communication in the Design of Software Components of Distributed Computer Systems.
ICDCS 1982: 280-287 |
1981 |
12 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Chen-Chau Yang,
Sol M. Shatz:
An Approach to Distributed Computing System Software Design.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(4): 427-436 (1981) |
11 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Paul C. Grabow:
A Model for Representing Programs Using Hierarchical Graphs.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(6): 556-574 (1981) |
1980 |
10 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Fu-Chung Chen:
An Approach to Concurrent Control Flow Checking.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 6(2): 126-137 (1980) |
9 | | Leon J. Mekly,
Stephen S. Yau:
Software Design Representation Using Abstract Process Networks.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 6(5): 420-435 (1980) |
8 | | Stephen S. Yau,
James S. Collofello:
Some Stability Measures for Software Maintenance.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 6(6): 545-552 (1980) |
7 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
John L. Ramey,
Robin A. Nicholl:
Assertion techniques for dynamic monitoring of linear list data structures.
Journal of Systems and Software 1: 319-336 (1980) |
1977 |
6 | | James M. Garnett III,
Stephen S. Yau:
Nonparametric Estimation of the Bayes Error of Feature Extractors Using Ordered Nearest Neighbor Sets.
IEEE Trans. Computers 26(1): 46-54 (1977) |
1976 |
5 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Jackson Chung:
On the Design of Modulo Arithmetic Units Based on Cyclic Groups.
IEEE Trans. Computers 25(11): 1057-1067 (1976) |
1975 |
4 | | Stephen S. Yau,
Shih-Chien Yang:
Multiple Fault Detection for Combinational Logic Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Computers 24(3): 233-242 (1975) |
3 | | J. Richard Kane,
Stephen S. Yau:
Concurrent Software Fault Detection.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 1(1): 87-99 (1975) |
2 | EE | Stephen S. Yau,
S. C. Chang:
A direct method for cluster analysis.
Pattern Recognition 7(4): 215-224 (1975) |
1971 |
1 | | J. Richard Kane,
Stephen S. Yau:
On the Design of Easily Testable Sequential Machines
FOCS 1971: 38-42 |