2008 |
65 | EE | Panayiotis Adamos Michael,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Architectural Principles of the "Streamonas" Data Stream Management System and Performance Evaluation Based on the Linear Road Benchmark.
CSSE (4) 2008: 643-646 |
64 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Ruey-Lung Hsiao,
Yi Xing,
Alissa M. Resch,
Christopher J. Lee:
Solving the Problem of Trans-Genomic Query with Alignment Tables.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 5(3): 432-447 (2008) |
2007 |
63 | EE | Hung-chih Yang,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Lightweight Model Bases and Table-Driven Modeling.
DASFAA 2007: 740-752 |
62 | EE | Kung-Hua Chang,
Yong Kyun Kwon,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Finding Minimal Sets of Informative Genes in Microarray Data.
ISBRA 2007: 227-236 |
61 | EE | Hung-chih Yang,
Ali Dasdan,
Ruey-Lung Hsiao,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Map-reduce-merge: simplified relational data processing on large clusters.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1029-1040 |
2006 |
60 | EE | Ruey-Lung Hsiao,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
The GOBASE: an information management system for Gene Ontology.
SSDBM 2006: 101-104 |
59 | EE | Hung-chih Yang,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Ruey-Lung Hsiao:
The Holodex: Integrating Summarization with the Index.
SSDBM 2006: 23-32 |
2005 |
58 | EE | Ruey-Lung Hsiao,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Hung-chih Yang:
Support for BioIndexing in BLASTgres.
DILS 2005: 284-287 |
57 | | Hung-chih Yang,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Table-Driven Programming in SQL for Enterprise Information Systems.
ICEIS (1) 2005: 424-427 |
56 | EE | Fang Chu,
Yizhou Wang,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Carlo Zaniolo:
Data cleaning using belief propagation.
IQIS 2005: 99-104 |
55 | EE | Fang Chu,
Yizhou Wang,
Carlo Zaniolo,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Improving Mining Quality by Exploiting Data Dependency.
PAKDD 2005: 486-499 |
54 | EE | Paul R. Eggert,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Perturbing and evaluating numerical programs without recompilation - the wonglediff way.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(4): 313-322 (2005) |
2004 |
53 | EE | L. Robert Varney,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Interface-oriented middleware and distributed service inference.
Adaptive and Reflective Middleware 2004: 244-249 |
2003 |
52 | EE | Kelvin T. Leung,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Empirical comparisons of various voting methods in bagging.
KDD 2003: 595-600 |
51 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Michael M. Gorlick,
Christopher J. Lee:
Evolving from Bioinformatics in-the-Small to Bioinformatics in-the-Large.
OMICS 7(1): 37-48 (2003) |
2001 |
50 | EE | Wesley T. Chuang,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Pyramidal Digest: An Efficient Model for Abstracting Text Databases.
DEXA 2001: 360-369 |
2000 |
49 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Haixun Wang,
Sylvia R. Zhang,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Landmarks: a New Model for Similarity-based Pattern Querying in Time Series Databases.
ICDE 2000: 33-42 |
48 | | Chang-Shing Perng,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Temporal Coupling Verification in Time Series Databases.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 15(1): 29-49 (2000) |
1999 |
47 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
SQL/LPP: A Time Series Extension of SQL Based on Limited Patience Patterns.
DEXA 1999: 218-227 |
46 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
SQL/LPP+: A Cascading Query Language for Temporal Correlation Verification.
DaWaK 1999: 343-352 |
45 | | Dinh Lê,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Using randomization to make recursive matrix algorithms practical.
J. Funct. Program. 9(6): 605-624 (1999) |
44 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Prasad Ram:
The Construction of Huffman Codes is a Submodular ("Convex") Optimization Problem Over a Lattice of Binary Trees.
SIAM J. Comput. 28(5): 1875-1905 (1999) |
1998 |
43 | EE | Jeffrey A. Goldman,
Wesley W. Chu,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Robert M. Goldman:
TDDA, a Data Mining Tool for Text Databases: A Case History in a Lung Cancer Text Database.
Discovery Science 1998: 431-432 |
1997 |
42 | EE | Jeffrey A. Goldman,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Wesley W. Chu:
Knowledge Discovery in an Earthquake Text Database: Correlation between Significant Earthquakes and the Time of Day.
SSDBM 1997: 12-21 |
41 | | Xin Wang,
Edward K. Blum,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Daniel Massey:
The Dance Party Problem and its Application to Collective Communication in Computer Networks.
Parallel Computing 23(8): 1141-1156 (1997) |
1996 |
40 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Aesthetics-Based Graph Layout for Human Consumption.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 26(12): 1415-1438 (1996) |
1995 |
39 | EE | Ping-Yu Hsu,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Improving SQL with Generalized Quantifiers.
ICDE 1995: 298-305 |
38 | | Mantis H. M. Cheng,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Maarten H. van Emden:
A Method for Implementing Equational Theories as Logic Programs.
ICLP 1995: 497-511 |
1993 |
37 | | Paul R. Eggert,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
File Systems in User Space.
USENIX Winter 1993: 229-240 |
1992 |
36 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Eric Simon,
Patrick Valduriez:
SVP: A Model Capturing Sets, Lists, Streams, and Parallelism.
VLDB 1992: 115-126 |
35 | | H. Lewis Chau,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Narrowing Grammar: Theory, Implementation, and Applications.
J. Log. Program. 14(3&4): 253-286 (1992) |
1990 |
34 | | Michael M. Gorlick,
Carl Kesselman,
Daniel A. Marotta,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Mockingbird: A Logical Methodology for Testing.
J. Log. Program. 8(1): 95-119 (1990) |
33 | | Alexis Koster,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Regulation Management and Logic Programming.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 20(1): 79-107 (1990) |
1989 |
32 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Integrating AI and DBMS through Stream Processing.
ICDE 1989: 259-260 |
31 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Richard R. Muntz,
H. Lewis Chau:
The Tangram Stream Query Processing System.
ICDE 1989: 556-563 |
30 | | H. Lewis Chau,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Narrowing Grammars.
ICLP 1989: 199-217 |
29 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Partial Order Programming.
POPL 1989: 260-266 |
1988 |
28 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Richard R. Muntz:
A Theory of Directed Logic Programs and Streams.
ICLP/SLP 1988: 620-650 |
27 | | Paolo Atzeni,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Formal Properties of Net-Based Knowledge Representation Schemes.
Data Knowl. Eng. 3: 137-147 (1988) |
26 | | Paolo Atzeni,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Set Containment Inference and Syllogisms.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 62(1-2): 39-65 (1988) |
1987 |
25 | EE | Paolo Atzeni,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Algorithms for Set Containment Inference.
DBPL 1987: 117-127 |
24 | EE | Yehoshua Sagiv,
Claude Delobel,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Ronald Fagin:
Correction to ``An equivalence between relational database dependencies and a fragment of propositional logic''.
J. ACM 34(4): 1016-1018 (1987) |
1986 |
23 | EE | Paolo Atzeni,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Formal Properties of Net-Based Knowledge Representation Schemes.
ICDE 1986: 700-706 |
22 | EE | Paolo Atzeni,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Set Containment Inference.
ICDT 1986: 73-90 |
21 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Knowledge-Bases and Database Engineering.
VLDB 1986: 315 |
1984 |
20 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Michael J. Carey,
Forouzan Golshani,
Matthias Jarke,
Edward Sciore,
Adrian Walker:
Logic Programming and Databases.
Expert Database Workshop 1984: 35-48 |
19 | | C. S. Raghavendra,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Reliability Analysis of an Interconnection Network.
ICDCS 1984: 461-471 |
18 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
C. S. Raghavendra:
The Gamma Network.
IEEE Trans. Computers 33(4): 367-373 (1984) |
17 | | Thomas Ottmann,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Arnold L. Rosenberg,
Hans-Werner Six,
Derick Wood:
Minimal-Cost Brother Trees.
SIAM J. Comput. 13(1): 197-217 (1984) |
1983 |
16 | EE | Robert Brown,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
LAURA: A Formal Data Model and her Logical Design Methodology.
VLDB 1983: 206-218 |
15 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Gerald J. Popek,
Gerard Rudisin,
Allen Stoughton,
Bruce J. Walker,
Evelyn Walton,
Johanna M. Chow,
David A. Edwards,
Stephen Kiser,
Charles S. Kline:
Detection of Mutual Inconsistency in Distributed Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(3): 240-247 (1983) |
1982 |
14 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Raimundo A. Ramos:
A Distributed File System Architecture Supporting High Availability.
Berkeley Workshop 1982: 161-183 |
13 | EE | Paolo Atzeni,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Assumptions in Relational Database Theory.
PODS 1982: 1-9 |
12 | EE | Carol Helfgott LeDoux,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Reflections on Boyce-Codd Normal Form.
VLDB 1982: 131-141 |
11 | | Don Coppersmith,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
C. K. Wong:
Analysis of a General Mass Storage System.
SIAM J. Comput. 11(1): 94-116 (1982) |
1981 |
10 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Gerald J. Popek,
Gerard Rudisin,
Allen Stoughton,
Bruce J. Walker,
Evelyn Walton,
Johanna M. Chow,
David A. Edwards,
Stephen Kiser,
Charles S. Kline:
Detection of Mutual Inconsitency in Distributed Systems.
Berkeley Workshop 1981: 172-184 |
9 | | Paolo Atzeni,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Properties of acyclic database schemes: an analysis.
XP2 Workshop on Relational Database Theory 1981 |
8 | EE | Yehoshua Sagiv,
Claude Delobel,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Ronald Fagin:
An Equivalence Between Relational Database Dependencies and a Fragment of Propositional Logic.
J. ACM 28(3): 435-453 (1981) |
1980 |
7 | | Mario Gerla,
Aksenti Grnarov,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Distributed Travelling Salesman Algorithms for Distributed Database Operation.
ACM Pacific 1980: 61-67 |
6 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Kamran Parsaye-Ghomi:
Inferences Involving Embedded Multivalued Dependencies and Transitive Dependencies.
SIGMOD Conference 1980: 52-57 |
5 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Notes on Shuffel/Exchange-Type Switching Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 29(3): 213-222 (1980) |
4 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Conditions for Optimality of the Huffman Algorithm.
SIAM J. Comput. 9(3): 470-489 (1980) |
1979 |
3 | EE | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Claude Delobel:
Algorithmic Applications for a new Result on Multivalued Dependencies.
VLDB 1979: 67-74 |
2 | | Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Combinatorial Merging and Huffman's Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Computers 28(5): 365-367 (1979) |
1977 |
1 | | David J. Kuck,
Douglas Stott Parker Jr.,
Ahmed H. Sameh:
Analysis of Rounding Methods in Floating-Point Arithmetic.
IEEE Trans. Computers 26(7): 643-650 (1977) |