
Daniel Sagalowicz

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13 Kyu-Young Whang, Gio Wiederhold, Daniel Sagalowicz: The Property of Separability And Its Application to Physical Database Design. Query Processing in Database Systems 1985: 297-317
12 Kyu-Young Whang, Gio Wiederhold, Daniel Sagalowicz: Separability - An Approach to Physical Database Design. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(3): 209-222 (1984)
11EEKyu-Young Whang, Gio Wiederhold, Daniel Sagalowicz: Estimating Block Accesses in Database Organizations: A Closed Noniterative Formula. Commun. ACM 26(11): 940-944 (1983)
10EEGio Wiederhold, Jack Milton, Daniel Sagalowicz: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Knowledge-Based Management Systems Project. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 6(4): 75-82 (1983)
9EEKyu-Young Whang, Gio Wiederhold, Daniel Sagalowicz: Physical Design of Network Model Databases Using the Property of Separability. VLDB 1982: 98-107
8EEGio Wiederhold, Daniel Sagalowicz: Physical Database Research at Stanford. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 5(1): 39-41 (1982)
7EEKyu-Young Whang, Gio Wiederhold, Daniel Sagalowicz: Separability - An Approach to Physical Data Base Design VLDB 1981: 320-332
6EEGio Wiederhold, S. Jerrold Kaplan, Daniel Sagalowicz: Research in Knowledge Base Management Systems. SIGMOD Record 11(3): 26-54 (1981)
5EEGary G. Hendrix, Earl D. Sacerdoti, Daniel Sagalowicz, Jonathan Slocum: Developing a Natural Language Interface to Complex Data. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 3(2): 105-147 (1978)
4 P. Morris, Daniel Sagalowicz: Managing Network Access to a Distributed Database. Berkeley Workshop 1977: 58-67
3EEGary G. Hendrix, Earl D. Sacerdoti, Daniel Sagalowicz, Jonathan Slocum: Developing a Natural Language Interface to Complex Data. VLDB 1977: 292
2EEDaniel Sagalowicz: IDA: An Intelligent Data Access Program. VLDB 1977: 293-302
1EEEarl D. Sacerdoti, Richard E. Fikes, René Reboh, Daniel Sagalowicz, Richard J. Waldinger, B. Michael Wilber: QLISP: a language for the interactive development of complex systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1976: 349-356

Coauthor Index

1Richard E. Fikes [1]
2Gary G. Hendrix [3] [5]
3S. Jerrold Kaplan [6]
4Jack Milton [10]
5P. Morris [4]
6René Reboh [1]
7Earl D. Sacerdoti [1] [3] [5]
8Jonathan Slocum [3] [5]
9Richard J. Waldinger [1]
10Kyu-Young Whang [7] [9] [11] [12] [13]
11Gio Wiederhold [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
12B. Michael Wilber [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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