
Eiji Fujiwara

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32EEHaruhiko Kaneko, Eiji Fujiwara: Joint Source-Cryptographic-Channel Coding Based on Linear Block Codes. AAECC 2007: 158-167
31EEHaruhiko Kaneko, Eiji Fujiwara: Reconstruction of Erasure Correcting Codes for Dependable Distributed Storage System without Spare Disks. DFT 2007: 349-358
30EEKazuyoshi Suzuki, Toshihiko Kashiyama, Eiji Fujiwara: A General Class of M-Spotty Byte Error Control Codes. IEICE Transactions 90-A(7): 1418-1427 (2007)
29EEKazuteru Namba, Eiji Fujiwara: Nonbinary single-symbol error correcting, adjacent two-symbol transposition error correcting codes over integer rings. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(8): 54-60 (2007)
28EEHiroyuki Ohde, Haruhiko Kaneko, Eiji Fujiwara: Low-Density Triple-Erasure Correcting Codes for Dependable Distributed Storage Systems. DFT 2006: 175-183
27EEKazuyoshi Suzuki, Toshihiko Kashiyama, Eiji Fujiwara: Complex M-Spotty Byte Error Control Codes. IEICE Transactions 89-A(9): 2396-2404 (2006)
26EEJien-Chung Lo, Yu-Lun Wan, Eiji Fujiwara: Transient Behavior of the Encoding/Decoding Circuits of Error Correcting Codes. DFT 2005: 120-130
25EEGanesan Umanesan, Eiji Fujiwara: Parallel Decoding Cyclic Burst Error Correcting Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(1): 87-92 (2005)
24EEHaruhiko Kaneko, Mariko Numakami, Eiji Fujiwara: Nonsystematic M-Ary Asymmetric Error Correcting Codes Designed by Multilevel Coding Method. PRDC 2004: 219-226
23EEHaruhiko Kaneko, Eiji Fujiwara: A Class of M-Ary Asymmetric Symbol Error Correcting Codes for Data Entry Devices. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(2): 159-167 (2004)
22EEHaruhiko Kaneko, Eiji Fujiwara: Array Codes Correcting a Cluster of Unidirectional Errors for Two-Dimensional Matrix Symbols. DFT 2003: 242-249
21EEGanesan Umanesan, Eiji Fujiwara: A Class of Random Multiple Bits in a Byte Error Correcting and Single Byte Error Detecting (S_t/b EC-S_bED) Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(7): 835-847 (2003)
20EEGanesan Umanesan, Eiji Fujiwara: A Class of Random Multiple Bits in a Byte Error Correcting (S t/b EC)Codes for Semiconductor Memory Systems. PRDC 2002: 247-256
19EEKazuteru Namba, Eiji Fujiwara: Unequal Error Protection Codes with Two-Level Burst and Bit Error Correcting Capabilities. DFT 2001: 299-307
18EEKazuteru Namba, Eiji Fujiwara: A class of systematic m-ary single-symbol error correcting codes. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(6): 21-28 (2001)
17EEMasato Kitakami, Hongyuan Chen, Eiji Fujiwara: Evaluations of Burst Error Recovery for VF Arithmetic Coding. DFT 2000: 183-191
16EEGanesan Umanesan, Eiji Fujiwara: Single Byte Error Control Codes with Double Bit within a Block Error Correcting Capability for Semiconductor Memory Systems. DFT 2000: 192-200
15EEKiattichai Saowapa, Haruhiko Kaneko, Eiji Fujiwara: Systematic Deletion/Insertion Error Correcting Codes with Random Error Correction Capability. DFT 1999: 284-292
14 Eiji Fujiwara, Tepparit Ritthongpitak, Masato Kitakami: Optimal Two-Level Unequal Error Control Codes for Computer Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(12): 1313-1325 (1998)
13 Mitsuru Hamada, Eiji Fujiwara: A Class of Error Control Codes for Byte Organized Memory Systems —SbEC-(Sb+S)ED Codes—. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(1): 105-109 (1997)
12 Tepparit Ritthongpitak, Masato Kitakami, Eiji Fujiwara: Optimal Two-Level Unequal Error Control Codes for Computer Systems. FTCS 1996: 190-199
11 Jien-Chung Lo, Eiji Fujiwara: Probability to Achieve TSC Goal. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(4): 450-460 (1996)
10 Eiji Fujiwara, Masato Kitakami: A Class of Optimal Fixed-Byte Error Protection Codes for Computer Systems. FTCS 1995: 310-319
9 Eiji Fujiwara, Masato Kitakami: A class of error-correcting codes for byte-organized memory systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(6): 1857-1865 (1994)
8 Eiji Fujiwara, Masaharu Tanaka: A Defect-Tolerant WSI File Memory System Using Address Permutation Scheme for Spare Allocation. DFT 1993: 183-190
7 Jien-Chung Lo, Eiji Fujiwara: A Probabilistic Measurement for Totally Self-Checking Circuits. DFT 1993: 263-270
6 Eiji Fujiwara, Masato Kitakami: A Class of Error Locating Codes for Byte-Organized Memory Systems. FTCS 1993: 110-119
5 Eiji Fujiwara, Mitsuru Hamada: Single b-Bit Byte Error Correcting and Double Bit Error Detecting Codes for High-Speed Memory Systems. FTCS 1992: 494-501
4 Eiji Fujiwara, Dhiraj K. Pradhan: Error-Control Coding in Computers. IEEE Computer 23(7): 63-72 (1990)
3 Eiji Fujiwara, Kohji Matsuoka: A Self-Checking Generalized Prediction Checker and Its Use for Built-In Testing. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(1): 86-93 (1987)
2 Eiji Fujiwara, Nobuo Mutoh, Kohji Matsuoka: A Self-Testing Group-Parity Prediction Checker and Its Use for Built-In Testing. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(6): 578-583 (1984)
1 Shigeo Kaneda, Eiji Fujiwara: Single Byte Error Correcting - Double Byte Error Detecting Codes for Memory Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(7): 596-602 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Hongyuan Chen [17]
2Mitsuru Hamada [5] [13]
3Shigeo Kaneda [1]
4Haruhiko Kaneko [15] [22] [23] [24] [28] [31] [32]
5Toshihiko Kashiyama [27] [30]
6Masato Kitakami [6] [9] [10] [12] [14] [17]
7Jien-Chung Lo [7] [11] [26]
8Kohji Matsuoka [2] [3]
9Nobuo Mutoh [2]
10Kazuteru Namba [18] [19] [29]
11Mariko Numakami [24]
12Hiroyuki Ohde [28]
13Dhiraj K. Pradhan [4]
14Tepparit Ritthongpitak [12] [14]
15Kiattichai Saowapa [15]
16Kazuyoshi Suzuki [27] [30]
17Masaharu Tanaka [8]
18Ganesan Umanesan [16] [20] [21] [25]
19Yu-Lun Wan [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)