
V. Kamakoti

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55EELavanya Jagan, Ratan Deep Singh, V. Kamakoti, Ananta K. Majhi: Efficient Grouping of Fail Chips for Volume Yield Diagnostics. VLSI Design 2009: 97-102
54EESiva Kumar Sastry Hari, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Konda, V. Kamakoti, Vivekananda M. Vedula, K. S. Maneperambil: Automatic Constraint Based Test Generation for Behavioral HDL Models. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(4): 408-421 (2008)
53EEV. R. Devanathan, C. P. Ravikumar, V. Kamakoti: Interactive presentation: On power-profiling and pattern generation for power-safe scan tests. DATE 2007: 534-539
52EEV. R. Devanathan, C. P. Ravikumar, V. Kamakoti: Reducing SoC Test Time and Test Power in Hierarchical Scan Test : Scan Architecture and Algorithms. VLSI Design 2007: 351-356
51EEK. Najeeb, Karthik Gururaj, V. Kamakoti, Vivekananda M. Vedula: Controllability-driven Power Virus Generation for Digital Circuits. VLSI Design 2007: 407-412
50EEV. R. Devanathan, C. P. Ravikumar, V. Kamakoti: Glitch-Aware Pattern Generation and Optimization Framework for Power-Safe Scan Test. VTS 2007: 167-172
49EEK. Najeeb, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Konda, Siva Kumar Sastry Hari, V. Kamakoti, Vivekananda M. Vedula: Power Virus Generation Using Behavioral Models of Circuits. VTS 2007: 35-42
48EESiva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Kamakoti: A novel approach to the placement and routing problems for field programmable gate arrays. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(1): 455-470 (2007)
47EERamachandran Pradeep, S. Vinay, Sanjay Burman, V. Kamakoti: FPGA based Agile Algorithm-On-Demand Co-Processor CoRR abs/0710.4824: (2007)
46EEV. R. Devanathan, C. P. Ravikumar, V. Kamakoti: Variation-Tolerant, Power-Safe Pattern Generation. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 24(4): 374-384 (2007)
45EEA. Pavan Kumar, V. Kamakoti, Sukhendu Das: System-on-programmable-chip implementation for on-line face recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(3): 342-349 (2007)
44EEK. Najeeb, Vishal Gupta, V. Kamakoti, Madhu Mutyam: Delay and peak power minimization for on-chip buses using temporal redundancy. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2006: 119-122
43EEVivek Garg, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Milagros Sashikánth, V. Kamakoti: An Area and Configuration-Bit Optimized CLB Architecture and Timing-Driven Packing for FPGAs. VLSI Design 2006: 507-510
42EEKavish Seth, K. N. Viswajith, S. Srinivasan, V. Kamakoti: Ultra Folded High-Speed Architectures for Reed-Solomon Decoders. VLSI Design 2006: 517-520
41EEK. Najeeb, Vishal Gupta, V. Kamakoti, Madhu Mutyam: Temporal Redundancy Based Encoding Technique for Peak Power and Delay Reduction of On-Chip Buses. J. Low Power Electronics 2(3): 425-436 (2006)
40EEV. R. Devanathan, C. P. Ravikumar, V. Kamakoti: On Reducing Peak Capture Power of Transition Delay Fault Test for SoCs with Unwrapped Cores. J. Low Power Electronics 2(3): 464-476 (2006)
39EEE. Syam Sundar Reddy, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Milagros Sashikánth, V. Kamakoti, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan: Cluster-based detection of SEU-caused errors in LUTs of SRAM-based FPGAs. ASP-DAC 2005: 1200-1203
38EEVivek Garg, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Milagros Sashikánth, V. Kamakoti: A novel CLB architecture and circuit packing algorithm for logic-area reduction in SRAM-based FPGAs. ASP-DAC 2005: 791-794
37EEVivek Garg, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Milagros Sashikánth, V. Kamakoti: A function generator-based reconfigurable system. ASP-DAC 2005: 905-909
36EEK. Uday Bhaskar, M. Prasanth, V. Kamakoti, Kailasnath Maneparambil: A Framework for Automatic Assembly Program Generator (A2PG) for Verification and Testing of Processor Cores. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 40-45
35EERamachandran Pradeep, S. Vinay, Sanjay Burman, V. Kamakoti: FPGA based Agile Algorithm-On-Demand Co-Processor. DATE 2005: 82-83
34EEE. Syam Sundar Reddy, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Milagros Sashikánth, V. Kamakoti, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan: Efficient methodology for detection and correction of SEU-based interconnect errors in FPGAs using partial reconfiguration (abstract only). FPGA 2005: 265
33EEE. Syam Sundar Reddy, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Milagros Sashikánth, V. Kamakoti, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan: Online Detection and Diagnosis of Multiple Configuration Upsets in LUTs of SRAM-Based FPGAs. IPDPS 2005
32EEK. Uday Bhaskar, M. Prasanth, G. Chandramouli, V. Kamakoti: A Universal Random Test Generator for Functional Verification of Microprocessors and System-on-Chip. VLSI Design 2005: 207-212
31EER. Manimegalai, E. Siva Soumya, V. Muralidharan, Balaraman Ravindran, V. Kamakoti, D. Bhatia: Placement and Routing for 3D-FPGAs Using Reinforcement Learning and Support Vector Machines. VLSI Design 2005: 451-456
30EEE. Syam Sundar Reddy, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Milagros Sashikánth, V. Kamakoti, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan: Detecting SEU-Caused Routing Errors in SRAM-Based FPGAs. VLSI Design 2005: 736-741
29EEChakka Siva Sai Prasanna, N. Sudha, V. Kamakoti: A Principal Component Neural Network-Based Face Recognition System and Its ASIC Implementation. VLSI Design 2005: 795-798
28EEL. Kalyan Kumar, Aditya S. Ramani, Amol J. Mupid, V. Kamakoti: Pseudo-online testing methodologies for various components of field programmable gate arrays. Microprocessors and Microsystems 29(2-3): 99-119 (2005)
27EEA. Manoj Kumar, Jayaram Bobba, V. Kamakoti: MemMap: Technology Mapping Algorithm for Area Reduction in FPGAs with Embedded Memory Arrays Using Reconvergence Analysis. DATE 2004: 922-929
26EEA. Manoj Kumar, B. Jayaram, V. Kamakoti: SHAPER: synthesis for hybrid FPGA architectures containing PLA elements using reconvergence analysis. FPGA 2004: 251
25EER. Manimegalai, A. Manoj Kumar, B. Jayaram, V. Kamakoti: MemMap-pd: Performance Driven Technology Mapping Algorithm for FPGAs with Embedded Memory Blocks. FPL 2004: 1185
24EEChakka Siva Sai Prasanna, N. Sudha, V. Kamakoti: A Hardware-Directed Face Recognition System Based on Local Eigen-analysis with PCNN. ICONIP 2004: 327-332
23EEA. Pavan Kumar, Sukhendu Das, V. Kamakoti: Face Recognition Using Weighted Modular Principle Component Analysis. ICONIP 2004: 362-367
22 A. Pavan Kumar, V. Kamakoti, Sukhendu Das: An Architecture for Real Time Face Recognition Using WMPCA. ICVGIP 2004: 644-649
21EEA. Manoj Kumar, B. Jayaram, R. Manimegalai, V. Kamakoti: MemMap-pd: Performance Driven Technology Mapping Algorithm for FPGAs with Embedded Memory Arrays. IPDPS 2004
20EEPermandla Pratibha, Siva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Kamakoti: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Automatic Spatial Partitioning in Reconfigurable Environments. MICAI 2004: 735-745
19EEKavish Seth, P. Rangarajan, S. Srinivasan, V. Kamakoti, V. Bala Kuteshwar: A Parallel Architectural Implementation Of The New Three-Step Search Algorithm For Block Motion Estimation. VLSI Design 2004: 1071-1076
18EEP. Subrahmanya, R. Manimegalai, V. Kamakoti, Madhu Mutyam: A Bus Encoding Technique for Power and Cross-talk Minimization. VLSI Design 2004: 443-448
17EEL. Kalyan Kumar, Amol J. Mupid, Aditya S. Ramani, V. Kamakoti: A Novel Method for Online In-Place Detection and Location of Multiple Interconnect Faults in SRAM Based FPGAs. Asian Test Symposium 2003: 262-267
16EEL. Kalyan Kumar, Amol J. Mupid, Aditya S. Ramani, V. Kamakoti: Testable Clock Routing Architecture for Field Programmable Gate Arrays. FPL 2003: 1044-1047
15EEB. Jayaram, A. Manoj Kumar, V. Kamakoti: Parallel Partitioning Techniques for Logic Minimization Using Redundancy Identification. HiPC 2003: 174-183
14 Permandla Pratibha, Siva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Ganesh, V. Kamakoti: A Parallel Evolutionary Approach to Spatial Partitioning in Reconfigurable Environments. IICAI 2003: 938-951
13EESiva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Kamakoti: A Parallel Genetic Approach to the Placement Problem for Field Programmable Gate Arrays. IPDPS 2003: 184
12EEM. Madhu, V. Srinivasa Murty, V. Kamakoti: Dynamic Coding Technique For Low-Power Data Bus. ISVLSI 2003: 252-253
11 L. Kalyan Kumar, Aditya S. Ramani, Amol J. Mupid, V. Kamakoti, Sivaprakasam Suresh: On-Line Location of Multiple Faults in LUT Based Reconfigurable Systems. VLSI 2003: 224-232
10EEK. Srinathan, C. Pandu Rangan, V. Kamakoti: Toward Optimal Player Weights in Secure Distributed Protocols. INDOCRYPT 2001: 232-241
9 V. Annamalai, C. S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Kamakoti: Adaptive finite element analysis on a parallel and distributed environment. Parallel Computing 25(12): 1413-1434 (1999)
8EEThomas Graf, V. Kamakoti, N. S. Janaki Latha, C. Pandu Rangan: The Colored Sector Search Tree: A Dynamic Data Structure for Efficient High Dimensional Nearest-Foreign-Neighbor Queries. COCOON 1998: 35-44
7EEV. Kamakoti, N. Balakrishnan: Efficient Algorithms for Prefix and General Prefix Computations on Distributed Shared Memory Systems with Applications. ICPADS 1997: 44-51
6EEThomas Graf, V. Kamakoti: Sparse Dominance Queries for Many Points in Optimal Time and Space. Inf. Process. Lett. 64(6): 287-291 (1997)
5 V. Kamakoti, Kamala Krithivasan, C. Pandu Rangan: Efficient Randomized Incremental Algorithm For The Closest Pair Problem Using Leafary Trees. COCOON 1995: 71-80
4 K. Arvind, V. Kamakoti, C. Pandu Rangan: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Permutation Graphs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 26(1): 116-124 (1995)
3 V. Kamakoti, Kamala Krithivasan, C. Pandu Rangan: An Efficient Randomized Algorithm for the Closest Pair Problem on Colored Point Sets. Nord. J. Comput. 2(1): 28-40 (1995)
2 P. Jagan Mohan, V. Kamakoti, C. Pandu Rangan: Efficient Randomized Parallel Algorithm for the Closest Pair Problem in D-dimension. IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 547-552
1 V. Kamakoti, C. Pandu Rangan: An Optimal Algorithm for Reconstructing a Binary Tree. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(2): 113-115 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1V. Annamalai [9]
2K. Arvind [4]
3N. Balakrishnan [7]
4K. Uday Bhaskar [32] [36]
5D. Bhatia [31]
6Jayaram Bobba [27]
7Siva Nageswara Rao Borra [13] [14] [20] [48]
8Sanjay Burman [35] [47]
9G. Chandramouli [32]
10Vikram Chandrasekhar [30] [33] [34] [37] [38] [39] [43]
11Sukhendu Das [22] [23] [45]
12V. R. Devanathan [40] [46] [50] [52] [53]
13V. Ganesh [14]
14Vivek Garg [37] [38] [43]
15Thomas Graf [6] [8]
16Vishal Gupta [41] [44]
17Karthik Gururaj [51]
18Siva Kumar Sastry Hari [49] [54]
19Lavanya Jagan [55]
20B. Jayaram [15] [21] [25] [26]
21Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Konda [49] [54]
22C. S. Krishnamoorthy [9]
23Kamala Krithivasan [3] [5]
24A. Manoj Kumar [15] [21] [25] [26] [27]
25A. Pavan Kumar [22] [23] [45]
26L. Kalyan Kumar [11] [16] [17] [28]
27V. Bala Kuteshwar [19]
28N. S. Janaki Latha [8]
29M. Madhu [12]
30Ananta K. Majhi [55]
31Kailasnath Maneparambil [36]
32K. S. Maneperambil [54]
33R. Manimegalai [18] [21] [25] [31]
34P. Jagan Mohan [2]
35Amol J. Mupid [11] [16] [17] [28]
36V. Muralidharan [31]
37V. Srinivasa Murty [12]
38Annamalai Muthukaruppan [13] [14] [20] [48]
39Madhu Mutyam [18] [41] [44]
40K. Najeeb [41] [44] [49] [51]
41Ramachandran Pradeep [35] [47]
42Chakka Siva Sai Prasanna [24] [29]
43M. Prasanth [32] [36]
44Permandla Pratibha [14] [20]
45Aditya S. Ramani [11] [16] [17] [28]
46C. Pandu Rangan (Chanrasekharan Pandu Rangan) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [10]
47P. Rangarajan [19]
48C. P. Ravikumar [40] [46] [50] [52] [53]
49Balaraman Ravindran [31]
50E. Syam Sundar Reddy [30] [33] [34] [39]
51Milagros Sashikánth [30] [33] [34] [37] [38] [39] [43]
52Kavish Seth [19] [42]
53Ratan Deep Singh [55]
54E. Siva Soumya [31]
55K. Srinathan (Kannan Srinathan) [10]
56S. Srinivasan [19] [42]
57P. Subrahmanya [18]
58N. Sudha [24] [29]
59S. Suresh [13] [14] [20] [48]
60Sivaprakasam Suresh [11]
61Vivekananda M. Vedula [49] [51] [54]
62Narayanan Vijaykrishnan (Vijaykrishnan Narayanan) [30] [33] [34] [39]
63S. Vinay [35] [47]
64K. N. Viswajith [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)