
S. Suresh

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26EES. Suresh, R. Venkatesh Babu, H. J. Kim: No-reference image quality assessment using modified extreme learning machine classifier. Appl. Soft Comput. 9(2): 541-552 (2009)
25EES. Suresh, V. Mani, S. N. Omkar, H. J. Kim, Narasimhan Sundararajan: A new load distribution strategy for linear network with communication delays. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79(5): 1488-1501 (2009)
24EER. Savitha, S. Suresh, Narasimhan Sundararajan, Paramasivan Saratchandran: Complex-valued function approximation using an improved BP learning algorithm for feed-forward networks. IJCNN 2008: 2251-2258
23EES. Suresh, N. Kannan: Direct adaptive neural flight control system for an unstable unmanned aircraft. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(2): 937-948 (2008)
22EES. Suresh, Narasimhan Sundararajan, Paramasivan Saratchandran: Risk-sensitive loss functions for sparse multi-category classification problems. Inf. Sci. 178(12): 2621-2638 (2008)
21EES. Suresh, N. Kannan, Narasimhan Sundararajan, Paramasivan Saratchandran: Neural Adaptive Control for Vibration Suppression in Composite Fin-Tip of Aircraft. Int. J. Neural Syst. 18(3): 219-231 (2008)
20EES. Suresh, Narasimhan Sundararajan, Paramasivan Saratchandran: A sequential multi-category classifier using radial basis function networks. Neurocomputing 71(7-9): 1345-1358 (2008)
19EEKrishnan Ramakrishnan, R. Rajaraman, S. Suresh, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Yuan Xie, Mary Jane Irwin: Variation Impact on SER of Combinational Circuits. ISQED 2007: 911-916
18EEKrishnan Ramakrishnan, S. Suresh, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Mary Jane Irwin: Impact of NBTI on FPGAs. VLSI Design 2007: 717-722
17EESiva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Kamakoti: A novel approach to the placement and routing problems for field programmable gate arrays. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(1): 455-470 (2007)
16EER. Venkatesh Babu, S. Suresh, Andrew Perkis: No-reference JPEG-image quality assessment using GAP-RBF. Signal Processing 87(6): 1493-1503 (2007)
15EES. Suresh, R. Venkatesh Babu, Narasimhan Sundararajan: Image Quality Measurement Using Sparse Extreme Learning Machine Classifier. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
14EER. Venkatesh Babu, S. Suresh: GAP-RBF Based NR Image Quality Measurement for JPEG Coded Images. ICVGIP 2006: 718-727
13EES. Suresh, V. Mani, S. N. Omkar, H. J. Kim: Divisible load scheduling in distributed system with buffer constraints: genetic algorithm and linear programming approach. IJPEDS 21(5): 303-321 (2006)
12EEP. Nirmal Kumar, S. Suresh, J. Raja Paul Perinbam: Digital Image Filter Design Using Evolvable Hardware. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 483-488
11EES. Suresh, V. Mani, S. N. Omkar, H. J. Kim: A Real Coded Genetic Algorithm for Data Partitioning and Scheduling in Networks with Arbitrary Processor Release Time. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2005: 529-539
10EES. Suresh, Özdemir Göl: Congestion Management of IP Traffic Using Adaptive Exponential RED. ICCNMC 2005: 580-589
9EEV. Mani, S. Suresh, H. J. Kim: Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Static Load Balancing in Distributed Computing System with Communication Delays. ICCSA (4) 2005: 269-279
8EES. Suresh, Özdemir Göl: Congestion management of self similar IP traffic using normal and exponential marking RED. ITRE 2005: 146-150
7EES. Suresh, Özdemir Göl: Rule Based Congestion Management - Monitoring Self-similar IP Traffic in Diffserv Networks. KES (1) 2005: 987-995
6EES. Suresh, S. N. Omkar, V. Mani: Parallel Implementation of Back-Propagation Algorithm in Networks of Workstations. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(1): 24-34 (2005)
5EEPermandla Pratibha, Siva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Kamakoti: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Automatic Spatial Partitioning in Reconfigurable Environments. MICAI 2004: 735-745
4 Permandla Pratibha, Siva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Ganesh, V. Kamakoti: A Parallel Evolutionary Approach to Spatial Partitioning in Reconfigurable Environments. IICAI 2003: 938-951
3EESiva Nageswara Rao Borra, Annamalai Muthukaruppan, S. Suresh, V. Kamakoti: A Parallel Genetic Approach to the Placement Problem for Field Programmable Gate Arrays. IPDPS 2003: 184
2EEPrakash Vijayan, S. Suresh: A Novel Evolutionary Approach to Linear Time-Series Forecasting Model. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 903-910
1 K. N. Bhanu Prakash, A. G. Ramakrishnan, S. Suresh, T. W. P. Chow: Fetal lung maturity analysis using ultrasound image features. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 6(1): 38-45 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1R. Venkatesh Babu [14] [15] [16] [26]
2Siva Nageswara Rao Borra [3] [4] [5] [17]
3T. W. P. Chow [1]
4V. Ganesh [4]
5Özdemir Göl [7] [8] [10]
6Mary Jane Irwin [18] [19]
7V. Kamakoti [3] [4] [5] [17]
8N. Kannan [21] [23]
9H. J. Kim [9] [11] [13] [25] [26]
10P. Nirmal Kumar [12]
11V. Mani [6] [9] [11] [13] [25]
12Annamalai Muthukaruppan [3] [4] [5] [17]
13S. N. Omkar [6] [11] [13] [25]
14J. Raja Paul Perinbam [12]
15Andrew Perkis [16]
16K. N. Bhanu Prakash [1]
17Permandla Pratibha [4] [5]
18R. Rajaraman [19]
19A. G. Ramakrishnan [1]
20Krishnan Ramakrishnan [18] [19]
21Paramasivan Saratchandran (P. Saratchandran) [20] [21] [22] [24]
22R. Savitha [24]
23Narasimhan Sundararajan (N. Sundararajan) [15] [20] [21] [22] [24] [25]
24Prakash Vijayan [2]
25Narayanan Vijaykrishnan (Vijaykrishnan Narayanan) [18] [19]
26Yuan Xie [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)