
Jennifer Dworak

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18EEYiwen Shi, Kellie DiPalma, Jennifer Dworak: Efficient Determination of Fault Criticality for Manufacturing Test Set Optimization. DFT 2008: 403-411
17EEElif Alpaslan, Yu Huang, Xijiang Lin, Wu-Tung Cheng, Jennifer Dworak: Reducing Scan Shift Power at RTL. VTS 2008: 139-146
16EEJennifer Dworak: An Analysis of Defect Detection for Weighted Random Patterns Generated with Observation/Excitation-Aware Partial Fault Targeting. VTS 2007: 205-210
15EEVladimir Stojanovic, R. Iris Bahar, Jennifer Dworak, Richard Weiss: A cost-effective implementation of an ECC-protected instruction queue for out-of-order microprocessors. DAC 2006: 705-708
14EEJennifer Dworak: An Investigation of Excitation Balance and Additional Mandatory Conditions for the Diagnosis of Fortuitously Detected Defects. MTV 2005: 48-54
13EEJennifer Dworak, Brad Cobb, James Wingfield, M. Ray Mercer: Balanced Excitation and Its Effect on the Fortuitous Detection of Dynamic Defects. DATE 2004: 1066-1071
12EEJennifer Dworak, James Wingfield, M. Ray Mercer: A Preliminary Investigation of Observation Diversity for Enhancing Fortuitous Detection of Defects. DFT 2004: 460-468
11EEJennifer Dworak, David Dorsey, Amy Wang, M. Ray Mercer: Excitation, Observation, and ELF-MD: Optimization Criteria for High Quality Test Sets. VTS 2004: 9-15
10EEJames Wingfield, Jennifer Dworak, M. Ray Mercer: Function-Based Dynamic Compaction and its Impact on Test Set Sizes. DFT 2003: 167-174
9EEJing-Jia Liou, Li-C. Wang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Jennifer Dworak, M. Ray Mercer, Rohit Kapur, Thomas W. Williams: Enhancing test efficiency for delay fault testing using multiple-clocked schemes. DAC 2002: 371-374
8EESooryong Lee, Brad Cobb, Jennifer Dworak, Michael R. Grimaila, M. Ray Mercer: A New ATPG Algorithm to Limit Test Set Size and Achieve Multiple Detections of All Faults. DATE 2002: 94-101
7EEJennifer Dworak, James Wingfield, Brad Cobb, Sooryong Lee, Li-C. Wang, M. Ray Mercer: Fortuitous Detection and its Impact on Test Set Sizes Using Stuck-at and Transition Faults. DFT 2002: 177-185
6EEJing-Jia Liou, Li-C. Wang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Jennifer Dworak, M. Ray Mercer, Rohit Kapur, Thomas W. Williams: Analysis of Delay Test Effectiveness with a Multiple-Clock Scheme. ITC 2002: 407-416
5EEJennifer Dworak, Jason D. Wicker, Sooryong Lee, Michael R. Grimaila, M. Ray Mercer, Kenneth M. Butler, Bret Stewart, Li-C. Wang: Defect-Oriented Testing and Defective-Part-Level Prediction. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 18(1): 31-41 (2001)
4EEJennifer Dworak, Michael R. Grimaila, Brad Cobb, Ting-Chi Wang, Li-C. Wang, M. Ray Mercer: On the superiority of DO-RE-ME/MPG-D over stuck-at-based defective part level prediction. Asian Test Symposium 2000: 151-
3 Jennifer Dworak, Michael R. Grimaila, Sooryong Lee, Li-C. Wang, M. Ray Mercer: Enhanced DO-RE-ME based defect level prediction using defect site aggregation-MPG-D. ITC 2000: 930-939
2 Jennifer Dworak, Michael R. Grimaila, Sooryong Lee, Li-C. Wang, M. Ray Mercer: Modeling the probability of defect excitation for a commercial IC with implications for stuck-at fault-based ATPG strategies. ITC 1999: 1031-1037
1EEMichael R. Grimaila, Sooryong Lee, Jennifer Dworak, Kenneth M. Butler, Bret Stewart, Hari Balachandran, Bryan Houchins, Vineet Mathur, Jaehong Park, Li-C. Wang, M. Ray Mercer: REDO - Probabilistic Excitation and Deterministic Observation - First Commercial Experimen. VTS 1999: 268-274

Coauthor Index

1Elif Alpaslan [17]
2R. Iris Bahar [15]
3Hari Balachandran [1]
4Kenneth M. Butler [1] [5]
5Kwang-Ting Cheng (Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng) [6] [9]
6Wu-Tung Cheng [17]
7Brad Cobb [4] [7] [8] [13]
8Kellie DiPalma [18]
9David Dorsey [11]
10Michael R. Grimaila [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
11Bryan Houchins [1]
12Yu Huang [17]
13Rohit Kapur [6] [9]
14Sooryong Lee [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [8]
15Xijiang Lin [17]
16Jing-Jia Liou [6] [9]
17Vineet Mathur [1]
18M. Ray Mercer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
19Jaehong Park [1]
20Yiwen Shi [18]
21Bret Stewart [1] [5]
22Vladimir Stojanovic [15]
23Amy Wang [11]
24Li-C. Wang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
25Ting-Chi Wang [4]
26Richard Weiss [15]
27Jason D. Wicker [5]
28Thomas W. Williams [6] [9]
29James Wingfield [7] [10] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)