Volume 24,
Number 1,
Spring 2003
- Carol Hamilton:
AAAI News.
3-5 BibTeX
- Peter E. Hart, Nils J. Nilsson, Ray Perrault, Tom M. Mitchell, Casimir A. Kulikowski:
In Memoriam: Charles Rosen, Norman Nielsen, and Saul Amarel.
6-12 BibTeX
- Jack Minker:
In Memoriam: Raymond Reiter.
13-18 BibTeX
- R. Peter Bonasso, David Kortenkamp, Carroll Thronesbery:
Intelligent Control of a Water-Recovery System: Three Years in the Trenches.
19-44 BibTeX
- Holly A. Yanco, Tucker R. Balch:
The AAAI-2002 Mobile Robot Competition and Exhibition.
45-50 BibTeX
- Jennifer Casper, Mark Micire:
The AAAI-2002 Robot Rescue.
51-60 BibTeX
- David A. Gustafson, François Michaud:
The Robot Host Competition at the AAAI-2002 Mobile Robot Competition.
61-64 BibTeX
- Benjamin Kuipers, Ashley W. Stroupe:
The AAAI-2002 Robot Challenge.
65-76 BibTeX
- Ian Horswill:
The AAAI-2002 Robot Exhibition.
77-82 BibTeX
- Amy R. Greenwald:
The 2002 Trading Agent Competition: An Overview of Agent Strategies.
83-91 BibTeX
- Norman M. Sadeh, Raghu Arunachalam, Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Sverker Janson:
TAC-03 - A Supply-Chain Trading Competition.
92-94 BibTeX
- Yukio Ohsawa, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons, Christopher A. Miller, Alan C. Schultz, Jean Scholtz, Michael A. Goodrich, Eugene Santos Jr., Benjamin Bell, Charles Lee Isbell Jr., Michael L. Littman:
AAAI-2002 Fall Symposium Series.
95-98 BibTeX
- Sven Koenig, Robert C. Holte:
The Fifth Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation (SARA-2002).
99-100 BibTeX
- Jonathan Glick:
AI in the News.
104 BibTeX
Volume 24,
Number 2,
Summer 2003
- David B. Leake:
3 BibTeX
- Carol Hamilton:
AAAI News.
5-10 BibTeX
- Sara Reese Hedberg:
Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research and Applications at IJCAI-03.
11-14 BibTeX
- Bruce G. Buchanan, Thomas C. Rindfleisch, Edward A. Feigenbaum:
In Memoriam: Robert Engelmore.
15-20 BibTeX
- Minoru Asada, Oliver Obst, Daniel Polani, Brett Browning, Andrea Bonarini, Masahiro Fujita, Thomas Christaller, Tomoichi Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Elizabeth Sklar, Gal A. Kaminka:
An Overview of RoboCup-2002 Fukuoka/Busan.
21-40 BibTeX
- Patrick Riley:
SPADES: A System for Parallel-Agent, Discrete-Event Simulation.
41-42 BibTeX
- Elizabeth Sklar, Amy Eguchi, Jeffrey Johnson:
RoboCupJunior: Learning with Educational Robotics.
43-46 BibTeX
- Robert Hanek, Thorsten Schmitt, Sebastian Buck, Michael Beetz:
Toward RoboCup without Color Labeling.
47-50 BibTeX
- Reid G. Simmons, Dani Goldberg, Adam Goode, Michael Montemerlo, Nicholas Roy, Brennan Sellner, Chris Urmson, Alan C. Schultz, Myriam Abramson, William Adams, Amin Atrash, Magdalena D. Bugajska, Michael Coblenz, Matt MacMahon, Dennis Perzanowski, Ian Horswill, Robert Zubek, David Kortenkamp, Bryn Wolfe, Tod Milam, Bruce A. Maxwell:
GRACE: An Autonomous Robot for the AAAI Robot Challenge.
51-72 BibTeX
- Terry Zimmerman, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Learning-Assisted Automated Planning: Looking Back, Taking Stock, Going Forward.
73-96 BibTeX
- Jana Koehler, Gerhard Lakemeyer:
The Twenty-Fifth Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2002).
97-98 BibTeX
- Thierry Vidal:
The 2002 Starting Artificial Intelligence Researchers Symposium.
99-100 BibTeX
- Drew V. McDermott:
Ray Reiter's Knowledge in Action: A Review.
101-104 BibTeX
- Yiling Chen, Isaac G. Councill:
An Introduction to Support Vector Machines: A Review.
105-107 BibTeX
- Jonathan Glick:
AI in the News.
112 BibTeX
Volume 24,
Number 3,
Fall 2003
- Carol Hamilton:
AAAI News.
3-10 BibTeX
- Christopher A. Welty:
Ontology Research.
11-12 BibTeX
- Aldo Gangemi, Nicola Guarino, Claudio Masolo, Alessandro Oltramari:
Sweetening WORDNET with DOLCE.
13-24 BibTeX
- Michael Uschold:
Where Are the Semantics in the Semantic Web?
25-36 BibTeX
- Julio César Arpírez Vega, Óscar Corcho, Mariano Fernández-López, Asunción Gómez-Pérez:
WEBODE in a Nutshell.
37-48 BibTeX
- Leo Obrst, Howard Liu, Robert E. Wray:
Ontologies for Corporate Web Applications.
49-62 BibTeX
- Michael Grüninger, Christopher Menzel:
The Process Specification Language (PSL) Theory and Applications.
63-74 BibTeX
- Martin Doerr:
The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Module: An Ontological Approach to Semantic Interoperability of Metadata.
75-92 BibTeX
- Liliana Ardissono, Alexander Felfernig, Gerhard Friedrich, Anna Goy, Dietmar Jannach, Giovanna Petrone, Ralph Schäfer, Markus Zanker:
A Framework for the Development of Personalized, Distributed Web-Based Configuration Systems.
93-110 BibTeX
- Gerhard Widmer, Simon Dixon, Werner Goebl, Elias Pampalk, Asmir Tobudic:
In Search of the Horowitz Factor.
111-130 BibTeX
- Andreas Abecker, Erik K. Antonsson, Charles B. Callaway, Virginia Dignum, Patrick Doherty, Ludger van Elst, Michael Freed, Reva Freedman, Hans W. Guesgen, Gareth Jones, John R. Koza, David Kortenkamp, Mark T. Maybury, John McCarthy, Debasis Mitra, Jochen Renz, Debra Schreckenghost, Mary-Anne Williams:
2003 AAAI Spring Symposium Series.
131-140 BibTeX
- Jonathan Glick:
AI in the News.
144 BibTeX
Volume 24,
Number 4,
Winter 2004
- Carol Hamilton:
AAAI News.
3-8 BibTeX
- Sara Reese Hedberg:
IJCAI-03 Conference Highlights.
9-11 BibTeX
- Bert Bredeweg, Peter Struss:
Current Topics in Qualitative Reasoning.
13-16 BibTeX
- Peter Struss, Chris Price:
Model-Based Systems in the Automotive Industry.
17-34 BibTeX
- Bert Bredeweg, Kenneth D. Forbus:
Qualitative Modeling in Education.
35-46 BibTeX
- Christopher Bailey-Kellogg, Feng Zhao:
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Extracting and Reasoning with Spatial Aggregates.
47-60 BibTeX
- Brian C. Williams, Michel D. Ingham, Seung Chung, Paul Elliott, Michael W. Hofbaur, Gregory T. Sullivan:
Model-Based Programming of Fault-Aware Systems.
61-76 BibTeX
- Paulo Salles, Bert Bredeweg:
Qualitative Reasoning about Population and Community Ecology.
77-90 BibTeX
- Louise Travé-Massuyès, Liliana Ironi, Philippe Dague:
Mathematical Foundations of Qualitative Reasoning.
91-106 BibTeX
- Ivan Bratko, Dorian Suc:
Learning Qualitative Models.
107-119 BibTeX
- Markus P. J. Fromherz, Daniel G. Bobrow, Johan de Kleer:
Model-Based Computing for Design and Control of Reconfigurable Systems.
120-130 BibTeX
- David B. Leake:
The Seventh International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-2003).
131-132 BibTeX
- Chiara Ghidini, Roy M. Turner:
The Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context.
133-134 BibTeX
- Philip Mirowski:
McCorduck's Machines Who Think after Twenty-Five Years Revisiting the Origins of AI.
135-138 BibTeX
- Jonathan Glick:
AI in the News.
144 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:50:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)