
Jeffrey Johnson

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9EEHans Roehrig, Jiahua Fan, William J. Dallas, Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Jeffrey Johnson: Reducing Noise of Medical Grade Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) and Its Relation to the Detection of Micro-calcifications. Digital Mammography / IWDM 2008: 249-256
8EEJeffrey Johnson, Vipul Jain, Payam Heydari: A Nonlinear Model for Phase Noise and Jitter in LC Oscillators. ISCAS 2007: 3095-3098
7EEElizabeth A. Krupinski, Jeffrey Johnson, Hans Roehrig, John Nafziger, Jiahua Fan, Jeffrey Lubin: Use of a Human Visual System Model to Predict Observer Performance with CRT vs LCD Display of Images. J. Digital Imaging 17(4): 258-263 (2004)
6 Adil Alaoui, Jeffery Collmann, Dan Nguyen, David Lindisch, R. T. Nishant Subbiah, Albert Green, Jeffrey Johnson, Seong K. Mun: Implementing a secure teleradiology dystem using the internet. CARS 2003: 803-808
5EEEnrico Pagello, Emanuele Menegatti, Ansgar Bredenfeld, Paulo Costa, Thomas Christaller, Adam Jacoff, Jeffrey Johnson, Martin Riedmiller, Alessandro Saffiotti, Takashi Tomoichi: Overview of RoboCup 2003 Competition and Conferences. RoboCup 2003: 1-14
4EEJeffrey Johnson, Blaine A. Price: Complexity Science and Representation in Robot Soccer. RoboCup 2003: 67-76
3 Elizabeth Sklar, Amy Eguchi, Jeffrey Johnson: RoboCupJunior: Learning with Educational Robotics. AI Magazine 24(2): 43-46 (2003)
2EEElizabeth Sklar, Amy Eguchi, Jeffrey Johnson: RoboCupJunior: Learning with Educational Robotics. RoboCup 2002: 238-253
1EEJeffrey Johnson: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program. SIGCSE 2002: 215-216

Coauthor Index

1Adil Alaoui [6]
2Ansgar Bredenfeld [5]
3Thomas Christaller [5]
4Jeffery Collmann [6]
5Paulo Costa [5]
6William J. Dallas [9]
7Amy Eguchi [2] [3]
8Jiahua Fan [7] [9]
9Albert Green [6]
10Payam Heydari [8]
11Adam Jacoff [5]
12Vipul Jain [8]
13Elizabeth A. Krupinski [7] [9]
14David Lindisch [6]
15Jeffrey Lubin [7]
16Emanuele Menegatti [5]
17Seong K. Mun [6]
18John Nafziger [7]
19Dan Nguyen [6]
20Enrico Pagello [5]
21Blaine A. Price [4]
22Martin A. Riedmiller (Martin Riedmiller) [5]
23Hans Roehrig [7] [9]
24Alessandro Saffiotti [5]
25Elizabeth Sklar (Elizabeth Sklar Rozier) [2] [3]
26R. T. Nishant Subbiah [6]
27Takashi Tomoichi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)