
Brian C. Williams

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59 Masahiro Ono, Brian C. Williams: An Efficient Motion Planning Algorithm for Stochastic Dynamic Systems with Constraints on Probability of Failure. AAAI 2008: 1376-1382
58 Hui X. Li, Brian C. Williams: Generative Planning for Hybrid Systems Based on Flow Tubes. ICAPS 2008: 206-213
57 Julie A. Shah, Brian C. Williams: Fast Dynamic Scheduling of Disjunctive Temporal Constraint Networks through Incremental Compilation. ICAPS 2008: 322-329
56EELars Blackmore, Stanislav Funiak, Brian C. Williams: A combined stochastic and greedy hybrid estimation capability for concurrent hybrid models with autonomous mode transitions. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(2): 105-129 (2008)
55EELars Blackmore, Askar Bektassov, Masahiro Ono, Brian C. Williams: Robust, Optimal Predictive Control of Jump Markov Linear Systems Using Particles. HSCC 2007: 104-117
54EEBarrett Mitchell, Andreas G. Hofmann, Brian C. Williams: Search-based Foot Placement for Quadrupedal Traversal of Challenging Terrain. ICRA 2007: 1461-1466
53 Andreas G. Hofmann, Brian C. Williams: Intent Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction. Interaction Challenges for Intelligent Assistants 2007: 60-61
52EEBrian C. Williams, Robert J. Ragno: Conflict-directed A* and its role in model-based embedded systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(12): 1562-1595 (2007)
51 Paul Elliott, Brian C. Williams: DNNF-based Belief State Estimation. AAAI 2006
50 Andreas G. Hofmann, Brian C. Williams: Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Flexibility for Plan Execution for Hybrid, Under-actuated Robots. AAAI 2006
49 Robert T. Effinger, Brian C. Williams: Extending Dynamic Backtracking to Solve Weighted Conditional CSPs. AAAI 2006
48 Stephen A. Block, Andreas F. Wehowsky, Brian C. Williams: Robust Execution on Contingent, Temporally Flexible Plans. AAAI 2006
47EEMartin Sachenbacher, Brian C. Williams: Conflict-Directed A* Search for Soft Constraints. CPAIOR 2006: 182-196
46 Paul Robertson, Robert T. Effinger, Brian C. Williams: Autonomous Robust Execution of Complex Robotic Missions. IAS 2006: 595-604
45 Thomas Léauté, Brian C. Williams: Coordinating Agile Systems through the Model-based Execution of Temporal Plans. AAAI 2005: 114-120
44 Lars Blackmore, Stanislav Funiak, Brian C. Williams: Combining Stochastic and Greedy Search in Hybrid Estimation. AAAI 2005: 282-287
43 Oliver B. Martin, Brian C. Williams, Michel D. Ingham: Diagnosis as Approximate Belief State Enumeration for Probabilistic Concurrent Constraint Automata. AAAI 2005: 321-326
42 Tsoline Mikaelian, Brian C. Williams, Martin Sachenbacher: Model-Based Monitoring and Diagnosis of Systems with Software-Extended Behavior. AAAI 2005: 327-333
41 I-hsiang Shu, Robert T. Effinger, Brian C. Williams: Enabling Fast Flexible Planning through Incremental Temporal Reasoning with Conflict Extraction. ICAPS 2005: 252-261
40EEMartin Sachenbacher, Brian C. Williams: Bounded Search and Symbolic Inference for Constraint Optimization. IJCAI 2005: 286-291
39EEMartin Sachenbacher, Brian C. Williams: On-Demand Bound Computation for Best-First Constraint Optimization. CP 2004: 762-766
38 Martin Sachenbacher, Brian C. Williams: Diagnosis as Semiring-Based Constraint Optimization. ECAI 2004: 873-877
37 Brian C. Williams, Michel D. Ingham, Seung Chung, Paul Elliott, Michael W. Hofbaur, Gregory T. Sullivan: Model-Based Programming of Fault-Aware Systems. AI Magazine 24(4): 61-76 (2004)
36EEMichael W. Hofbaur, Brian C. Williams: Hybrid estimation of complex systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(5): 2178-2191 (2004)
35 Brian C. Williams, Michel D. Ingham, S. H. Chung, P. H. Elliott: Model-based programming of intelligent embedded systems and robotic space explorers. Proceedings of the IEEE 91(1): 212-237 (2003)
34EEBrian C. Williams, Michel D. Ingham: Model-Based Programming: Controlling Embedded Systems by Reasoning About Hidden State. CP 2002: 508-524
33EEMichael W. Hofbaur, Brian C. Williams: Mode Estimation of Probabilistic Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2002: 253-266
32 Phil Kim, Brian C. Williams, Mark Abramson: Executing Reactive, Model-based Programs through Graph-based Temporal Planning. IJCAI 2001: 487-493
31 Brian C. Williams, Seung Chung, Vineet Gupta: Mode Estimation of Model-based Programs: Monitoring Systems with Complex Behavior. IJCAI 2001: 579-590
30EEBrian C. Williams: Model-Based Autonomous Systems for Robotic Space Exploration. HSCC 2000: 4
29EEYuri Gawdiak, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Brian C. Williams, Hans Thomas: R2D2 in a softball: the portable satellite assistant. IUI 2000: 125-128
28 Barney Pell, Edward B. Gamble, Erann Gat, Ron Keesing, James Kurien, William Millar, Christian Plaunt, Brian C. Williams: A Hybrid Procedural/Deductive Executive for Autonomous Spacecraft. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2(1): 7-22 (1999)
27 Brian C. Williams, William Millar: Decompositional, Model-based Learning and its Analogy to Diagnosis. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 197-204
26EEBarney Pell, Edward B. Gamble, Erann Gat, Ron Keesing, James Kurien, William Millar, P. Pandurang Nayak, Christian Plaunt, Brian C. Williams: A Hybrid Procedural/Deductive Executive for Autonomous Spacecraft. Agents 1998: 369-376
25 P. Pandurang Nayak, Brian C. Williams: Model-Directed Autonomous Systems. AI Magazine 19(2): 126 (1998)
24EENicola Muscettola, P. Pandurang Nayak, Barney Pell, Brian C. Williams: Remote Agent: To Boldly Go Where No AI System Has Gone Before. Artif. Intell. 103(1-2): 5-47 (1998)
23 Barney Pell, Douglas E. Bernard, Steve A. Chien, Erann Gat, Nicola Muscettola, P. Pandurang Nayak, Michael D. Wagner, Brian C. Williams: An Autonomous Spacecraft Agent Prototype. Auton. Robots 5(1): 29-52 (1998)
22 P. Pandurang Nayak, Brian C. Williams: Fast Context Switching in Real-Time Propositional Reasoning. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 50-56
21 Barney Pell, Douglas E. Bernard, Steve A. Chien, Erann Gat, Nicola Muscettola, P. Pandurang Nayak, Michael D. Wagner, Brian C. Williams: An Autnomous Spacecarft Agent Prototype. Agents 1997: 253-261
20 Brian C. Williams, P. Pandurang Nayak: A Reactive Planner for a Model-based Executive. IJCAI 1997: 1178-1185
19 Brian C. Williams, P. Pandurang Nayak: A Model-Based Approach to Reactive Self-Configuring Systems. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2 1996: 971-978
18 Brian C. Williams: Model-Based Autonomous Systems in the New Millenium. AIPS 1996: 275-282
17 Brian C. Williams, P. Pandurang Nayak: Immobile Robots AI in the New Millennium. AI Magazine 17(3): 16-35 (1996)
16 Brian C. Williams, Olivier Raiman: Decompositional Modeling through Caricatural Reasoning. AAAI 1994: 1199-1204
15 Brian C. Williams, Jonathan Cagan: Activity Analysis: The Qualitative Analysis of Stationary Points for Optimal Reasoning. AAAI 1994: 1217-1223
14 Brian C. Williams, Olivier Raiman, Daniel G. Bobrow, Mark Shirley, Brian Falkenhainer, Johan de Kleer: Narrow Views, Old Talks, New Beginnings. Computational Intelligence 8: 210-215 (1992)
13 Brian C. Williams: Interaction-based Design: Constructing Novel Devices from First Principles. IntCAD 1991: 255-282
12 Brian C. Williams, Johan de Kleer: Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems: A Return to Roots. Artif. Intell. 51(1-3): 1-9 (1991)
11 Brian C. Williams: A Theory of Interactions: Unifying Qualitative and Quantitative Algebraic Reasoning. Artif. Intell. 51(1-3): 39-94 (1991)
10 Brian C. Williams: Interaction-Based Invention: Designing Novel Devices from First Principles. AAAI 1990: 349-356
9 Brian C. Williams: Interaction-based Invention: Designing Novel Devices from First Principles. Expert Systems in Engineering 1990: 119-134
8 Johan de Kleer, Brian C. Williams: Diagnosis with Behavioral Modes. IJCAI 1989: 1324-1330
7 Brian C. Williams: MINIMA: A Symbolic Approach to Qualitative Algebraic Reasoning. AAAI 1988: 264-269
6 Johan de Kleer, Brian C. Williams: Diagnosing Multiple Faults. Artif. Intell. 32(1): 97-130 (1987)
5 Brian C. Williams: Doing Time: Putting Qualitative Reasoning on Firmer Ground. AAAI 1986: 105-112
4 Johan de Kleer, Brian C. Williams: Reasoning about Multiple Faults. AAAI 1986: 132-139
3 Johan de Kleer, Brian C. Williams: Back to Backtracking: Controlling the ATMS. AAAI 1986: 910-917
2 Brian C. Williams: The Use of Continuity in a Qualitative Physics. AAAI 1984: 350-354
1 Brian C. Williams: Qualitative Analysis of MOS Circuits. Artif. Intell. 24(1-3): 281-346 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Mark Abramson [32]
2Askar Bektassov [55]
3Douglas E. Bernard [21] [23]
4Lars Blackmore [44] [55] [56]
5Stephen A. Block [48]
6Daniel G. Bobrow [14]
7Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (Jeffrey Bradshaw) [29]
8Jonathan Cagan [15]
9Steve A. Chien [21] [23]
10S. H. Chung [35]
11Seung Chung [31] [37]
12Robert T. Effinger [41] [46] [49]
13P. H. Elliott [35]
14Paul Elliott [37] [51]
15Brian Falkenhainer [14]
16Stanislav Funiak [44] [56]
17Edward B. Gamble [26] [28]
18Erann Gat [21] [23] [26] [28]
19Yuri Gawdiak [29]
20Vineet Gupta [31]
21Michael W. Hofbaur [33] [36] [37]
22Andreas G. Hofmann [50] [53] [54]
23Michel D. Ingham [34] [35] [37] [43]
24Ron Keesing [26] [28]
25Phil Kim [32]
26Johan de Kleer [3] [4] [6] [8] [12] [14]
27James Kurien [26] [28]
28Thomas Léauté [45]
29Hui X. Li [58]
30Oliver B. Martin [43]
31Tsoline Mikaelian [42]
32William Millar [26] [27] [28]
33Barrett Mitchell [54]
34Nicola Muscettola [21] [23] [24]
35P. Pandurang Nayak [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
36Masahiro Ono [55] [59]
37Barney Pell [21] [23] [24] [26] [28]
38Christian Plaunt [26] [28]
39Robert J. Ragno [52]
40Olivier Raiman [14] [16]
41Paul Robertson [46]
42Martin Sachenbacher [38] [39] [40] [42] [47]
43Julie A. Shah [57]
44Mark Shirley [14]
45I-hsiang Shu [41]
46Gregory T. Sullivan [37]
47Hans Thomas [29]
48Michael D. Wagner [21] [23]
49Andreas F. Wehowsky [48]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)