
Amy R. Greenwald

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46EEAmy R. Greenwald, Zheng Li, Warren Schudy: More Efficient Internal-Regret-Minimizing Algorithms. COLT 2008: 239-250
45EEGeoffrey J. Gordon, Amy R. Greenwald, Casey Marks: No-regret learning in convex games. ICML 2008: 360-367
44 Victor Naroditskiy, Amy R. Greenwald: Using Iterated Best-Response to Find Bayes-Nash Equilibria in Auctions. AAAI 2007: 1894-1895
43EEAmy R. Greenwald, Victor Naroditskiy, Tyler Odean, Mauricio Ramirez, Eric Sodomka, Joe Zimmerman, Clark Cutler: Marginal Bidding: An Application of the Equimarginal Principle to Bidding in TAC SCM. AMEC/TADA 2007: 217-239
42EESeong Jae Lee, Amy R. Greenwald, Victor Naroditskiy: RoxyBot-06: An (SAA)2 TAC Travel Agent. IJCAI 2007: 1378-1383
41EEJohn Wicks, Amy R. Greenwald: More efficient parallel computation of pagerank. SIGIR 2007: 861-862
40EEJohn Wicks, Amy R. Greenwald: Parallelizing the Computation of PageRank. WAW 2007: 202-208
39EEMartin Zinkevich, Amy R. Greenwald, Michael L. Littman: A hierarchy of prescriptive goals for multiagent learning. Artif. Intell. 171(7): 440-447 (2007)
38EEAmy R. Greenwald, Michael L. Littman: Introduction to the special issue on learning and computational game theory. Machine Learning 67(1-2): 3-6 (2007)
37EEAmy R. Greenwald: Editor's introduction. SIGecom Exchanges 5(5): (2006)
36EEAmy R. Greenwald: Editor's introduction. SIGecom Exchanges 6(1): (2006)
35EEAmy R. Greenwald, Victor Naroditskiy: Heuristics for the deterministic bidding problem. SIGecom Exchanges 6(1): 35-44 (2006)
34EEMartin Zinkevich, Amy R. Greenwald, Michael L. Littman: Cyclic Equilibria in Markov Games. NIPS 2005
33EEJohn Wicks, Amy R. Greenwald: An Algorithm for Computing Stochastically Stable Distributions with Applications to Multiagent Learning in Repeated Games. UAI 2005: 623-632
32EEMary Ellen Zurko, Amy R. Greenwald: Foreword. Electronic Commerce Research 5(1): 5-6 (2005)
31EEPeter Stone, Amy R. Greenwald: The First International Trading Agent Competition: Autonomous Bidding Agents. Electronic Commerce Research 5(2): 229-265 (2005)
30EEAmy R. Greenwald: Editor's introduction. SIGecom Exchanges 5(3): (2005)
29EEMichael Benisch, Amy R. Greenwald, Ioanna Grypari, Reeva M. Lederman, Victor Naroditskiy, Michael Carl Tschantz: Botticelli: A Supply Chain Management Agent. AAMAS 2004: 1174-1181
28EEMichael Benisch, Amy R. Greenwald, Victor Naroditskiy, Michael Carl Tschantz: A stochastic programming approach to scheduling in TAC SCM. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2004: 152-159
27EEAmy R. Greenwald, Justin A. Boyan: Bidding under Uncertainty: Theory and Experiments. UAI 2004: 209-216
26EEMichael Benisch, Amy R. Greenwald, Ioanna Grypari, Roger Lederman, Victor Naroditskiy, Michael Carl Tschantz: Botticelli: a supply chain management agent designed to optimize under uncertainty. SIGecom Exchanges 4(3): 29-37 (2004)
25EEAmy R. Greenwald: Editor's introduction. SIGecom Exchanges 4(3): (2004)
24EEAmy R. Greenwald: Editor's introduction. SIGecom Exchanges 5(1): (2004)
23EEAmy R. Greenwald: Editor's introduction. SIGecom Exchanges 5(2): (2004)
22EEAmy R. Greenwald, Amir Jafari: A General Class of No-Regret Learning Algorithms and Game-Theoretic Equilibria. COLT 2003: 2-12
21 Amy R. Greenwald, Karthik Kannan, Ramayya Krishnan: A Computational Approach to Compare Information Revelation Policies. ICIS 2003: 706-719
20 Amy R. Greenwald, Keith Hall: Correlated Q-Learning. ICML 2003: 242-249
19 Amy R. Greenwald: Bidding Marginal Utility in Simultaneous Auctions. IJCAI 2003: 1463-1464
18 Amy R. Greenwald: The 2002 Trading Agent Competition: An Overview of Agent Strategies. AI Magazine 24(1): 83-91 (2003)
17EEJoan Morris DiMicco, Pattie Maes, Amy R. Greenwald: Learning Curve: A Simulation-Based Approach to Dynamic Pricing. Electronic Commerce Research 3(3-4): 245-276 (2003)
16EEMichael P. Wellman, Amy R. Greenwald, Peter Stone, Peter R. Wurman: The 2001 Trading Agent Competition. Electronic Markets 13(1): (2003)
15EEAmy R. Greenwald, Nicholas R. Jennings, Peter Stone: Guest Editors' Introduction: Agents and Markets. IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(6): 12-14 (2003)
14 Michael P. Wellman, Amy R. Greenwald, Peter Stone, Peter R. Wurman: The 2001 Trading Agent Competition. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 935-
13 Jeffrey O. Kephart, Amy R. Greenwald: Shopbot Economics. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 5(3): 255-287 (2002)
12EEAmy R. Greenwald, Justin A. Boyan: Bidding algorithms for simultaneous auctions. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 115-124
11EEJustin A. Boyan, Amy R. Greenwald: Bid determination in simultaneous actions an agent architecture. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 210-212
10EEJoan Morris DiMicco, Amy R. Greenwald, Pattie Maes: Dynamic pricing strategies under a finite time horizon. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 95-104
9EEAmy R. Greenwald, Jeffrey O. Kephart: Probabilistic pricebots. Agents 2001: 560-567
8 Amir Jafari, Amy R. Greenwald, David Gondek, Gunes Ercal: On No-Regret Learning, Fictitious Play, and Nash Equilibrium. ICML 2001: 226-233
7EEAmy R. Greenwald, Peter Stone: Autonomous Bidding Agents in the Trading Agent Competition. IEEE Internet Computing 5(2): 52- (2001)
6EEJeffrey O. Kephart, James E. Hanson, Amy R. Greenwald: Dynamic pricing by software agents. Computer Networks 32(6): 731-752 (2000)
5EEAmy R. Greenwald, Jeffrey O. Kephart, Gerald Tesauro: Strategic pricebot dynamics. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 1999: 58-67
4 Amy R. Greenwald, Jeffrey O. Kephart: Shopbots and Pricebots. Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce (IJCAI Workshop) 1999: 1-23
3EEJeffrey O. Kephart, Amy R. Greenwald: Shopbot Economics. Agents 1999: 378-379
2EEJeffrey O. Kephart, Amy R. Greenwald: Shopbot Economics. ESCQARU 1999: 208-220
1 Amy R. Greenwald, Jeffrey O. Kephart: Shopbots and Pricebots. IJCAI 1999: 506-511

Coauthor Index

1Michael Benisch [26] [28] [29]
2Justin A. Boyan [11] [12] [27]
3Clark Cutler [43]
4Joan Morris DiMicco (Joan Morris) [10] [17]
5Gunes Ercal [8]
6David Gondek [8]
7Geoffrey J. Gordon [45]
8Ioanna Grypari [26] [29]
9Keith Hall [20]
10James E. Hanson [6]
11Amir Jafari [8] [22]
12Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [15]
13Karthik Kannan [21]
14Jeffrey O. Kephart [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [13]
15Ramayya Krishnan [21]
16Reeva M. Lederman [29]
17Roger Lederman [26]
18Seong Jae Lee [42]
19Zheng Li [46]
20Michael L. Littman [34] [38] [39]
21Pattie Maes [10] [17]
22Casey Marks [45]
23Victor Naroditskiy [26] [28] [29] [35] [42] [43] [44]
24Tyler Odean [43]
25Mauricio Ramirez [43]
26Warren Schudy [46]
27Eric Sodomka [43]
28Peter Stone [7] [14] [15] [16] [31]
29Gerald Tesauro [5]
30Michael Carl Tschantz [26] [28] [29]
31Michael P. Wellman [14] [16]
32John Wicks [33] [40] [41]
33Peter R. Wurman [14] [16]
34Joe Zimmerman [43]
35Martin Zinkevich [34] [39]
36Mary Ellen Zurko [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)