
Christopher A. Miller

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17EEHeather Richter, Christopher A. Miller, Gregory D. Abowd, Idris Hsi: An empirical investigation of capture and access for software requirements activities. Graphics Interface 2005: 121-128
16 Harry Funk, Christopher A. Miller, Peggy Wu, John Meisner: Managing Knowledge throughout the Software Development Cycle using the Cognitive Decision Aid Knowledge Acquisition Toolset (CDAKAT). IRI 2004: 510-515
15EEChristopher A. Miller: Introduction. Commun. ACM 47(4): 30-34 (2004)
14EERaja Parasuraman, Christopher A. Miller: Trust and etiquette in high-criticality automated systems. Commun. ACM 47(4): 51-55 (2004)
13EEHeather Richter, Gregory D. Abowd, Christopher A. Miller, Harry Funk: Tagging Knowledge Acquisition Sessions To Facilitate Knowledge Traceability. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 14(1): 3-19 (2004)
12 Heather Richter, Gregory D. Abowd, Christopher A. Miller, Harry Funk: Tagging Knowledge Acquisition Sessions to Facilitate Knowledge Traceability. SEKE 2003: 432-439
11 Yukio Ohsawa, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons, Christopher A. Miller, Alan C. Schultz, Jean Scholtz, Michael A. Goodrich, Eugene Santos Jr., Benjamin Bell, Charles Lee Isbell Jr., Michael L. Littman: AAAI-2002 Fall Symposium Series. AI Magazine 24(1): 95-98 (2003)
10EEChristopher A. Miller: Intelligent user interfaces for correspondence domains (panel session): moving IUIs off the desktop. IUI 2000: 181-186
9EEChristopher A. Miller, Matthew D. Hannen: User Acceptance of an Intelligent User Interface: A Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate Example. IUI 1999: 109-116
8EEChristopher A. Miller, Michael J. S. Pelican, Robert P. Goldman: A High-Level ``Tasking'' Interface for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles. IUI 1999: 197
7EERobert P. Goldman, Christopher W. Geib, Christopher A. Miller: A New Model of Plan Recognition. UAI 1999: 245-254
6 Christopher A. Miller: Bridging the Information Transfer Gap: Measuring Goodness of Information Fit. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 10(4): 523-558 (1999)
5EEChristopher A. Miller, Matthew D. Hannen: The Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate: design and evaluation of an intelligent user interface for cockpit information management. Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(8): 443-456 (1999)
4EEChristopher A. Miller: Computational Approaches to Interface Design: What Works, What Doesn't, What Should and What Might. IUI 1997: 123-126
3 David J. Musliner, Christopher A. Miller: Agent and Task Modeling at Honeywell. Agent Modeling 1996: 112-
2EEChristopher A. Miller, Raymond Larson: An Explanatory and "Argumentative" Interface for a Model-based Diagnostic System. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1992: 43-52
1EEKeith R. Levi, David L. Perschbacher, Mark A. Hoffman, Christopher A. Miller, Barry B. Druhan, Valerie L. Shalin: An Explanation-Based-Learning Approach to Knowledge Compilation: A Pilot's Associate Application. IEEE Expert 7(3): 44-51 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [12] [13] [17]
2Benjamin Bell [11]
3Barry B. Druhan [1]
4Harry Funk [12] [13] [16]
5Christopher W. Geib [7]
6Robert P. Goldman [7] [8]
7Michael A. Goodrich [11]
8Matthew D. Hannen [5] [9]
9Mark A. Hoffman [1]
10Idris Hsi [17]
11Charles Lee Isbell Jr. (Charles L. Isbell) [11]
12Raymond Larson [2]
13Keith R. Levi [1]
14Michael L. Littman [11]
15Peter McBurney [11]
16John Meisner [16]
17David J. Musliner [3]
18Yukio Ohsawa [11]
19Raja Parasuraman [14]
20Simon Parsons [11]
21Michael J. S. Pelican [8]
22David L. Perschbacher [1]
23Heather Richter (Heather A. Richter) [12] [13] [17]
24Eugene Santos Jr. [11]
25Jean Scholtz [11]
26Alan C. Schultz [11]
27Valerie L. Shalin [1]
28Peggy Wu [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)