
Amin Atrash

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6EEAmin Atrash, Joelle Pineau: A bayesian reinforcement learning approach for customizing human-robot interfaces. IUI 2009: 355-360
5EEPaul Lukowicz, Jamie A. Ward, Holger Junker, Mathias Stäger, Gerhard Tröster, Amin Atrash, Thad Starner: Recognizing Workshop Activity Using Body Worn Microphones and Accelerometers. Pervasive 2004: 18-32
4EETracy L. Westeyn, Helene Brashear, Amin Atrash, Thad Starner: Georgia tech gesture toolkit: supporting experiments in gesture recognition. ICMI 2003: 85-92
3 Reid G. Simmons, Dani Goldberg, Adam Goode, Michael Montemerlo, Nicholas Roy, Brennan Sellner, Chris Urmson, Alan C. Schultz, Myriam Abramson, William Adams, Amin Atrash, Magdalena D. Bugajska, Michael Coblenz, Matt MacMahon, Dennis Perzanowski, Ian Horswill, Robert Zubek, David Kortenkamp, Bryn Wolfe, Tod Milam, Bruce A. Maxwell: GRACE: An Autonomous Robot for the AAAI Robot Challenge. AI Magazine 24(2): 51-72 (2003)
2 Reid G. Simmons, Dani Goldberg, Adam Goode, Michael Montemerlo, Nicholas Roy, Brennan Sellner, Chris Urmson, Alan C. Schultz, Myriam Abramson, William Adams, Amin Atrash, Magdalena D. Bugajska, Michael Coblenz, Matt MacMahon, Dennis Perzanowski, Ian Horswill, Robert Zubek, David Kortenkamp, Bryn Wolfe, Tod Milam, Bruce A. Maxwell: GRACE: An Autonomous Robot for the AAAI Robot Challenge. AAAI Mobile Robot Competition 2002: 1-14
1 Amin Atrash, Sven Koenig: Probabilistic Planning for Behavior-Based Robots. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 531-535

Coauthor Index

1Myriam Abramson [2] [3]
2William Adams [2] [3]
3Helene Brashear [4]
4Magdalena D. Bugajska [2] [3]
5Michael Coblenz [2] [3]
6Dani Goldberg [2] [3]
7Adam Goode [2] [3]
8Ian Horswill [2] [3]
9Holger Junker [5]
10Sven Koenig [1]
11David Kortenkamp [2] [3]
12Paul Lukowicz [5]
13Matt MacMahon [2] [3]
14Bruce A. Maxwell [2] [3]
15Tod Milam [2] [3]
16Michael Montemerlo [2] [3]
17Dennis Perzanowski [2] [3]
18Joelle Pineau [6]
19Nicholas Roy [2] [3]
20Alan C. Schultz [2] [3]
21Brennan Sellner [2] [3]
22Reid G. Simmons [2] [3]
23Mathias Stäger [5]
24Thad Starner [4] [5]
25Gerhard Tröster [5]
26Chris Urmson [2] [3]
27Jamie A. Ward [5]
28Tracy L. Westeyn [4]
29Bryn Wolfe [2] [3]
30Robert Zubek [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)