2007 |
14 | | William G. Kennedy,
Magdalena D. Bugajska,
Matthew Marge,
William Adams,
Benjamin R. Fransen,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Alan C. Schultz,
J. Gregory Trafton:
Spatial Representation and Reasoning for Human-Robot Collaboration.
AAAI 2007: 1554-1559 |
13 | EE | Benjamin R. Fransen,
Vlad I. Morariu,
Eric Martinson,
Samuel Blisard,
Matthew Marge,
Scott Thomas,
Alan C. Schultz,
Dennis Perzanowski:
Using vision, acoustics, and natural language for disambiguation.
HRI 2007: 73-80 |
12 | EE | Marjorie Skubic,
Derek Anderson,
Samuel Blisard,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Alan C. Schultz:
Using a hand-drawn sketch to control a team of robots.
Auton. Robots 22(4): 399-410 (2007) |
2006 |
11 | EE | J. Gregory Trafton,
Alan C. Schultz,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Magdalena D. Bugajska,
William Adams,
Nicholas L. Cassimatis,
Derek P. Brock:
Children and robots learning to play hide and seek.
HRI 2006: 242-249 |
10 | | Marjorie Skubic,
Derek Anderson,
Samuel Blisard,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Alan C. Schultz:
Using a Qualitative Sketch to Control a Team of Robots.
ICRA 2006: 3595-3601 |
2005 |
9 | | Marjorie Skubic,
Derek Anderson,
Samuel Blisard,
Dennis Perzanowski,
William Adams,
J. Gregory Trafton,
Alan C. Schultz:
Using a Sketch Pad Interface for Interacting with a Robot Team.
AAAI 2005: 1739-1740 |
2003 |
8 | | Reid G. Simmons,
Allison Bruce,
Dani Goldberg,
Adam Goode,
Michael Montemerlo,
Nicholas Roy,
Brennan Sellner,
Chris Urmson,
Alan C. Schultz,
William Adams,
Magdalena D. Bugajska,
Matt MacMahon,
Jessica Mink,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Stephanie Rosenthal,
Scott Thomas,
Ian Horswill,
Robert Zubek,
David Kortenkamp,
Bryn Wolfe,
Tod Milam,
Bruce A. Maxwell:
GRACE and GEORGE: Autonomous Robots for the AAAI Robot Challenge.
AAAI Mobile Robot Competition 2003: 52- |
7 | | Reid G. Simmons,
Dani Goldberg,
Adam Goode,
Michael Montemerlo,
Nicholas Roy,
Brennan Sellner,
Chris Urmson,
Alan C. Schultz,
Myriam Abramson,
William Adams,
Amin Atrash,
Magdalena D. Bugajska,
Michael Coblenz,
Matt MacMahon,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Ian Horswill,
Robert Zubek,
David Kortenkamp,
Bryn Wolfe,
Tod Milam,
Bruce A. Maxwell:
GRACE: An Autonomous Robot for the AAAI Robot Challenge.
AI Magazine 24(2): 51-72 (2003) |
2002 |
6 | | Reid G. Simmons,
Dani Goldberg,
Adam Goode,
Michael Montemerlo,
Nicholas Roy,
Brennan Sellner,
Chris Urmson,
Alan C. Schultz,
Myriam Abramson,
William Adams,
Amin Atrash,
Magdalena D. Bugajska,
Michael Coblenz,
Matt MacMahon,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Ian Horswill,
Robert Zubek,
David Kortenkamp,
Bryn Wolfe,
Tod Milam,
Bruce A. Maxwell:
GRACE: An Autonomous Robot for the AAAI Robot Challenge.
AAAI Mobile Robot Competition 2002: 1-14 |
5 | | Marjorie Skubic,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Alan C. Schultz,
William Adams:
Using Spatial Language in a Human-Robot Dialog.
ICRA 2002: 4143-4148 |
2001 |
4 | EE | Dennis Perzanowski,
Alan C. Schultz,
William Adams,
Elaine Marsh,
Magdalena D. Bugajska:
Building a Multimodal Human-Robot Interface.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(1): 16-21 (2001) |
1999 |
3 | | William Adams,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Alan C. Schultz:
A Natural Interface and Unified Skills for a Mobile Robot.
AAAI/IAAI 1999: 934-935 |
1997 |
2 | | Brian Yamauchi,
Alan C. Schultz,
William Adams,
Kevin Graves,
John J. Grefenstette,
Dennis Perzanowski:
ARIEL: Autonomous Robot for Integrated Exploration and Localization.
AAAI/IAAI 1997: 804-805 |
1 | EE | Kenneth Wauchope,
Stephanie Everett,
Dennis Perzanowski,
Elaine Marsh:
Natural Language in Four Spatial Interfaces.
ANLP 1997: 8-11 |