Alexander Keller, Henrik Wann Jensen (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 15th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques, Norköping, Sweden, June 21-23, 2004.
Eurographics Association 2004, ISBN 3-905673-12-6 BibTeX
Invited Papers
Non Photorealistic Rendering
Interactive and Realtime Rendering
Global Illumination
Shadows Maps
Shadows and Visibility
- Tom Mertens, Jan Kautz, Philippe Bekaert, Frank Van Reeth:
A Self-Shadow Algorithm for Dynamic Hair using Density Clustering.
173-178 BibTeX
- Jan Kautz, Jaakko Lehtinen, Timo Aila:
Hemispherical Rasterization for Self-Shadowing of Dynamic Objects.
179-184 BibTeX
- Eric Chan, Frédo Durand:
An Efficient Hybrid Shadow Rendering Algorithm.
185-196 BibTeX
- Brandon Lloyd, Jeremy Wend, Naga K. Govindaraju, Dinesh Manocha:
CC Shadow Volumes.
197-206 BibTeX
- Shaun Nirenstein, Edwin H. Blake:
Hardware Accelerated Visibility Preprocessing using Adaptive Sampling.
207-216 BibTeX
Modelling and Light Fields
- Michael S. Langer, Linqiao Zhang, Allison W. Klein, Aditya Bhatia, Javeen Pereira, Dipinder Rekhi:
A Spectral-particle hybrid method for rendering falling snow.
217-226 BibTeX
- Xi Wang, Xin Tong, Stephen Lin, Shi-Min Hu, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Generalized Displacement Maps.
227-234 BibTeX
- Akira Kubota, Keita Takahashi, Kiyoharu Aizawa, Tsuhan Chen:
All-focused light field rendering.
235-242 BibTeX
- Cha Zhang, Tsuhan Chen:
A Self-Reconfigurable Camera Array.
243-254 BibTeX
- Vincent Masselus, Pieter Peers, Philip Dutré, Yves D. Willems:
Smooth Reconstruction and Compact Representation of Reflectance Functions for Image-based Relighting.
287-298 BibTeX
- Wojciech Matusik, Matthew Loper, Hanspeter Pfister:
Progressively-Refined Reflectance Functions from natural Illumination.
299-308 BibTeX
- Tim Hawkins, Andreas Wenger, Chris Tchou, Andrew Gardner, Fredrik Göransson, Paul E. Debevec:
Animatable Facial Reflectance Fields.
309-321 BibTeX
Basis Projection Methods
- Pascal Gautron, Jaroslav Krivánek, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch:
A Novel Hemispherical Basis for Accurate and Efficient Rendering.
321-330 BibTeX
- Thomas Annen, Jan Kautz, Frédo Durand, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Spherical harmonic Gradients for Mid-Range Illumination.
331-336 BibTeX
- Xinguo Liu, Peter-Pike J. Sloan, Heung-Yeung Shum, John Snyder:
All-Frequency Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Glossy Objects.
337-344 BibTeX
- Rui Wang, John Tran, David P. Luebke:
All-Frequency Relighting of Non-Diffuse Objects using Separable BRDF Approximation.
345-354 BibTeX
Participating Media
- Robert Geist, Karl Rasche, James Westall, Robert J. Schalkoff:
Lattice-Boltzmann Lighting.
355-362 BibTeX
- Simon Premoze, Michael Ashikhmin, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Shree K. Nayar:
Practical Rendering of Multiple Scattering Effects in Participating Media.
363-373 BibTeX
- Kirk Riley, David S. Ebert, Martin Kraus, Jerry Tessendorf, Charles D. Hansen:
Efficient Rendering of Atmospheric Phenomena.
374-386 BibTeX
- Alexander Wilkie, Claudia Ulbricht, Robert F. Tobler, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer:
An Analytical Model for Skylight Polarization.
387-398 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:36:07 2009
by Michael Ley (