
Simon Premoze

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16EER. Keith Morley, Solomon Boulos, Jared Johnson, David Edwards, Peter Shirley, Michael Ashikhmin, Simon Premoze: Image synthesis using adjoint photons. Graphics Interface 2006: 179-186
15EEKyle Hegeman, Simon Premoze, Michael Ashikhmin, George Drettakis: Approximate ambient occlusion for trees. SI3D 2006: 87-92
14EEKyle Hegeman, Michael Ashikhmin, Simon Premoze: A lighting model for general participating media. SI3D 2005: 117-124
13 Simon Premoze, Michael Ashikhmin, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Shree K. Nayar: Practical Rendering of Multiple Scattering Effects in Participating Media. Rendering Techniques 2004: 363-373
12 Joe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Milan Ikits, Aaron E. Lefohn, Charles D. Hansen, Emil Praun: Gaussian Transfer Functions for Multi-Field Volume Visualization. IEEE Visualization 2003: 497-504
11 Simon Premoze, Michael Ashikhmin, Peter Shirley: Path Integration for Light Transport in Volumes. Rendering Techniques 2003: 52-63
10EESimon Premoze, Tolga Tasdizen, James Bigler, Aaron E. Lefohn, Ross T. Whitaker: Particle-Based Simulation of Fluids. Comput. Graph. Forum 22(3): 401-410 (2003)
9EEJoe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Charles D. Hansen, Peter Shirley, Allen McPherson: A Model for Volume Lighting and Modeling. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(2): 150-162 (2003)
8EEJoe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Charles D. Hansen, David S. Ebert: Interactive Translucent Volume Rendering and Procedural Modeling. IEEE Visualization 2002
7EESimon Premoze: Analytic Light Transport Approximations for Volumetric Materials. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 48-57
6EEHenrik Wann Jensen, Frédo Durand, Julie Dorsey, Michael M. Stark, Peter Shirley, Simon Premoze: A physically-based night sky model. SIGGRAPH 2001: 399-408
5 Simon Premoze, Michael Ashikhmin: Rendering Natural Waters. Comput. Graph. Forum 20(4): 189-199 (2001)
4EEMichael Ashikhmin, Simon Premoze, Peter Shirley, Brian E. Smits: A variance analysis of the Metropolis Light Transport algorithm. Computers & Graphics 25(2): 287-294 (2001)
3EESimon Premoze, Michael Ashikhmin: Rendering Natural Waters. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 23-30
2EEMichael Ashikhmin, Simon Premoze, Peter Shirley: A microfacet-based BRDF generator. SIGGRAPH 2000: 65-74
1 Simon Premoze, William B. Thompson, Peter Shirley: Geospecific Rendering of Alpine Terrain. Rendering Techniques 1999: 107-118

Coauthor Index

1Michael Ashikhmin [2] [3] [4] [5] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16]
2James Bigler [10]
3Solomon Boulos [16]
4Julie Dorsey [6]
5George Drettakis [15]
6Frédo Durand [6]
7David S. Ebert [8]
8David Edwards [16]
9Charles D. Hansen [8] [9] [12]
10Kyle Hegeman [14] [15]
11Milan Ikits [12]
12Henrik Wann Jensen [6]
13Jared Johnson [16]
14Joe Michael Kniss (Joe Kniss) [8] [9] [12]
15Aaron E. Lefohn [10] [12]
16Allen McPherson [9]
17R. Keith Morley [16]
18Shree K. Nayar [13]
19Emil Praun [12]
20Ravi Ramamoorthi [13]
21Peter Shirley [1] [2] [4] [6] [9] [11] [16]
22Brian E. Smits [4]
23Michael M. Stark [6]
24Tolga Tasdizen [10]
25William B. Thompson [1]
26Ross T. Whitaker [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)