
David P. Luebke

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24EEDavid P. Luebke: CUDA: Scalable parallel programming for high-performance scientific computing. ISBI 2008: 836-838
23EEJeremy W. Sheaffer, David P. Luebke, Kevin Skadron: A hardware redundancy and recovery mechanism for reliable scientific computation on graphics processors. Graphics Hardware 2007: 55-64
22EEDavid P. Luebke, Greg Humphreys: How GPUs Work. IEEE Computer 40(2): 96-100 (2007)
21EEKevin Dale, Jeremy W. Sheaffer, Vinu Vijay Kumar, David P. Luebke, Greg Humphreys, Kevin Skadron: Applications of Small-Scale Reconfigurability to Graphics Processors. ARC 2006: 99-108
20EEDavid P. Luebke, Mark Harris, Naga K. Govindaraju, Aaron E. Lefohn, Mike Houston, John D. Owens, Mark Segal, Matthew Papakipos, Ian Buck: S07 - GPGPU: general-purpose computation on graphics hardware. SC 2006: 208
19EERui Wang, John Tran, David P. Luebke: All-frequency relighting of glossy objects. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(2): 293-318 (2006)
18 Anselmo Lastra, Marc Olano, David P. Luebke, Hanspeter Pfister: Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, SI3D 2005, April 3-6, 2005, Washington, DC, USA ACM 2005
17EEJeremy W. Sheaffer, Kevin Skadron, David P. Luebke: Studying Thermal Management for Graphics-Processor Architectures. ISPASS 2005: 54-65
16EEAbhinav Dayal, Cliff Woolley, Benjamin Watson, David P. Luebke: Adaptive Frameless Rendering. Rendering Techniques 2005: 265-275
15EERadu Stoleru, Tian He, John A. Stankovic, David P. Luebke: A high-accuracy, low-cost localization system for wireless sensor networks. SenSys 2005: 13-26
14EERui Wang, John Tran, David P. Luebke: All-frequency interactive relighting of translucent objects with single and multiple scattering. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 1202-1207 (2005)
13EEBenjamin Watson, David P. Luebke: The Ultimate Display: Where Will All the Pixels Come From? IEEE Computer 38(8): 54-61 (2005)
12EEJeremy W. Sheaffer, David P. Luebke, Kevin Skadron: A flexible simulation framework for graphics architectures. Graphics Hardware 2004: 85-94
11 Rui Wang, John Tran, David P. Luebke: All-Frequency Relighting of Non-Diffuse Objects using Separable BRDF Approximation. Rendering Techniques 2004: 345-354
10EERui Wang, David P. Luebke: Efficient Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes with Color. 3DIM 2003: 402-409
9EENolan Goodnight, Cliff Woolley, Gregory Lewin, David P. Luebke, Greg Humphreys: A multigrid solver for boundary value problems using programmable graphics hardware. Graphics Hardware 2003: 102-111
8EENathaniel Williams, David P. Luebke, Jonathan D. Cohen, Michael Kelley, Brenden Schubert: Perceptually guided simplification of lit, textured meshes. SI3D 2003: 113-121
7EECliff Woolley, David P. Luebke, Benjamin Watson, Abhinav Dayal: Interruptible rendering. SI3D 2003: 143-151
6EEJonathan D. Cohen, David P. Luebke, Nathaniel Duca, Brenden Schubert: GLOD: a driver-level interface for geometric level of detail. SIGGRAPH 2003
5EEDerek Cornish, Andrea Rowan, David P. Luebke: View-Dependent Particles for Interactive Non-Photorealistic Rendering. Graphics Interface 2001: 151-158
4 David P. Luebke, Benjamin Hallen: Perceptually-Driven Simplification for Interactive Rendering. Rendering Techniques 2001: 223-234
3EEDavid P. Luebke: A Developer's Survey of Polygonal Simplification Algorithms. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(3): 24-35 (2001)
2EEDavid P. Luebke, Carl Erikson: View-dependent simplification of arbitrary polygonal environments. SIGGRAPH 1997: 199-208
1EEDavid P. Luebke, Chris Georges: Portals and Mirrors: Simple, Fast Evaluation of Potentially Visible Sets. SI3D 1995: 105-106, 212

Coauthor Index

1Ian Buck [20]
2Jonathan D. Cohen [6] [8]
3Derek Cornish [5]
4Kevin Dale [21]
5Abhinav Dayal [7] [16]
6Nathaniel Duca [6]
7Carl Erikson [2]
8Chris Georges [1]
9Nolan Goodnight [9]
10Naga K. Govindaraju [20]
11Benjamin Hallen [4]
12Mark Harris [20]
13Tian He [15]
14Mike Houston [20]
15Greg Humphreys [9] [21] [22]
16Michael Kelley [8]
17Vinu Vijay Kumar [21]
18Anselmo Lastra [18]
19Aaron E. Lefohn [20]
20Gregory Lewin [9]
21Marc Olano [18]
22John D. Owens [20]
23Matthew Papakipos [20]
24Hanspeter Pfister [18]
25Andrea Rowan [5]
26Brenden Schubert [6] [8]
27Mark Segal [20]
28Jeremy W. Sheaffer [12] [17] [21] [23]
29Kevin Skadron [12] [17] [21] [23]
30John A. Stankovic [15]
31Radu Stoleru [15]
32John Tran [11] [14] [19]
33Rui Wang [10] [11] [14] [19]
34Benjamin Watson [7] [13] [16]
35Nathaniel Williams [8]
36Cliff Woolley [7] [9] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)