
Reinhard Klein

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79EEPatrick Degener, Reinhard Klein: A variational approach for automatic generation of panoramic maps. ACM Trans. Graph. 28(1): (2009)
78EEMichael Guthe, Gero Müller, Martin Schneider, Reinhard Klein: BTF-CIELab: A Perceptual Difference Measure for Quality Assessment and Compression of BTFs. Comput. Graph. Forum 28(1): 101-113 (2009)
77EERuwen Schnabel, Patrick Degener, Reinhard Klein: Completion and Reconstruction with Primitive Shapes. Comput. Graph. Forum 28(2): 503-512 (2009)
76EERoland Ruiters, Reinhard Klein: Heightfield and spatially varying BRDF Reconstruction for Materials with Interreflections. Comput. Graph. Forum 28(2): 513-522 (2009)
75EEMartin Rump, Gero Müller, Ralf Sarlette, Dirk Koch, Reinhard Klein: Photo-realistic Rendering of Metallic Car Paint from Image-Based Measurements. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(2): 527-536 (2008)
74EESebastian Möser, Patrick Degener, Roland Wahl, Reinhard Klein: Context Aware Terrain Visualization for Wayfinding and Navigation. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(7): 1853-1860 (2008)
73EERuwen Schnabel, Sebastian Möser, Reinhard Klein: Fast vector quantization for efficient rendering of compressed point-clouds. Computers & Graphics 32(2): 246-259 (2008)
72EEPatrick Degener, Ruwen Schnabel, Christopher Schwartz, Reinhard Klein: Effective Visualization of Short Routes. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1452-1458 (2008)
71EENikolas Paries, Patrick Degener, Reinhard Klein: Simple and Efficient Mesh Editing with Consistent Local Frames. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 461-464
70EEPatrick Degener, Reinhard Klein: Texture Atlas Generation for Inconsistent Meshes and Point Sets. Shape Modeling International 2007: 156-168
69EEMarkus Schlattmann, Reinhard Klein: Simultaneous 4 gestures 6 DOF real-time two-hand tracking without any markers. VRST 2007: 39-42
68EERuwen Schnabel, Roland Wahl, Reinhard Klein: Efficient RANSAC for Point-Cloud Shape Detection. Comput. Graph. Forum 26(2): 214-226 (2007)
67EEMarkus Schlattmann, Ferenc Kahlesz, Ralf Sarlette, Reinhard Klein: Markerless 4 gestures 6 DOF real-time visual tracking of the human hand with automatic initialization. Comput. Graph. Forum 26(3): 467-476 (2007)
66EEJan Meseth, Gero Müller, Reinhard Klein, Florian Röder, Michael Arnold: Verification of rendering quality from measured BTFs. APGV 2006: 127-134
65EEGerhard H. Bendels, Michael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Free-form modelling for surface inpainting. Afrigraph 2006: 49-58
64EEGero Müller, Ralf Sarlette, Reinhard Klein: Data-driven Local Coordinate Systems for Image-Based Rendering. Comput. Graph. Forum 25(3): 369-378 (2006)
63EEAlexander Greß, Michael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: GPU-based Collision Detection for Deformable Parameterized Surfaces. Comput. Graph. Forum 25(3): 497-506 (2006)
62EEMirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Thomas Mücken, Reinhard Klein: Exploitation of human shadow perception for fast shadow rendering. APGV 2005: 131-134
61 Michael Guthe, Pavel Borodin, Reinhard Klein: Fast and Accurate Hausdorff Distance Calculation between Meshes. WSCG (Journal Papers) 2005: 41-48
60 Gerhard H. Bendels, Reinhard Klein, Mandana Samimi, Alfred Schmitz: Statistical Shape Analysis for Computer Aided Spine Deformity Detection. WSCG (Journal Papers) 2005: 57-64
59EEMichael Guthe, Ákos Balázs, Reinhard Klein: GPU-based trimming and tessellation of NURBS and T-Spline surfaces. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 1016-1023 (2005)
58EEGero Müller, Jan Meseth, Mirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Reinhard Klein: Acquisition, Synthesis, and Rendering of Bidirectional Texture Functions. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(1): 83-109 (2005)
57EEAndre Nicoll, Jan Meseth, Gero Müller, Reinhard Klein: Fractional Fourier Texture Masks: Guiding Near-Regular Texture Synthesis. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(3): 569-579 (2005)
56EEJan Meseth, Michael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Interactive fragment tracing. The Visual Computer 21(8-10): 591-600 (2005)
55EEGerhard H. Bendels, Ferenc Kahlesz, Reinhard Klein: Towards the next generation of 3D content creation. AVI 2004: 283-289
54EEPavel Borodin, Gabriel Zachmann, Reinhard Klein: Consistent Normal Orientation for Polygonal Meshes. Computer Graphics International 2004: 18-25
53EEGero Müller, Jan Meseth, Reinhard Klein: Fast Environmental Lighting for Local-PCA Encoded BTFs. Computer Graphics International 2004: 198-205
52EEFerenc Kahlesz, Gabriel Zachmann, Reinhard Klein: Visual-Fidelity? Dataglove Calibration. Computer Graphics International 2004: 403-410
51EEMirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Reinhard Klein: Probabilistic Motion Sequence Generation. Computer Graphics International 2004: 514-517
50 Jan Kautz, Mirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Reinhard Klein, Hans-Peter Seidel: Decoupling BRDFs from Surface Mesostructures. Graphics Interface 2004: 177-184
49EEZoltán Nagy, Marcin Novotni, Reinhard Klein: Enhancing Fourier Volume Rendering Using Contour Extraction. MICCAI (2) 2004: 470-477
48EEZoltán Nagy, Gero Müller, Reinhard Klein: Classification for Fourier Volume Rendering. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2004: 51-58
47 Michael Guthe, Pavel Borodin, Ákos Balázs, Reinhard Klein: Real-time appearance preserving out-of-core rendering with shadows. Rendering Techniques 2004: 69-80
46EEGerhard H. Bendels, Patrick Degener, Roland Wahl, Marcel Körtgen, Reinhard Klein: Image-Based Registration of 3D-Range Data Using Feature Surface Elements. VAST 2004: 115-124
45 Jan Meseth, Reinhard Klein: Memory Efficient Billboard Clouds for BTF Textured Objects. VMV 2004: 167-174
44 Michael Guthe, Ákos Balázs, Reinhard Klein: Real-time out-of-core trimmed NURBS rendering and editing. VMV 2004: 323-330
43 Mirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Gabriel Zachmann, Reinhard Klein: Hardware-accelerated ambient occlusion computation. VMV 2004: 331-338
42 Michael Guthe, Ákos Balázs, Reinhard Klein: Interactive High Quality Trimmed NURBS Visualization Using Appearance Preserving Tessellation. VisSym 2004: 211-220, 348
41 Ákos Balázs, Michael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Efficient Trimmed NURBS Tessellation. WSCG 2004: 27-34
40 Zoltán Nagy, Reinhard Klein: High-Quality Silhouette Illustration for Texture-Based Volume Rendering. WSCG 2004: 301-308
39 Roland Wahl, Manuel Massing, Patrick Degener, Michael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Scalable Compression and Rendering of Textured Terrain Data. WSCG 2004: 521-528
38EEMarcin Novotni, Reinhard Klein: Shape retrieval using 3D Zernike descriptors. Computer-Aided Design 36(11): 1047-1062 (2004)
37EEJan Meseth, Gero Müller, Reinhard Klein: Reflectance field based real-time, high-quality rendering of bidirectional texture functions. Computers & Graphics 28(1): 105-112 (2004)
36EEMichael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Streaming HLODs: an out-of-core viewer for network visualization of huge polygon models. Computers & Graphics 28(1): 43-50 (2004)
35EEÁkos Balázs, Michael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Fat borders: gap filling for efficient view-dependent LOD NURBS rendering. Computers & Graphics 28(1): 79-85 (2004)
34EEAlexander Greß, Reinhard Klein: Efficient representation and extraction of 2-manifold isosurfaces using kd-trees. Graphical Models 66(6): 370-397 (2004)
33EEMarkus Wacker, Michael Keckeisen, Stefan Kimmerle, Wolfgang Straßer, Volker Luckas, Clemens Groß, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Mirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Reinhard Klein: Virtual Try-On. Informatik Spektrum 27(6): 504-511 (2004)
32EEPatrick Degener, Jan Meseth, Reinhard Klein: An Adaptable Surface Parameterization Method. IMR 2003: 201-213
31EEAlexander Greß, Reinhard Klein: Efficient Representation and Extraction of 2-Manifold Isosurfaces Using kd-Trees. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 364-376
30EEZoltán Nagy, Reinhard Klein: Depth-Peeling for Texture-Based Volume Rendering. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 429-433
29 Mirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Reinhard Klein: Efficient and Realistic Visualization of Cloth. Rendering Techniques 2003: 167-178
28 Gerhard H. Bendels, Reinhard Klein: Mesh Forging: Editing of 3D-Meshes Using Implicitly Defined Occluders. Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003: 207-217
27EEMarcin Novotni, Reinhard Klein: 3D zernike descriptors for content based shape retrieval. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 2003: 216-225
26 Gero Müller, Jan Meseth, Reinhard Klein: Compression and Real-Time Rendering of Measured BTFs Using Local PCA. VMV 2003: 271-279
25 Pavel Borodin, Michael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Out-of-Core Simplification with Guaranteed Error Tolerance. VMV 2003: 309-316
24 Gerhard H. Bendels, Reinhard Klein, Andreas Schilling: Image and 3D-Object Editing with Precisely Specified Editing Regions. VMV 2003: 451-459
23EEMichael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Efficient NURBS Rendering using View-Dependent LOD and Normal Maps. WSCG 2003
22EEMichael Guthe, Reinhard Klein: Automatic Texture Atlas Generation from Trimmed NURBS Models. Comput. Graph. Forum 22(3): 453-462 (2003)
21EEMichael Guthe, Jan Meseth, Reinhard Klein: Fast and Memory Efficient View-Dependent Trimmed NURBS Rendering. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 204-213
20EEFerenc Kahlesz, Ákos Balázs, Reinhard Klein: Multiresolution rendering by sewing trimmed NURBS surfaces. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 2002: 281-288
19EEMarcin Novotni, Reinhard Klein: Computing Geodesic Paths on Triangular Meshes. WSCG 2002: 341-348
18EEMarcin Novotni, Reinhard Klein: A Geometric Approach to 3D Object Comparison. Shape Modeling International 2001: 167-175
17EEColette Elcacho, Thomas Dingel, Reinhard Klein: Object-Centered Navigation in Virtual Construction Applications. WSCG 2001: 33-40
16 Reinhard Klein, Andreas Schilling, Wolfgang Straßer: Reconstruction and Simplification of Surfaces from Contours. Graphical Models 62(6): 429-443 (2000)
15EEReinhard Klein, Andreas Schilling, Wolfgang Straßer: Reconstruction and Simplification of Surfaces from Contours. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1999: 198-207
14EEReinhard Klein, Andreas Schilling: Efficient rendering of multiresolution meshes with guaranteed image quality. The Visual Computer 15(9): 443-452 (1999)
13EEAndreas Schilling, Reinhard Klein, Wolfgang Straßer: Illumination Dependent Refinement of Multiresolution Meshes. Computer Graphics International 1998: 680-687
12 Reinhard Klein, Frank Hanisch: Web-basierter Unterricht in der Computergraphik: Konzepte und Realisierung von interaktiven Online-Kursen. Informatik und Ausbildung 1998: 165-175
11EEReinhard Klein: Multiresolution representations for surfaces meshes based on the vertex decimation method. Computers & Graphics 22(1): 13-26 (1998)
10EEAndreas Schilling, Reinhard Klein: Rendering of multiresolution models with texture. Computers & Graphics 22(6): 667-674 (1998)
9 Reinhard Klein, Daniel Cohen-Or, Tobias Hüttner: Incremental view-dependent multiresolution triangulation of terrain. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 9(3): 129-143 (1998)
8EEReinhard Klein, Daniel Cohen-Or, Tobias Hüttner: Incremental view-dependent multiresolution triangulation of terrain. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1997: 127-
7 Reinhard Klein, Gunther Liebich, Wolfgang Straßer: Mesh Reduction with Error Control. IEEE Visualization 1996: 311-318
6 Reinhard Klein: Construction Of the Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Of A Polygonal Domain. CAD Systems Development 1995: 313-326
5EEReinhard Klein, Wolfgang Straßer: Large mesh generation from boundary models with parametric face representation. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1995: 431-440
4EEGünther Greiner, Andreas Kolb, Ronald Pfeifle, Hans-Peter Seidel, Philipp Slusallek, Miguel Encarnação, Reinhard Klein: A platform for visualizing curves and surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 27(7): 559-566 (1995)
3 Reinhard Klein: Linear Approximation of Trimmed Surfaces. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 1994: 201-212
2 Philipp Slusallek, Reinhard Klein, Andreas Kolb, Günther Greiner: An Object-Oriented Approach to Curves and Surfaces. Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics 1994: 33-44
1 Reinhard Klein: Surfaces in an object-oriented geometric framework. Graphics and Robotics 1993: 175-190

Coauthor Index

1Michael Arnold [66]
2Ákos Balázs [20] [35] [41] [42] [44] [47] [59]
3Gerhard H. Bendels [24] [28] [46] [55] [60] [65]
4Pavel Borodin [25] [47] [54] [61]
5Daniel Cohen-Or [8] [9]
6Patrick Degener [32] [39] [46] [70] [71] [72] [74] [77] [79]
7Thomas Dingel [17]
8Colette Elcacho [17]
9Miguel Encarnação [4]
10Arnulph Fuhrmann [33]
11Günther Greiner [2] [4]
12Alexander Greß [31] [34] [63]
13Clemens Groß [33]
14Michael Guthe [21] [22] [23] [25] [35] [36] [39] [41] [42] [44] [47] [56] [59] [61] [63] [65] [78]
15Frank Hanisch [12]
16Tobias Hüttner [8] [9]
17Ferenc Kahlesz [20] [52] [55] [67]
18Jan Kautz [50]
19Michael Keckeisen [33]
20Stefan Kimmerle [33]
21Dirk Koch [75]
22Andreas Kolb [2] [4]
23Marcel Körtgen [46]
24Gunther Liebich [7]
25Volker Luckas [33]
26Manuel Massing [39]
27Jan Meseth [21] [26] [32] [37] [45] [53] [56] [57] [58] [66]
28Sebastian Möser [73] [74]
29Thomas Mücken [62]
30Gero Müller [26] [37] [48] [53] [57] [58] [64] [66] [75] [78]
31Zoltán Nagy [30] [40] [48] [49]
32Andre Nicoll [57]
33Marcin Novotni [18] [19] [27] [38] [49]
34Nikolas Paries [71]
35Ronald Pfeifle [4]
36Florian Röder [66]
37Roland Ruiters [76]
38Martin Rump [75]
39Mandana Samimi [60]
40Ralf Sarlette [29] [33] [43] [50] [51] [58] [62] [64] [67] [75]
41Mirko Sattler [29] [33] [43] [50] [51] [58] [62]
42Andreas Schilling [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [24]
43Markus Schlattmann [67] [69]
44Alfred Schmitz [60]
45Ruwen Schnabel [68] [72] [73] [77]
46Martin Schneider [78]
47Christopher Schwartz [72]
48Hans-Peter Seidel [4] [50]
49Philipp Slusallek [2] [4]
50Wolfgang Straßer [5] [7] [13] [15] [16] [33]
51Markus Wacker [33]
52Roland Wahl [39] [46] [68] [74]
53Gabriel Zachmann [43] [52] [54]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)