
Andreas Wenger

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10EEAndreas Wenger, Andrew Gardner, Chris Tchou, Jonas Unger, Tim Hawkins, Paul E. Debevec: Performance relighting and reflectance transformation with time-multiplexed illumination. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 756-764 (2005)
9EEJessi Stumpfel, Chris Tchou, Andrew Jones, Tim Hawkins, Andreas Wenger, Paul E. Debevec: Direct HDR capture of the sun and sky. Afrigraph 2004: 145-149
8 Tim Hawkins, Andreas Wenger, Chris Tchou, Andrew Gardner, Fredrik Göransson, Paul E. Debevec: Animatable Facial Reflectance Fields. Rendering Techniques 2004: 309-321
7EEAndreas Wenger, Daniel F. Keefe, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw: Interactive Volume Rendering of Thin Thread Structures within Multivalued Scientific Data Sets. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(6): 664-672 (2004)
6 Jonas Unger, Andreas Wenger, Tim Hawkins, Andrew Gardner, Paul E. Debevec: Capturing and Rendering with Incident Light Fields. Rendering Techniques 2003: 141-149
5 Andreas Wenger, Tim Hawkins, Paul E. Debevec: Optimizing Color Matching in a Lighting Reproduction System for Complex Subject and Illuminant Spectra. Rendering Techniques 2003: 249-259
4EEPaul E. Debevec, Andreas Wenger, Chris Tchou, Andrew Gardner, Jamie Waese, Tim Hawkins: A lighting reproduction approach to live-action compositing. SIGGRAPH 2002: 547-556
3EEPaul E. Debevec, Andreas Wenger, Chris Tchou, Andrew Gardner, Jamie Waese, Tim Hawkins: A lighting reproduction approach to live-action compositing. ACM Trans. Graph. 21(3): 547-556 (2002)
2 Rolf Mecklenburg, Hartmut Benz, Steffen Fischer, Andreas Wenger: Instant Authoring with Application Output Recording: Taxonomy and usage in DIANE. ICMCS 1997: 606-607
1 Hartmut Benz, Steffen Fischer, Rolf Mecklenburg, Andreas Wenger: Application Output Recording for Instant Authoring in a Distributed Multimedia Annotation Environment. IDMS 1997: 220-230

Coauthor Index

1Hartmut Benz [1] [2]
2Paul E. Debevec [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
3Steffen Fischer [1] [2]
4Andrew Gardner [3] [4] [6] [8] [10]
5Fredrik Göransson [8]
6Tim Hawkins [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
7Andrew Jones [9]
8Daniel F. Keefe [7]
9David H. Laidlaw [7]
10Rolf Mecklenburg [1] [2]
11Jessi Stumpfel [9]
12Chris Tchou [3] [4] [8] [9] [10]
13Jonas Unger [6] [10]
14Jamie Waese [3] [4]
15Song Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)