2008 |
61 | EE | Jingdan Zhang,
Shaohua Kevin Zhou,
Dorin Comaniciu,
Leonard McMillan:
Conditional density learning via regression with application to deformable shape segmentation.
CVPR 2008 |
60 | EE | Jingdan Zhang,
Shaohua Kevin Zhou,
Dorin Comaniciu,
Leonard McMillan:
Discriminative Learning for Deformable Shape Segmentation: A Comparative Study.
ECCV (1) 2008: 711-724 |
59 | EE | Feng Pan,
Lynda Yang,
Leonard McMillan,
Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena,
David Threadgill,
Wei Wang:
Quantitative Association Analysis Using Tree Hierarchies.
ICDM 2008: 971-976 |
58 | EE | Qi Zhang,
Wei Wang,
Leonard McMillan,
Jan Prins,
Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena,
David Threadgill:
Genotype Sequence Segmentation: Handling Constraints and Noise.
WABI 2008: 271-283 |
2007 |
57 | EE | Jingdan Zhang,
Shaohua Kevin Zhou,
Leonard McMillan,
Dorin Comaniciu:
Joint Real-time Object Detection and Pose Estimation Using Probabilistic Boosting Network.
CVPR 2007 |
56 | EE | Feng Pan,
Wei Wang,
Leonard McMillan:
Accelerating Profile Queries in Elevation Maps.
ICDE 2007: 76-85 |
55 | EE | Feng Pan,
Adam Roberts,
Leonard McMillan,
David Threadgill,
Wei Wang:
Sample Selection for Maximal Diversity.
ICDM 2007: 262-271 |
54 | EE | Adam Roberts,
Leonard McMillan,
Wei Wang,
Joel Parker,
Ivan Rusyn,
David Threadgill:
Inferring missing genotypes in large SNP panels using fast nearest-neighbor searches over sliding windows.
ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2007: 401-407 |
53 | EE | Julie Dorsey,
Songhua Xu,
Gabe Smedresman,
Holly E. Rushmeier,
Leonard McMillan:
The Mental Canvas: A Tool for Conceptual Architectural Design and Analysis.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 201-210 |
52 | EE | Jinze Liu,
Qi Zhang,
Wei Wang,
Leonard McMillan,
Jan Prins:
PoClustering: Lossless Clustering of Dissimilarity Data.
SDM 2007 |
51 | EE | Jingyi Yu,
Xiaotian Yin,
Xianfeng Gu,
Leonard McMillan,
Steven J. Gortler:
Focal surfaces of discrete geometry.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2007: 23-32 |
50 | EE | Eric P. Bennett,
Leonard McMillan:
Computational time-lapse video.
ACM Trans. Graph. 26(3): 102 (2007) |
49 | EE | Eric P. Bennett,
J. L. Mason,
Leonard McMillan:
Multispectral Bilateral Video Fusion.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(5): 1185-1194 (2007) |
2006 |
48 | EE | Guodong Liu,
Leonard McMillan:
Compression of Human Motion Data Sequences.
3DPVT 2006: 248-255 |
47 | EE | Songhua Xu,
Athinodoros S. Georghiades,
Holly E. Rushmeier,
Julie Dorsey,
Leonard McMillan:
Image Guided Geometry Inference.
3DPVT 2006: 310-317 |
46 | EE | Jingdan Zhang,
Leonard McMillan,
Jingyi Yu:
Robust Tracking and Stereo Matching under Variable Illumination.
CVPR (1) 2006: 871-878 |
45 | EE | Jinze Liu,
Qi Zhang,
Wei Wang,
Leonard McMillan,
Jan Prins:
Clustering pair-wise dissimilarity data into partially ordered sets.
KDD 2006: 637-642 |
44 | EE | Guodong Liu,
Jingdan Zhang,
Wei Wang,
Leonard McMillan:
Human motion estimation from a reduced marker set.
SI3D 2006: 35-42 |
43 | EE | Guodong Liu,
Leonard McMillan:
Segment-based human motion compression.
Symposium on Computer Animation 2006: 127-135 |
42 | EE | Guodong Liu,
Leonard McMillan:
Estimation of missing markers in human motion capture.
The Visual Computer 22(9-11): 721-728 (2006) |
2005 |
41 | EE | Jingyi Yu,
Leonard McMillan:
Modelling Reflections via Multiperspective Imaging.
CVPR (1) 2005: 117-124 |
40 | EE | Jingyi Yu,
Leonard McMillan:
Multiperspective Projection and Collineation.
ICCV 2005: 580-587 |
39 | EE | Jingyi Yu,
Jason C. Yang,
Leonard McMillan:
Real-time reflection mapping with parallax.
SI3D 2005: 133-138 |
38 | EE | Guodong Liu,
Jingdan Zhang,
Wei Wang,
Leonard McMillan:
A system for analyzing and indexing human-motion databases.
SIGMOD Conference 2005: 924-926 |
37 | EE | Eric P. Bennett,
Leonard McMillan:
Video enhancement using per-pixel virtual exposures.
ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 845-852 (2005) |
2004 |
36 | EE | Sudipta N. Sinha,
Marc Pollefeys,
Leonard McMillan:
Camera Network Calibration from Dynamic Silhouettes.
CVPR (1) 2004: 195-202 |
35 | EE | Jingyi Yu,
Leonard McMillan:
General Linear Cameras.
ECCV (2) 2004: 14-27 |
34 | EE | Jason Stewart,
Eric P. Bennett,
Leonard McMillan:
PixelView: a view-independent graphics rendering architecture.
Graphics Hardware 2004: 75-84 |
33 | | Jingyi Yu,
Leonard McMillan:
A Framework for Multiperspective Rendering.
Rendering Techniques 2004: 61-68 |
32 | | Barbara Cutler,
Julie Dorsey,
Leonard McMillan:
Simplification and Improvement of Tetrahedral Models for Simulation.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004: 95-104 |
31 | EE | Jingyi Yu,
Leonard McMillan,
Steven J. Gortler:
Surface Camera (Scam) Light Field Rendering.
Int. J. Image Graphics 4(4): 605-625 (2004) |
2003 |
30 | EE | Eric P. Bennett,
Leonard McMillan:
Proscenium: a framework for spatio-temporal video editing.
ACM Multimedia 2003: 177-184 |
29 | | Jason Stewart,
Jingyi Yu,
Steven J. Gortler,
Leonard McMillan:
A New Reconstruction Filter for Undersampled Light Fields.
Rendering Techniques 2003: 150-156 |
28 | | Wojciech Matusik,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Matthew Brand,
Leonard McMillan:
Efficient Isotropic BRDF Measurement.
Rendering Techniques 2003: 241-248 |
27 | | Remo Ziegler,
Wojciech Matusik,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Leonard McMillan:
3D Reconstruction Using Labeled Image Regions.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003: 248-260 |
26 | EE | Peter Sand,
Leonard McMillan,
Jovan Popovic:
Continuous capture of skin deformation.
ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 578-586 (2003) |
25 | EE | Wojciech Matusik,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Matthew Brand,
Leonard McMillan:
A data-driven reflectance model.
ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 759-769 (2003) |
2002 |
24 | EE | Chris Buehler,
Steven J. Gortler,
Michael F. Cohen,
Leonard McMillan:
Minimal Surfaces for Stereo.
ECCV (3) 2002: 885-899 |
23 | | Peter Sand,
Leonard McMillan:
Efficient selection of image patches with high motion confidence.
ICIP (2) 2002: 293-296 |
22 | EE | Jingyi Yu,
Leonard McMillan,
Steven J. Gortler:
Scan Light Field Rendering.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 137-144 |
21 | | Wojciech Matusik,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Remo Ziegler,
Addy Ngan,
Leonard McMillan:
Acquisition and Rendering of Transparent and Refractive Objects.
Rendering Techniques 2002: 267-278 |
20 | | Jason C. Yang,
Matthew Everett,
Chris Buehler,
Leonard McMillan:
A Real-Time Distributed Light Field Camera.
Rendering Techniques 2002: 77-86 |
19 | EE | Barbara Cutler,
Julie Dorsey,
Leonard McMillan,
Matthias Müller,
Robert Jagnow:
A procedural approach to authoring solid models.
SIGGRAPH 2002: 302-311 |
18 | EE | Wojciech Matusik,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Addy Ngan,
Paul A. Beardsley,
Remo Ziegler,
Leonard McMillan:
Image-based 3D photography using opacity hulls.
SIGGRAPH 2002: 427-437 |
17 | EE | Barbara Cutler,
Julie Dorsey,
Leonard McMillan,
Matthias Müller,
Robert Jagnow:
A procedural approach to authoring solid models.
ACM Trans. Graph. 21(3): 302-311 (2002) |
16 | EE | Wojciech Matusik,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Addy Ngan,
Paul A. Beardsley,
Remo Ziegler,
Leonard McMillan:
Image-based 3D photography using opacity hulls.
ACM Trans. Graph. 21(3): 427-437 (2002) |
15 | EE | Paul E. Debevec,
Leonard McMillan:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(2): 24-25 (2002) |
2001 |
14 | EE | Chris Buehler,
Michael Bosse,
Leonard McMillan:
Non-Metric Image-Based Rendering for Video Stabilization.
CVPR (2) 2001: 609-614 |
13 | | Wojciech Matusik,
Chris Buehler,
Leonard McMillan:
Polyhedral Visual Hulls for Real-Time Rendering.
Rendering Techniques 2001: 115-126 |
12 | EE | Osama Tolba,
Julie Dorsey,
Leonard McMillan:
A projective drawing system.
SI3D 2001: 25-34 |
11 | EE | Chris Buehler,
Michael Bosse,
Leonard McMillan,
Steven J. Gortler,
Michael F. Cohen:
Unstructured lumigraph rendering.
SIGGRAPH 2001: 425-432 |
2000 |
10 | EE | Aaron Isaksen,
Leonard McMillan,
Steven J. Gortler:
Dynamically reparameterized light fields.
SIGGRAPH 2000: 297-306 |
9 | EE | Wojciech Matusik,
Chris Buehler,
Ramesh Raskar,
Steven J. Gortler,
Leonard McMillan:
Image-based visual hulls.
SIGGRAPH 2000: 369-374 |
1999 |
8 | EE | Héctor M. Briceño,
Steven J. Gortler,
Leonard McMillan:
NAIVE - network aware Internet video encoding.
ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 251-260 |
7 | EE | Osama Tolba,
Julie Dorsey,
Leonard McMillan:
Sketching with Projective 2D Strokes.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1999: 149-157 |
1997 |
6 | EE | William R. Mark,
Leonard McMillan,
Gary Bishop:
Post-rendering 3D warping.
SI3D 1997: 7-16, 180 |
5 | EE | Michael F. Cohen,
Marc Levoy,
Jitendra Malik,
Leonard McMillan,
Eric Chen:
Image-based rendering: really new or déjà vu? (panel).
SIGGRAPH 1997: 468-470 |
1995 |
4 | EE | Leonard McMillan,
Gary Bishop:
Plenoptic modeling: an image-based rendering system.
SIGGRAPH 1995: 39-46 |
1994 |
3 | | John L. Furlani,
Leonard McMillan,
Lee Westover:
Adaptive Color Map Selection Algorithm for Motion Sequences.
ACM Multimedia 1994: 341-348 |
2 | EE | Gary Bishop,
Henry Fuchs,
Leonard McMillan,
Ellen J. Scher Zagier:
Frameless rendering: double buffering considered harmful.
SIGGRAPH 1994: 175-176 |
1992 |
1 | | Leonard McMillan,
Lee Westover:
A Forward Mapping Realization of the Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform.
Data Compression Conference 1992: 219-228 |