
Shaun Nirenstein

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5EEDenis Haumont, Otso Makinen, Shaun Nirenstein: A Low Dimensional Framework for Exact Polygon-to-Polygon Occlusion Queries. Rendering Techniques 2005: 211-222
4 Shaun Nirenstein, Edwin H. Blake: Hardware Accelerated Visibility Preprocessing using Adaptive Sampling. Rendering Techniques 2004: 207-216
3EEAdrian Sharpe, Matthew Hampton, Shaun Nirenstein, James E. Gain, Edwin H. Blake: Accelerating ray shooting through aggressive 5D visibility preprocessing. Afrigraph 2003: 95-100
2 Shaun Nirenstein, Edwin H. Blake, James E. Gain: Exact From-Region Visibility Culling. Rendering Techniques 2002: 191-202
1 Shaun Nirenstein, Edwin H. Blake, Simon Winberg, Ashton E. W. Mason: Hierarchical level of detail optimization for constant frame rate rendering of radiosity scenes. South African Computer Journal 29: 32-40 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Edwin H. Blake [1] [2] [3] [4]
2James E. Gain [2] [3]
3Matthew Hampton [3]
4Denis Haumont [5]
5Otso Makinen [5]
6Ashton E. W. Mason [1]
7Adrian Sharpe [3]
8Simon Winberg [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)