
Noel Menezes

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25EENoel Menezes, Chandramouli V. Kashyap, Chirayu S. Amin: A "true" electrical cell model for timing, noise, and power grid verification. DAC 2008: 462-467
24EESteven M. Burns, Mahesh Ketkar, Noel Menezes, Keith A. Bowman, James Tschanz, Vivek De: Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Statistical Design Techniques. DAC 2007: 238-243
23EEChandramouli V. Kashyap, Chirayu S. Amin, Noel Menezes, Eli Chiprout: A nonlinear cell macromodel for digital applications. ICCAD 2007: 678-685
22EENoel Menezes: The good, the bad, and the statistical. ISPD 2007: 168
21EEFarid N. Najm, Noel Menezes, Imad A. Ferzli: A Yield Model for Integrated Circuits and its Application to Statistical Timing Analysis. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(3): 574-591 (2007)
20EEChirayu S. Amin, Chandramouli V. Kashyap, Noel Menezes, Kip Killpack, Eli Chiprout: A multi-port current source model for multiple-input switching effects in CMOS library cells. DAC 2006: 247-252
19EEFlorentin Dartu, Anirudh Devgan, Noel Menezes: Variability modeling and variability-aware design in deep submicron integrated circuits. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 1
18EEChirayu S. Amin, Noel Menezes, Kip Killpack, Florentin Dartu, Umakanta Choudhury, Nagib Hakim, Yehea I. Ismail: Statistical static timing analysis: how simple can we get? DAC 2005: 652-657
17EEFarid N. Najm, Noel Menezes: Statistical timing analysis based on a timing yield model. DAC 2004: 460-465
16EEPrashant Saxena, Noel Menezes, Pasquale Cocchini, Desmond Kirkpatrick: Repeater scaling and its impact on CAD. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(4): 451-463 (2004)
15EEPrashant Saxena, Noel Menezes, Pasquale Cocchini, Desmond Kirkpatrick: The scaling challenge: can correct-by-construction design help? ISPD 2003: 51-58
14 Noel Menezes, Sachin S. Sapatnekar: Optimization and Analysis Techniques for the Deep Submicron Regime. VLSI Design 2001: 3-4
13EEChung-Ping Chen, Noel Menezes: Noise-Aware Repeater Insertion and Wire-Sizing for On-Chip Interconnect Using Hierarchical Moment-Matching. DAC 1999: 502-506
12EENoel Menezes, Chung-Ping Chen: Spec-Based Repeater Insertion and Wire Sizing for On-chip Interconnect. VLSI Design 1999: 476-
11 Ashih D. Mehta, Yao-Ping Chen, Noel Menezes, D. F. Wong, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Clustering and Load Balancing for Buffered Clock Tree Synthesis. ICCD 1997: 217-223
10EESatyamurthy Pullela, Noel Menezes, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Moment-sensitivity-based wire sizing for skew reduction in on-chip clock nets. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(2): 210-215 (1997)
9EENoel Menezes, Ross Baldick, Lawrence T. Pileggi: A sequential quadratic programming approach to concurrent gate and wire sizing. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(8): 867-881 (1997)
8EEFlorentin Dartu, Noel Menezes, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Performance computation for precharacterized CMOS gates with RC loads. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(5): 544-553 (1996)
7EESatyamurthy Pullela, Noel Menezes, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Post-processing of clock trees via wiresizing and buffering for robust design. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(6): 691-701 (1996)
6EENoel Menezes, Satyamurthy Pullela, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Simultaneous Gate and Interconnect Sizing for Circuit-Level Delay Optimization. DAC 1995: 690-695
5EENoel Menezes, Ross Baldick, Lawrence T. Pileggi: A sequential quadratic programming approach to concurrent gate and wire sizing. ICCAD 1995: 144-151
4EEFlorentin Dartu, Noel Menezes, Jessica Qian, Lawrence T. Pillage: A Gate-Delay Model for high-Speed CMOS Circuits. DAC 1994: 576-580
3 Ronn B. Brashear, Noel Menezes, Chanhee Oh, Lawrence T. Pillage, M. Ray Mercer: Predicting Circuit Performance Using Circuit-level Statistical Timing Analysis. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 332-337
2EENoel Menezes, Satyamurthy Pullela, Florentin Dartu, Lawrence T. Pillage: RC interconnect synthesis-a moment fitting approach. ICCAD 1994: 418-425
1EESatyamurthy Pullela, Noel Menezes, Lawrence T. Pillage: Reliable Non-Zero Skew Clock Trees Using Wire Width Optimization. DAC 1993: 165-170

Coauthor Index

1Chirayu S. Amin [18] [20] [23] [25]
2Ross Baldick [5] [9]
3Keith A. Bowman [24]
4Ronn B. Brashear [3]
5Steven M. Burns [24]
6Charlie Chung-Ping Chen (Chung-Ping Chen) [12] [13]
7Yao-Ping Chen [11]
8Eli Chiprout [20] [23]
9Umakanta Choudhury [18]
10Pasquale Cocchini [15] [16]
11Florentin Dartu [2] [4] [8] [18] [19]
12Vivek De [24]
13Anirudh Devgan [19]
14Imad A. Ferzli [21]
15Nagib Hakim [18]
16Yehea I. Ismail [18]
17Chandramouli V. Kashyap [20] [23] [25]
18Mahesh Ketkar [24]
19Kip Killpack [18] [20]
20Desmond Kirkpatrick [15] [16]
21Ashih D. Mehta [11]
22M. Ray Mercer [3]
23Farid N. Najm [17] [21]
24Chanhee Oh [3]
25Lawrence T. Pileggi (Larry T. Pileggi, Lawrence T. Pillage) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
26Satyamurthy Pullela [1] [2] [6] [7] [10]
27Jessica Qian [4]
28Sachin S. Sapatnekar [14]
29Prashant Saxena [15] [16]
30James Tschanz [24]
31Martin D. F. Wong (D. F. Wong) [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)