
Ross Baldick

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10EEManho Joung, Ross Baldick, Jinho Kim: Strategic Behavior in Electricity Capacity Markets. HICSS 2009: 1-6
9EEYou Seok Son, Ross Baldick: Hybrid coevolutionary programming for Nash equilibrium search in games with local optima. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 8(4): 305-315 (2004)
8EEBogdan Tutuianu, Ross Baldick, Mark S. Johnstone: Nonlinear driver models for timing and noise analysis. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(11): 1510-1521 (2004)
7 Shih-Yih Lai, Ross Baldick: Buffered Interconnect Tree Optimization Using Lagrangian Relaxation and Dynamic Programming. ICCD 2001: 199-207
6EERoss Baldick, Andrew B. Kahng, Andrew A. Kennings, Igor L. Markov: Function Smoothing with Applications to VLSI Layout. ASP-DAC 1999: 225-
5 Bogdan Tutuianu, Daksh Lehther, Madhulima Pandey, Ross Baldick: Efficient RLC Macromodels for Digital IC Interconnect. VLSI 1999: 293-304
4EEGustavo de Veciana, Ross Baldick: Resource Allocation in Multi-Service Networks via Pricing: Statistical Multiplexing. Computer Networks 30(9-10): 951-962 (1998)
3EENoel Menezes, Ross Baldick, Lawrence T. Pileggi: A sequential quadratic programming approach to concurrent gate and wire sizing. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(8): 867-881 (1997)
2EENoel Menezes, Ross Baldick, Lawrence T. Pileggi: A sequential quadratic programming approach to concurrent gate and wire sizing. ICCAD 1995: 144-151
1EERoss Baldick: A Unified Approach to Polynomially Solvable Cases of Integer "non-separable" Quadratic optimization. Discrete Applied Mathematics 61(3): 195-212 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Mark S. Johnstone [8]
2Manho Joung [10]
3Andrew B. Kahng [6]
4Andrew A. Kennings [6]
5Jinho Kim [10]
6Shih-Yih Lai [7]
7Daksh Lehther [5]
8Igor L. Markov [6]
9Noel Menezes [2] [3]
10Madhulima Pandey [5]
11Lawrence T. Pileggi (Larry T. Pileggi, Lawrence T. Pillage) [2] [3]
12You Seok Son [9]
13Bogdan Tutuianu [5] [8]
14Gustavo de Veciana [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)