
Chirayu S. Amin

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16EENoel Menezes, Chandramouli V. Kashyap, Chirayu S. Amin: A "true" electrical cell model for timing, noise, and power grid verification. DAC 2008: 462-467
15EEChandramouli V. Kashyap, Pouria Bastani, Kip Killpack, Chirayu S. Amin: Silicon feedback to improve frequency of high-performance microprocessors: an overview. ICCAD 2008: 778-782
14EEChandramouli V. Kashyap, Chirayu S. Amin, Noel Menezes, Eli Chiprout: A nonlinear cell macromodel for digital applications. ICCAD 2007: 678-685
13EEChirayu S. Amin, Chandramouli V. Kashyap, Noel Menezes, Kip Killpack, Eli Chiprout: A multi-port current source model for multiple-input switching effects in CMOS library cells. DAC 2006: 247-252
12EEChirayu S. Amin, Noel Menezes, Kip Killpack, Florentin Dartu, Umakanta Choudhury, Nagib Hakim, Yehea I. Ismail: Statistical static timing analysis: how simple can we get? DAC 2005: 652-657
11EEChirayu S. Amin, Yehea I. Ismail, Florentin Dartu: Piece-wise approximations of RLCK circuit responses using moment matching. DAC 2005: 927-932
10 Ahmed M. Shebaita, Chirayu S. Amin, Florentin Dartu, Yehea I. Ismail: Expanding the frequency range of AWE via time shifting. ICCAD 2005: 935-938
9EEChirayu S. Amin, Masud H. Chowdhury, Yehea I. Ismail: Realizable reduction of interconnect circuits including self and mutual inductances. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(2): 271-277 (2005)
8EEChirayu S. Amin, Florentin Dartu, Yehea I. Ismail: Weibull-based analytical waveform model. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(8): 1156-1168 (2005)
7EEYehea I. Ismail, Chirayu S. Amin: Computation of signal threshold crossing times directly from higher order moments. ICCAD 2004: 246-253
6EEChirayu S. Amin, Florentin Dartu, Yehea I. Ismail: Modeling unbuffered latches for timing analysis. ICCAD 2004: 254-260
5EEYehea I. Ismail, Chirayu S. Amin: Computation of signal-threshold crossing times directly from higher order moments. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(8): 1264-1276 (2004)
4EEChirayu S. Amin, Masud H. Chowdhury, Yehea I. Ismail: Realizable RLCK circuit crunching. DAC 2003: 226-231
3EEShizhong Mei, Chirayu S. Amin, Yehea I. Ismail: Efficient model order reduction including skin effect. DAC 2003: 232-237
2EEChirayu S. Amin, Florentin Dartu, Yehea I. Ismail: Weibull Based Analytical Waveform Model. ICCAD 2003: 161-168
1EEMasud H. Chowdhury, Chirayu S. Amin, Yehea I. Ismail, Chandramouli V. Kashyap, Byron Krauter: Realizable reduction of RLC circuits using node elimination. ISCAS (3) 2003: 494-497

Coauthor Index

1Pouria Bastani [15]
2Eli Chiprout [13] [14]
3Umakanta Choudhury [12]
4Masud H. Chowdhury [1] [4] [9]
5Florentin Dartu [2] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12]
6Nagib Hakim [12]
7Yehea I. Ismail [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
8Chandramouli V. Kashyap [1] [13] [14] [15] [16]
9Kip Killpack [12] [13] [15]
10Byron Krauter [1]
11Shizhong Mei [3]
12Noel Menezes [12] [13] [14] [16]
13Ahmed M. Shebaita [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)