
Peter Marwedel

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68EEPaul Lokuciejewski, Heiko Falk, Peter Marwedel: WCET-driven Cache-based Procedure Positioning Optimizations. ECRTS 2008: 321-330
67EEPaul Lokuciejewski, Heiko Falk, Peter Marwedel, Henrik Theiling: WCET-driven, code-size critical procedure cloning. SCOPES 2008: 21-30
66 Heiko Falk, Peter Marwedel: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, Nice, France, April 20, 2007 SCOPES 2007
65EEPaul Lokuciejewski, Heiko Falk, Martin Schwarzer, Peter Marwedel, Henrik Theiling: Influence of procedure cloning on WCET prediction. CODES+ISSS 2007: 137-142
64EERobert Pyka, Christoph Faßbach, Manish Verma, Heiko Falk, Peter Marwedel: Operating system integrated energy aware scratchpad allocation strategies for multiprocess applications. SCOPES 2007: 41-50
63EELars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel: Influence of Memory Hierarchies on Predictability for Time Constrained Embedded Software CoRR abs/0710.4751: (2007)
62EEManish Verma, Lars Wehmeyer, Robert Pyka, Peter Marwedel, Luca Benini: Compilation and Simulation Tool Chain for Memory Aware Energy Optimizations . SAMOS 2006: 279-288
61EEManish Verma, Peter Marwedel: Overlay techniques for scratchpad memories in low power embedded processors. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 14(8): 802-815 (2006)
60EEManish Verma, Lars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel: Cache-Aware Scratchpad-Allocation Algorithms for Energy-Constrained Embedded Systems. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(10): 2035-2051 (2006)
59EEGrant Martin, Daniel Gajski, David Goodwin, Patrick Lysaght, Peter Marwedel, Mike Muller, Jeff Welser: What will system level design be when it grows up? CODES+ISSS 2005: 123
58EELars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel: nfluence of Memory Hierarchies on Predictability for Time Constrained Embedded Software. DATE 2005: 600-605
57EEManish Verma, Klaus Petzold, Lars Wehmeyer, Heiko Falk, Peter Marwedel: Scratchpad Sharing Strategies for Multiprocess Embedded Systems: A First Approach. ESTImedia 2005: 115-120
56 Manish Verma, Peter Marwedel: Memory Optimization Techniques for Low-Power Embedded Processors. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2005: 445
55EEPeter Marwedel, Lars Wehmeyer, Manish Verma, Stefan Steinke, Urs Helmig: Fast, predictable and low energy memory references through architecture-aware compilation. ASP-DAC 2004: 4-11
54EEMarkus Lorenz, Peter Marwedel, Thorsten Dräger, Gerhard Fettweis, Rainer Leupers: Compiler based exploration of DSP energy savings by SIMD operations. ASP-DAC 2004: 838-841
53EEManish Verma, Lars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel: Dynamic overlay of scratchpad memory for energy minimization. CODES+ISSS 2004: 104-109
52EEPeter Marwedel, Daniel Gajski, Erwin A. de Kock, Hugo De Man, Mariagiovanna Sami, Ingemar Söderquist: Embedded systems education: how to teach the required skills? CODES+ISSS 2004: 254-255
51EEPeter Marwedel, Catherine H. Gebotys: Secure and safety-critical vs. insecure, non safety-critical embedded systems: do they require completely different design approaches? CODES+ISSS 2004: 72
50EEManish Verma, Lars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel: Cache-Aware Scratchpad Allocation Algorithm. DATE 2004: 1264-1269
49EEMarkus Lorenz, Peter Marwedel: Phase Coupled Code Generation for DSPs Using a Genetic Algorithm. DATE 2004: 1270-1275
48EEPeter Marwedel, Lars Wehmeyer, Manish Verma, Stefan Steinke, Urs Helmig: Fast, predictable and low energy memory references through architecture-aware compilation. Design of Systems with Predictable Behaviour 2004
47EELars Wehmeyer, Urs Helmig, Peter Marwedel: Compiler-optimized usage of partitioned memories. WMPI 2004: 114-120
46EEHeiko Falk, Peter Marwedel: Control Flow Driven Splitting of Loop Nests at the Source Code Level . DATE 2003: 10410-10415
45EEPeter Marwedel, Birgit Sirocic: Overcoming The Limitations of Traditional Media For Teaching Modern Processor Desing. MSE 2003: 102-103
44EEManish Verma, Lars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel: Efficient Scratchpad Allocation Algorithms for Energy Constrained Embedded Systems. PACS 2003: 41-56
43EERajeshwari Banakar, Stefan Steinke, Bo-Sik Lee, M. Balakrishnan, Peter Marwedel: Scratchpad memory: design alternative for cache on-chip memory in embedded systems. CODES 2002: 73-78
42EEStefan Steinke, Lars Wehmeyer, Bo-Sik Lee, Peter Marwedel: Assigning Program and Data Objects to Scratchpad for Energy Reduction. DATE 2002: 409-417
41EEPeter Marwedel: Embedded Software: How To Make It Efficient? DSD 2002: 201-209
40EEM. Balakrishnan, Peter Marwedel, Lars Wehmeyer, Nils Grunwald, Rajeshwari Banakar, Stefan Steinke: Reducing Energy Consumption by Dynamic Copying of Instructions onto Onchip Memory. ISSS 2002: 213-218
39EEPeter Marwedel: Guest Editor's Introduction: Processor-Based Designs. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 19(4): 5-6 (2002)
38EEMarkus Lorenz, David Koffmann, Steven Bashford, Rainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Optimized address assignment for DSPs with SIMD memory accesses. ASP-DAC 2001: 415-420
37EEManoj Kumar Jain, Lars Wehmeyer, Stefan Steinke, Peter Marwedel, M. Balakrishnan: Evaluating register file size in ASIP design. CODES 2001: 109-114
36 Markus Lorenz, Rainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel, Thorsten Dräger, Gerhard Fettweis: Low-Energy DSP Code Generation Using a Genetic Algorithm. ICCD 2001: 431-437
35EEPeter Marwedel: Guest editorial. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(11): 1281-1282 (2001)
34EELars Wehmeyer, Manoj Kumar Jain, Stefan Steinke, Peter Marwedel, M. Balakrishnan: Analysis of the influence of register file size on energyconsumption, code size, and execution time. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(11): 1329-1337 (2001)
33EEPeter Marwedel: Guest Editorial. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 5(4): 749-751 (2000)
32 Peter Marwedel: Eingebettete Systeme. LOG IN 20(6): 16- (2000)
31EERainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Function inlining under code size constraints for embedded processors. ICCAD 1999: 253-256
30 Anupam Basu, Rainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Array Index Allocation under Register Constraints in DSP Programs. VLSI Design 1999: 330-335
29 Rainer Leupers, Anupam Basu, Peter Marwedel: Optimized Array Index Computation in DSP Programs. ASP-DAC 1998: 87-92
28EER. Niemann, Peter Marwedel: Synthesis of Communicating Controllers for Concurrent Hardware/Software Systems. DATE 1998: 912-913
27EEAnupam Basu, Rainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Register-Constrained Address Computation in DSP Programs. DATE 1998: 929-930
26EEAnupam Basu, Raj S. Mitra, Peter Marwedel: Interface Synthesis for Embedded Applications in a Co Design Environment. VLSI Design 1998: 85-90
25EEPeter Marwedel: Code Generation for Core Processors. DAC 1997: 232-237
24EERainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Retargetable generation of code selectors from HDL processor models. ED&TC 1997: 140-144
23EEBirger Landwehr, Peter Marwedel: A New Optimization Technique for Improving Resource Exploitation and Critical Path Minimization. ISSS 1997: 65-
22 Peter Marwedel, Carlos A. López-Barrio: Guest Editor's Introduction: Design, Design Automation, and Test in Europe. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 14(2): 14-15 (1997)
21EERainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Time-constrained code compaction for DSPs. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 5(1): 112-122 (1997)
20EERainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Algorithms for address assignment in DSP code generation. ICCAD 1996: 109-112
19 Rainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Instruction-Set Modeling for ASIP Code Generation. VLSI Design 1996: 77-80
18EEJ. El-Ziq, Najmi T. Jarwala, Niraj K. Jha, Peter Marwedel, Christos A. Papachristou, Janusz Rajski, John W. Sheppard: Hardware-Software Co-Design for Test: It's the Last Straw! VTS 1996: 506-507
17 Peter Marwedel, Gert Goossens: Code Generation for Embedded Processors [Dagstuhl Workshop, August 31 - September 2, 1994] Kluwer 1995
16EEUlrich Bieker, Peter Marwedel: Retargetable Self-Test Program Generation Using Constraint Logic Programming. DAC 1995: 605-611
15EERainer Leupers, Peter Marwedel: Time-constrained code compaction for DSPs. ISSS 1995: 54-59
14 Peter Marwedel: Code generation for embedded processors: an introduction. Code Generation for Embedded Processors 1994: 14-31
13EEPeter Marwedel, Rainer Leupers: Instruction set extraction from programmable structures. EURO-DAC 1994: 156-161
12EEBirger Landwehr, Peter Marwedel, Rainer Dömer: OSCAR: optimum simultaneous scheduling, allocation and resource binding based on integer programming. EURO-DAC 1994: 90-95
11 Rainer Leupers, Wolfgang Schenk, Peter Marwedel: Microcode Generation for Flexible Parallel Target Architectures. IFIP PACT 1994: 247-256
10EEPeter Marwedel: Tree-based mapping of algorithms to predefined structures. ICCAD 1993: 586-593
9 Peter Marwedel: Implementations of IF-statements in the TODOS microarchitecture synthesis system. Synthesis for Control Dominated Circuits 1992: 249-262
8 Peter Marwedel, Wolfgang Rosenstiel: Synthese von Register-Transfer-Strukturen aus Verhaltensbeschriebungen. Informatik Spektrum 15(1): 5-22 (1992)
7EEPeter Marwedel: Matching system and component behaviour in MIMOLA synthesis tools. EURO-DAC 1990: 146-156
6EELothar Nowak, Peter Marwedel: Verification of Hardware Descriptions by Retargetable Code Generation. DAC 1989: 441-447
5EEM. Balakrishnan, Peter Marwedel: Integrated Scheduling and Binding: A Synthesis Approach for Design Space Exploration. DAC 1989: 68-74
4 Lothar Nowak, Peter Marwedel: Ein retargierbarer Mikrocode-Compiler und seine Anwendung in Entwurfsverifikation und Architekturbewertung. GI Jahrestagung (2) 1988: 233-245
3EEPeter Marwedel: A new synthesis for the MIMOLA software system. DAC 1986: 271-277
2 Peter Marwedel: The Integrated Design of Computer Systems with Mimola. GI Jahrestagung 1982: 45-57
1 Peter Marwedel: The Design of a Subprocessor with Dynamic Microprogramming with MIMOLA. ARCS 1980: 164-177

Coauthor Index

1M. Balakrishnan [5] [34] [37] [40] [43]
2Rajeshwari Banakar [40] [43]
3Steven Bashford [38]
4Anupam Basu [26] [27] [29] [30]
5Luca Benini [62]
6Ulrich Bieker [16]
7Rainer Dömer [12]
8Thorsten Dräger [36] [54]
9J. El-Ziq [18]
10Heiko Falk [46] [57] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68]
11Christoph Faßbach [64]
12Gerhard Fettweis [36] [54]
13Daniel Gajski (Daniel D. Gajski) [52] [59]
14Catherine H. Gebotys [51]
15David Goodwin [59]
16Gert Goossens [17]
17Nils Grunwald [40]
18Urs Helmig [47] [48] [55]
19Manoj Kumar Jain [34] [37]
20Najmi T. Jarwala [18]
21Niraj K. Jha [18]
22Erwin A. de Kock [52]
23David Koffmann [38]
24Birger Landwehr [12] [23]
25Bo-Sik Lee [42] [43]
26Rainer Leupers [11] [13] [15] [19] [20] [21] [24] [27] [29] [30] [31] [36] [38] [54]
27Paul Lokuciejewski [65] [67] [68]
28Carlos A. López-Barrio [22]
29Markus Lorenz [36] [38] [49] [54]
30Patrick Lysaght [59]
31Hugo De Man [52]
32Grant Martin [59]
33Raj S. Mitra [26]
34Mike Muller [59]
35R. Niemann [28]
36Lothar Nowak [4] [6]
37Christos A. Papachristou [18]
38Klaus Petzold [57]
39Robert Pyka [62] [64]
40Janusz Rajski [18]
41Wolfgang Rosenstiel [8]
42Mariagiovanna Sami [52]
43Wolfgang Schenk [11]
44Martin Schwarzer [65]
45John W. Sheppard [18]
46Birgit Sirocic [45]
47Ingemar Söderquist [52]
48Stefan Steinke [34] [37] [40] [42] [43] [48] [55]
49Henrik Theiling [65] [67]
50Manish Verma [44] [48] [50] [53] [55] [56] [57] [60] [61] [62] [64]
51Lars Wehmeyer [34] [37] [40] [42] [44] [47] [48] [50] [53] [55] [57] [58] [60] [62] [63]
52Jeff Welser [59]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)