
Guilin Yang

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28EEMustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen, Guilin Yang, Song Huat Yeo, Wei Lin: Kinematic calibration of a 7-DOF self-calibrated modular cable-driven robotic arm. ICRA 2008: 1288-1293
27EETeck Chew Ng, Lye Seng Wong, Guilin Yang: Sensor Fusion for Intuitive Robot Programming. RAM 2008: 1038-1043
26EELiang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Chee Kian Lim, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin, Kok-Meng Lee: Magnetic Field Analysis of Spherical Actuators with Iron Stator. RAM 2008: 1050-1055
25EETat Joo Teo, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin: A Novel Actuator for High-Precision Alignment in a Nano-Imprint Multi-Layers-Interconnection Fabrication. ICRA 2007: 1419-1424
24EEMustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen, Guilin Yang, Song Huat Yeo, Wei Lin: Self-Identification of the Joint Centre of a Cable-Driven Shoulder Rehabilitator. ICRA 2007: 3767-3772
23EEXueyan Tang, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang: Nonlinear Modeling Method of a Large-Displacement and Decoupled XYZ Flexure Parallel Mechanism. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
22EEYan Jin, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang: Finite-Partition of SE(3) and its Applications on Workspace Optimization of Parallel Manipulators. IROS 2006: 2133-2138
21EELiang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Chee Kian Lim, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin, Kok-Meng Lee: Torque Modeling of Spherical Actuators with Double-layer Poles. IROS 2006: 5447-5452
20EEGuilin Yang, Cong Bang Pham, Song Huat Yeo: Workspace Performance Optimization of Fully Restrained Cable-Driven Parallel Manipulators. IROS 2006: 85-90
19 Liang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Chee Kian Lim, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin, Kok-Meng Lee: Torque Modeling of a Spherical Actuator Based on Lorentz Force Law. ICRA 2005: 3646-3651
18EEAnjan Kumar Dash, I-Ming Chen, Song Huat Yeo, Guilin Yang: Task-oriented configuration design for reconfigurable parallel manipulator systems. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18(7): 615-634 (2005)
17EEYan Jin, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang: Structure Synthesis and Singularity Analysis of a Parallel Manipulator based on Selective Actuation. ICRA 2004: 4533-4538
16EECong Bang Pham, Song Huat Yeo, Guilin Yang: Workspace analysis and optimal design of cable-driven planar parallel manipulators. RAM 2004: 219-224
15EEYan Jin, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang: Kinematics analysis of a 6-DOF selectively actuated parallel manipulator. RAM 2004: 231-236
14EEGuilin Yang, Edwin Hui Leong Ho, Weihai Chen, Wei Lin, Song Huat Yeo, Mustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen: A haptic device wearable on a human arm. RAM 2004: 243-247
13EELiang Yan, Chee Kian Lim, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin: A hybrid approach for magnetic field analysis. RAM 2004: 530-535
12EEChee Kian Lim, Liang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin: Mechanical design & numerical electromagnetic analysis of a DC spherical actuator. RAM 2004: 536-541
11EEWeihai Chen, Tat Joo Teo, Wei Lin, Guilin Yang, Edwin Hui Leong Ho: Development of embedded integrated servo-controllers. RAM 2004: 89-94
10EEAnjan Kumar Dash, I-Ming Chen, Song Huat Yeo, Guilin Yang: Instantaneous kinematics and singularity analysis of three-legged parallel manipulators. Robotica 22(2): 189-203 (2004)
9 Anjan Kumar Dash, I-Ming Chen, Song Huat Yeo, Guilin Yang: Singularity-free path planning of parallel manipulators using clustering algorithm and line geometry. ICRA 2003: 761-766
8EEWeihai Chen, Guilin Yang, Kiah Mok Goh: Kinematic control for fault-tolerant modular robots based on joint angle increment redistribution. ICARCV 2002: 396-401
7EEGuilin Yang, Weihai Chen, Edwin Hui Leong Ho: Design and kinematic analysis of a modular hybrid parallel-serial manipulator. ICARCV 2002: 45-50
6EEAnjan Kumar Dash, Song Huat Yeo, Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen: Workspace analysis and singularity representation of three-legged parallel manipulators. ICARCV 2002: 962-967
5 Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen, Wei Lin, Jorge Angeles: Singularity Analysis of Three-legged Parallel Robots Based on Passive-joint Velocities. ICRA 2001: 2407-2412
4 Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen, Wee Kiat Lim, Song Huat Yeo: Kinematic Design of Modular Reconfigurable In-Parallel Robots. Auton. Robots 10(1): 83-89 (2001)
3 Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen, Wee Kiat Lim, Song Huat Yeo: Design and Kinematic Analysis of Modular Reconfigurable Parallel Robots. ICRA 1999: 2501-2506
2EEI-Ming Chen, Song Huat Yeo, Guang Chen, Guilin Yang: Kernel for Modular Robot Applications: Automatic Modeling Techniques. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(2): 225-242 (1999)
1 I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang: Inverse Kinematics for Modular Reconfigurable Robots. ICRA 1998: 1647-1652

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Angeles [5]
2Guang Chen [2]
3I-Ming Chen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [10] [12] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26]
4Weihai Chen [7] [8] [11] [14]
5Anjan Kumar Dash [6] [9] [10] [18]
6Kiah Mok Goh [8]
7Edwin Hui Leong Ho [7] [11] [14]
8Yan Jin [15] [17] [22]
9Mustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen [14] [24] [28]
10Kok-Meng Lee [19] [21] [26]
11Chee Kian Lim [12] [13] [19] [21] [26]
12Wee Kiat Lim [3] [4]
13Wei Lin [5] [11] [12] [13] [14] [19] [21] [24] [25] [26] [28]
14Teck Chew Ng [27]
15Cong Bang Pham [16] [20]
16Xueyan Tang [23]
17Tat Joo Teo [11] [25]
18Lye Seng Wong [27]
19Liang Yan [12] [13] [19] [21] [26]
20Song Huat Yeo [2] [3] [4] [6] [9] [10] [14] [16] [18] [20] [24] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)