
John F. Canny

John Canny

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108EEMatthew Kam, Akhil Mathur, Anuj Kumar, John F. Canny: Designing digital games for rural children: a study of traditional village games in India. CHI 2009: 31-40
107EEDavid T. Nguyen, John F. Canny: More than face-to-face: empathy effects of video framing. CHI 2009: 423-432
106EEAna Ramírez Chang, John Canny: Illuminac: simultaneous naming and configuration for workspace lighting control. IUI 2009: 413-418
105EEMatthew Kam, Aishvarya Agarwal, Anuj Kumar, Siddhartha Lal, Akhil Mathur, Anuj Tewari, John F. Canny: Designing e-learning games for rural children in India: a format for balancing learning with fun. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2008: 58-67
104EESheetal K. Agarwal, Nitendra Rajput, John Canny, Apala Lahiri Chavan: IUI4DR: intelligent user interfaces for developing regions. IUI 2008: 437
103EEDivya Ramachandran, John F. Canny: The Persuasive Power of Human-Machine Dialogue. PERSUASIVE 2008: 189-200
102EEYitao Duan, John F. Canny: Practical Private Computation and Zero-Knowledge Tools for Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining. SDM 2008: 265-276
101EEDivya Ramachandran, Matthew Kam, Jane Chiu, John F. Canny, James F. Frankel: Social dynamics of early stage co-design in developing regions. CHI 2007: 1087-1096
100EEMatthew Kam, Divya Ramachandran, Varun Devanathan, Anuj Tewari, John F. Canny: Localized iterative design for language learning in underdeveloped regions: the PACE framework. CHI 2007: 1097-1106
99EEDavid T. Nguyen, John Canny: Multiview: improving trust in group video conferencing through spatial faithfulness. CHI 2007: 1465-1474
98EETye Rattenbury, John F. Canny: CAAD: an automatic task support system. CHI 2007: 687-696
97EEYitao Duan, John F. Canny, Justin Z. Zhan: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Association Rule Mining: P4P Style. CIDM 2007: 654-660
96EEYitao Duan, John F. Canny: Scalable Secure Bidirectional Group Communication. INFOCOM 2007: 875-883
95EEYitao Duan, John F. Canny: Practical private computation of vector addition-based functions. PODC 2007: 326-327
94EEAndy Carle, Michael J. Clancy, John Canny: Working with pedagogical patterns in PACT: initial applications and observations. SIGCSE 2007: 238-242
93EEKeng-hao Chang, Mike Y. Chen, John Canny: Tracking Free-Weight Exercises. Ubicomp 2007: 19-37
92EEJingtao Wang, John F. Canny: End-user place annotation on mobile devices: a comparative study. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1493-1498
91EEJingtao Wang, John F. Canny: TinyMotion: camera phone based interaction methods. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 339-344
90EEYitao Duan, John F. Canny: How to Construct Multicast Cryptosystems Provably Secure Against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack. CT-RSA 2006: 244-261
89EEYitao Duan, John F. Canny: From Commodity to Value: A Privacy-Preserving e-Business Architecture. ICEBE 2006: 488-495
88EERyan Aipperspach, Elliot Cohen, John F. Canny: Modeling Human Behavior from Simple Sensors in the Home. Pervasive 2006: 337-348
87EEJingtao Wang, Shumin Zhai, John F. Canny: Camera phone based motion sensing: interaction techniques, applications and performance study. UIST 2006: 101-110
86EERyan Aipperspach, Tye Rattenbury, Allison Woodruff, John F. Canny: A Quantitative Method for Revealing and Comparing Places in the Home. Ubicomp 2006: 1-18
85EEJohn Canny: The future of human-computer interaction. ACM Queue 4(6): 24-32 (2006)
84EEMarc Davis, John F. Canny, Nancy A. Van House, Nathan Good, Simon King, Rahul Nair, Carrie Burgener, Bruce Rinehart, Rachel Strickland, Guy Campbell, Scott Fisher, Nick Reid: MMM2: mobile media metadata for media sharing. ACM Multimedia 2005: 267-268
83EEMarc Davis, Michael Smith, John F. Canny, Nathan Good, Simon King, Rajkumar Janakiraman: Towards context-aware face recognition. ACM Multimedia 2005: 483-486
82EEMatthew Kam, Jingtao Wang, Alastair Iles, Eric Tse, Jane Chiu, Daniel Glaser, Orna Tarshish, John F. Canny: Livenotes: a system for cooperative and augmented note-taking in lectures. CHI 2005: 531-540
81EEDavid T. Nguyen, John F. Canny: MultiView: spatially faithful group video conferencing. CHI 2005: 799-808
80EEMatthew Kam, Divya Ramachandran, Urvashi Sahni, John F. Canny: Designing Educational Technology for Developing Regions: Some Preliminary Hypotheses. ICALT 2005: 968-972
79EEJingtao Wang, John F. Canny: FingerSense: augmenting expressiveness to physical pushing button by fingertip identification. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1267-1270
78EEJohn F. Canny, Stephen Sorkin: Practical Large-Scale Distributed Key Generation. EUROCRYPT 2004: 138-152
77EEYitao Duan, John F. Canny: Protecting User Data in Ubiquitous Computing: Towards Trustworthy Environments. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2004: 167-185
76EEJohn F. Canny: GaP: a factor model for discrete data. SIGIR 2004: 122-129
75EEDaniel C. Glaser, Roger Tan, John F. Canny, Ellen Yi-Luen Do: Developing Architectural Lighting Representations. INFOVIS 2003
74EEFrancesca Barrientos, John F. Canny: Cursive: : controlling expressive avatar gesture using pen gesture. CVE 2002: 113-119
73EEJohn F. Canny: Collaborative Filtering with Privacy. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2002: 45-57
72EEJohn F. Canny: Collaborative filtering with privacy via factor analysis. SIGIR 2002: 238-245
71EEJoanie B. Connell, Gerald A. Mendelsohn, Richard W. Robins, John F. Canny: Effects of communication medium on interpersonal perceptions. GROUP 2001: 117-124
70 Dan Reznik, John F. Canny: C'mon Part, do the Local Motion! ICRA 2001: 2235-2242
69EEFrancesca Barrientos, John F. Canny: Cursive: a novel interaction technique for controlling expressive avatar gesture. UIST 2001: 151-152
68 John F. Canny, Arvin Agah: Guest Editorial: Personal Robotics. Auton. Robots 10(2): 131-134 (2001)
67 Eric Paulos, John F. Canny: Social Tele-Embodiment: Understanding Presence. Auton. Robots 11(1): 87-95 (2001)
66EEJohn F. Canny, Eric Paulos: Optimal Probing Strategies. I. J. Robotic Res. 20(8): 694-704 (2001)
65 Yan Zhuang, John F. Canny: Haptic Interaction with Global Deformations. ICRA 2000: 2428-2433
64EEJohn F. Canny, Ioannis Z. Emiris: A subdivision-based algorithm for the sparse resultant. J. ACM 47(3): 417-451 (2000)
63EEEric Paulos, John F. Canny: PRoP: Personal Roving Presence. CHI 1998: 296-303
62 Dan Reznik, John F. Canny: A Flat Rigid Plate is a Universal Planar Manipulator. ICRA 1998: 1471-1477
61 Eric Paulos, John F. Canny: Designing Personal Tele-Embodiment. ICRA 1998: 3173-3178
60 Dan Reznik, John F. Canny: The Coulomb Pump: a Novel Parts Feeding Method Using a Horizontally-Vibrating Surface. ICRA 1998: 869-874
59EEEric Paulos, John F. Canny, Eduardo Kac, Kenneth Y. Goldberg, Mark Pauline: Interfacing reality: exploring emerging trends between humans and machines (panel). SIGGRAPH 1997: 448-451
58 Ioannis Z. Emiris, John F. Canny, Raimund Seidel: Efficient Perturbations for Handling Geometric Degeneracies. Algorithmica 19(1/2): 219-242 (1997)
57 Aaron S. Wallack, John F. Canny: Planning for Modular and Hybrid Fixture. Algorithmica 19(1/2): 40-60 (1997)
56 Aaron S. Wallack, John F. Canny: Generalized Polyhedral Object Recognition and Localization Using Crossbeam Sensing. I. J. Robotic Res. 16(4): 473-496 (1997)
55 Aaron S. Wallack, John F. Canny: Object Recognition and Localization from Scanning Beam Sensors. I. J. Robotic Res. 16(5): 631-659 (1997)
54EEEric Paulos, John F. Canny: Ubiquitous tele-embodiment: applications and implications. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 46(6): 861-877 (1997)
53EEBrian Mirtich, John F. Canny: Testing Control Systems Through Dynamic Simulation. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: V-5-V-6
52 Philippe Moutarlier, Brian Mirtich, John F. Canny: Shortest Paths for a Car-like Robot to Manifolds in Configuration Space. I. J. Robotic Res. 15(1): 36-60 (1996)
51 Aaron S. Wallack, John F. Canny: Object Recognition and Localization from Scanning Bem Sensors. ICRA 1995: 247-254
50EEBrian Mirtich, John F. Canny: Impulse-Based Simulation of Rigid Bodies. SI3D 1995: 181-188, 217
49 Ioannis Z. Emiris, John F. Canny: Efficient Inceremtal Algorithms for the Sparse Resultant and the Mixed Volume. J. Symb. Comput. 20(2): 117-149 (1995)
48 Ioannis Z. Emiris, John F. Canny: A General Approach to Removing Degeneracies. SIAM J. Comput. 24(3): 650-664 (1995)
47 Ashutosh Rege, John F. Canny: A Practical Algorithm for Geometric Theorem Proving. AISMC 1994: 10-17
46 Elon Rimon, John F. Canny: Construction of C-Space Roadmaps from Local Sensory Data - What Should the Sensors Look For? ICRA 1994: 117-123
45 Eric Paulos, John F. Canny: Accurate Insertion Strategies Using Simple Optical Sensors. ICRA 1994: 1656-1662
44 John F. Canny, Kenneth Y. Goldberg: "RISC" for Industrial Robotics: Recent Results and Open Problems. ICRA 1994: 1951-1958
43 Aaron S. Wallack, John F. Canny: Planning for Modular and Hybrid Fixtures. ICRA 1994: 520-527
42 Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: Fast Contact Determination in Dynamic Environments. ICRA 1994: 602-608
41 Brian Mirtich, John F. Canny: Easily Computable Optimum Grasps in 2-D and 3-D. ICRA 1994: 739-747
40 David Parsons, John F. Canny: Geometric Problems in Molecular Biology and Robotics. ISMB 1994: 322-330
39 John F. Canny, Ioannis Z. Emiris: An Efficient Algorithm for the Sparse Mixed Resultant. AAECC 1993: 89-104
38 Aaron S. Wallack, John F. Canny, Dinesh Manocha: Object Localisation Using Crossbeam Sensing. ICRA (1) 1993: 692-699
37EEIoannis Z. Emiris, John F. Canny: A Practical Method for the Sparse Resultant. ISSAC 1993: 183-192
36 John F. Canny, Ming C. Lin: An Opportunistic Global Path Planner. Algorithmica 10(2-4): 102-120 (1993)
35 John F. Canny: Improved Algorithms for Sign Determination and Existential Quantifier Elimination. Comput. J. 36(5): 409-418 (1993)
34 John F. Canny: Computing Roadmaps of General Semi-Algebraic Sets. Comput. J. 36(5): 504-514 (1993)
33EEBruce Randall Donald, Patrick G. Xavier, John F. Canny, John H. Reif: Kinodynamic Motion Planning. J. ACM 40(5): 1048-1066 (1993)
32 Chandrajit L. Bajaj, John F. Canny, Thomas Garrity, Joe D. Warren: Factoring Rational Polynomials Over the Complex Numbers. SIAM J. Comput. 22(2): 318-331 (1993)
31EEDinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: Multipolynomial Resultants and Linear Algebra. ISSAC 1992: 158-167
30EEJohn F. Canny, Bruce Randall Donald, Eugene K. Ressler: A Rational Rotation Method for Robust Geometric Algorithms. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1992: 251-260
29EEIoannis Z. Emiris, John F. Canny: An Efficient Approach to Removing Geometric Degeneracies. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1992: 74-82
28EEDinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: Detecting cusps and inflection points in curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 9(1): 1-24 (1992)
27EEDinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: Algorithm for implicitizing rational parametric surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 9(1): 25-50 (1992)
26 John F. Canny, Dinesh Manocha: Implicit Representation of Rational Parametric Surfaces. J. Symb. Comput. 13(5): 485-510 (1992)
25 John F. Canny: An Improved Sign Determination Algorithm. AAECC 1991: 108-117
24 John F. Canny: Computing Roadmaps of General Semi-Algebraic Sets. AAECC 1991: 94-107
23 Ioannis Z. Emiris, John F. Canny: A General Approach to Removing Degeneracies FOCS 1991: 405-413
22EEDinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: Efficient Techniques for Multipolynomial Resultant Algorithms. ISSAC 1991: 86-95
21EEJohn F. Canny, J. Maurice Rojas: An Optimal Condition for Determining the Exact Number of Roots of a Polynomial System. ISSAC 1991: 96-102
20EEDinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: A new approach for surface intersection. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1991: 209-219
19 John F. Canny, D. Yu. Grigor'ev, Nikolai Vorobjov: Finding Connected Components of a Simialgebraic Set in Subexponential Time. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 2: 217-238 (1991)
18EEDinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: Rational curves with polynomial parameterization. Computer-Aided Design 23(9): 645-652 (1991)
17 John F. Canny, Ashutosh Rege, John H. Reif: An Exact Algorithm for Kinodynamic Planning in the Plane. Discrete & Computational Geometry 6: 461-484 (1991)
16EEZiv Gigus, John F. Canny, Raimund Seidel: Efficiently Computing and Representing Aspect Graphs of Polyhedral Objects. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(6): 542-551 (1991)
15 Dinesh Manocha, John F. Canny: A new approach for surface intersection. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 1(4): 491-516 (1991)
14EEJohn F. Canny, Ashutosh Rege, John H. Reif: An Exact Algorithm for Kinodynamic Planning in the Plane. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1990: 271-280
13 John F. Canny: Generalised Characteristic Polynomials. J. Symb. Comput. 9(3): 241-250 (1990)
12EEJohn F. Canny, Erich Kaltofen, Yagati N. Lakshman: Solving Systems of Nonlinear Polynomial Equations Faster. ISSAC 1989: 121-128
11EEChandrajit L. Bajaj, John F. Canny, R. Garrity, Joe D. Warren: Factoring Rational Polynomials over the Complexes. ISSAC 1989: 81-90
10 John F. Canny, Bruce Randall Donald, John H. Reif, Patrick G. Xavier: On the Complexity of Kinodynamic Planning FOCS 1988: 306-316
9 John F. Canny: Generalized Characteristic Polynomials. ISSAC 1988: 293-299
8 John F. Canny: Some Algebraic and Geometric Computations in PSPACE STOC 1988: 460-467
7 John F. Canny: Constructing Roadmaps of Semi-Algebraic Sets I: Completeness. Artif. Intell. 37(1-3): 203-222 (1988)
6 John F. Canny, Bruce Randall Donald: Simplified Voronoi Diagrams. Discrete & Computational Geometry 3: 219-236 (1988)
5 John F. Canny: A New Algebraic Method for Robot Motion Planning and Real Geometry FOCS 1987: 39-48
4 John F. Canny, John H. Reif: New Lower Bound Techniques for Robot Motion Planning Problems FOCS 1987: 49-60
3EEJohn F. Canny, Bruce Randall Donald: Simplified Voronoi Diagrams. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1987: 153-161
2 John F. Canny: On Detecting Collisions Between Polyhedra. ECAI 1984: 95-104
1 John F. Canny: A Variational Approach to Edge Detection. AAAI 1983: 54-58

Coauthor Index

1Arvin Agah [68]
2Aishvarya Agarwal [105]
3Sheetal K. Agarwal [104]
4Ryan Aipperspach [86] [88]
5Chandrajit L. Bajaj [11] [32]
6Francesca Barrientos [69] [74]
7Carrie Burgener [84]
8Guy Campbell [84]
9Andy Carle [94]
10Ana Ramírez Chang [106]
11Keng-hao Chang [93]
12Apala Lahiri Chavan [104]
13Mike Y. Chen [93]
14Jane Chiu [82] [101]
15Michael J. Clancy [94]
16Elliot Cohen [88]
17Joanie B. Connell [71]
18Marc Davis [83] [84]
19Varun Devanathan [100]
20Ellen Yi-Luen Do [75]
21Bruce Randall Donald [3] [6] [10] [30] [33]
22Yitao Duan [77] [89] [90] [95] [96] [97] [102]
23Ioannis Z. Emiris [23] [29] [37] [39] [48] [49] [58] [64]
24Scott Fisher [84]
25James F. Frankel [101]
26R. Garrity [11]
27Thomas Garrity [32]
28Ziv Gigus [16]
29Daniel Glaser [82]
30Daniel C. Glaser [75]
31Kenneth Y. Goldberg [44] [59]
32Nathaniel Good (Nathan Good) [83] [84]
33D. Yu. Grigor'ev [19]
34Nancy A. Van House [84]
35Alastair Iles [82]
36Rajkumar Janakiraman [83]
37Eduardo Kac [59]
38Erich Kaltofen [12]
39Matthew Kam [80] [82] [100] [101] [105] [108]
40Simon King [83] [84]
41Anuj Kumar [105] [108]
42Yagati N. Lakshman [12]
43Siddhartha Lal [105]
44Ming C. Lin [36] [42]
45Dinesh Manocha [15] [18] [20] [22] [26] [27] [28] [31] [38] [42]
46Akhil Mathur [105] [108]
47Gerald A. Mendelsohn [71]
48Brian Mirtich [41] [50] [52] [53]
49Philippe Moutarlier [52]
50Rahul Nair [84]
51David T. Nguyen [81] [99] [107]
52David Parsons [40]
53Mark Pauline [59]
54Eric Paulos [45] [54] [59] [61] [63] [66] [67]
55Nitendra Rajput [104]
56Divya Ramachandran [80] [100] [101] [103]
57Tye Rattenbury [86] [98]
58Ashutosh Rege [14] [17] [47]
59Nick Reid [84]
60John H. Reif [4] [10] [14] [17] [33]
61Eugene K. Ressler [30]
62Dan Reznik [60] [62] [70]
63Elon Rimon [46]
64Bruce Rinehart [84]
65Richard W. Robins [71]
66J. Maurice Rojas [21]
67Urvashi Sahni [80]
68Raimund Seidel [16] [58]
69Michael Smith [83]
70Stephen Sorkin [78]
71Rachel Strickland [84]
72Roger Tan [75]
73Orna Tarshish [82]
74Anuj Tewari [100] [105]
75Eric Tse [82]
76Nikolai Vorobjov [19]
77Aaron S. Wallack [38] [43] [51] [55] [56] [57]
78Jingtao Wang [79] [82] [87] [91] [92]
79Joe D. Warren [11] [32]
80Allison Woodruff [86]
81Patrick G. Xavier [10] [33]
82Shumin Zhai [87]
83Justin Z. Zhan [97]
84Yan Zhuang [65]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)