
Heyoung Lee

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5EEKwang-Hyun Park, Zeungnam Bien, Ju-Jang Lee, Byung Kook Kim, Jong-Tae Lim, Jin-Oh Kim, Heyoung Lee, Dimitar H. Stefanov, Dae-Jin Kim, Jin-Woo Jung, Jun-Hyeong Do, Kap-Ho Seo, Chong Hui Kim, Won-Gyu Song, Woo-Jun Lee: Robotic smart house to assist people with movement disabilities. Auton. Robots 22(2): 183-198 (2007)
4EEHeyoung Lee, Zeungnam Bien: Linear time-varying filter with variable bandwidth. ISCAS 2006
3 Dong-Oh Kang, Sung-Hun Kim, Heyoung Lee, Zeungnam Bien: Multiobjective Navigation of a Guide Mobile Robot for the Visually Impaired Based on Intention Inference of Obstacles. Auton. Robots 10(2): 213-230 (2001)
2EEWon-Kyung Song, Heyoung Lee, Zeungnam Bien: KARES: Intelligent wheelchair-mounted robotic arm system using vision and force sensor. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 28(1): 83-94 (1999)
1EEHeyoung Lee, Zeungnam Bien: On the eigenstructure of linear quasi-time-invariant systems. Int. J. Systems Science 29(8): 873-887 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Zeungnam Bien [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Jun-Hyeong Do [5]
3Jin-Woo Jung [5]
4Dong-Oh Kang [3]
5Byung Kook Kim [5]
6Chong Hui Kim [5]
7Dae-Jin Kim [5]
8Jin-Oh Kim [5]
9Sung-Hun Kim [3]
10Ju-Jang Lee [5]
11Woo-Jun Lee [5]
12Jong-Tae Lim [5]
13Kwang-Hyun Park [5]
14Kap-Ho Seo [5]
15Won-Gyu Song [5]
16Won-Kyung Song [2]
17Dimitar H. Stefanov [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)